10$ customs for 3 cans

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  • stew.12
    • May 2008
    • 92

    10$ customs for 3 cans

    I've always ordered from the Northerner, 5 cans or less. Every package has passed customs(Canada) with no fees, until now.

    3 cans cost me 10$ in charges, almost making the cost 8$ per can.

    Should I order less? Or did I just get unlucky.
  • captncaveman
    • Jul 2008
    • 924

    Good question. I would like an answer too. Every oder of mine have been 20-30 cans. I just recently been dinged with $38. I believe its being unlucky but if ordering smaller amounts more frequently keeps the tax man at bay then that would be the obvious choice. I think Canadian customs just needed to fill a quota.


    • darkwing
      • Oct 2007
      • 415

      Maybe there is a pattern here - I have been hit with duties on my last 3 orders into Canada, whereas it was rare before. Perhaps Customs is being more vigilant. Let's hope not...


      • thatguyjeff
        • Jun 2008
        • 103

        Could it be due to an annual grace in the amount that is being imported?

        I know that when you reimport cigs into the US, the first 200 cigs are duty free (or something like that). With Minnesota taxes, the first $700 worth of imported tobacco per year is tax free. Maybe you are hitting some limit where now the duty/tarriffs are kicking in for the year?


        • captncaveman
          • Jul 2008
          • 924

          Its a pattern for me now, ten tins go threw ten tins get f'd by the man. Got another order waiting for me in the post office with a $46.10 tax bill. Now snus isn't any cheaper than smoking (for me) but all in all i will stick with the snus.


          • holnrew
            • Jul 2008
            • 613

            It's the price we pay in the EU :P Only fair really :wink:

