best import method???

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  • cb650
    • Jul 2008
    • 74 best import method???

    Hey all...I'm from Canada but our government seems to roll over and follow suit with US government stuff...possibly customs procedure also...I've gotten my first ever Buysnus order (ecstatic!!!) And just placed another. Have any of you boys had customs issues you can school me on? THANKS A MILLION
  • ponysoprano
    • Jul 2008
    • 562

    Man I was sold on buysnus before, but after today, I really think these people have their "sh!t" together. Check it; I placed my 3rd order from today, I got a browser stall and they had problems recieving my payment, I backtracked and got several error messages. I checked my order history and today's order didn't show so I shot them a friendly but worried email. Only a few hours later I got a great, comprehensive email from Jennifer Eriksson, one of their great customer service folks. She explained that their system had some problems connecting to my bank but that she had caught the issue before I even emailed her. Everything was resolved same day and my order will be shipped tomorrow. I love the fact that they are ENGLISH proficient customer service people. I don't want to come across as racist or nationalistic, but I've had SO many bad experiences with Indian outsourced customer service, particularly with the bank, HSBC that runs Guitar Center's credit card program. I sent Jennifer and the crew an email of profound thanks, telling them also that many of you guys on this forum love them too. I live near Seattle and my previous 2 orders have arrived at my doorstep (our mailman is cool like that) unopened and unmolested since their journey from Lidkoping (sorry no umlaut, I'm lazy).


    • cb650
      • Jul 2008
      • 74

      Hey Seattle

      Hows tricks down in Seattle anyhow? haven't been in a few years...great party town when I was young...cruisin' the U district in a '69 Camaro!!!
      I hear nothing but good things about thanks for the prompt feedback


      • ponysoprano
        • Jul 2008
        • 562

        I'm a Seattle native living down South on the water. I do spend a fait amount of time recording music with a budy in his Queen Anne home studio though, but alas, things get drank, things get smoked and snus gets chewed...we don't really go out too much when I'm over there. The U-dist. is kind of being gentrified, ya know elitist little coffee houses and trendy chain restaurants, but you can't take the college party spirit out of a college town! I went to pick up my computer on the Ave at the u bookstore last week and saw a cop breaking up a fight between a drunk frat boy and a drunk homeless dude, there's still adventure to be had in Seattle despite the yuppie condo art house crowd that invaded from California with the rise of Microsoft! Seattle is great though, cool enough that I've never moved anywhere further than 2 hours away from the city itself! Re;buysnus, I just got a shipping conf. email for that order earlier today.


        • cb650
          • Jul 2008
          • 74


          up here in vancouver it's simmilar with the f#ckn coffehouse thing...f#ckn Starbucks..Lol. seems you have to go to a private owned joint to escape the pretentious wannabe status seeking yuppie muckedymucks. Up here we inherited the wannabe "gangsta" thing from Cali....everyone forgot the real direction a ballcap should point. hahaha. I'ts good to settle for bein' a lowly snus junkie. Nuthin like quiet contemplation with ol' uncle Gustavus' White portion....MMmmmmm...


          • ponysoprano
            • Jul 2008
            • 562

            Well said, my brother had a girlfriend in Vancouver and they had similar sentiments. I'm struggling to teach my teenage nephew to pull up his pants and wear his cap properly! But then again, I had blue hair at his age, so I shouldn't judge his personal style, no matter how derivative or poser-like!


            • captncaveman
              • Jul 2008
              • 924

              I am a fan and canadian but right now getting ****ed by the tax man. 5 tins just cost me $38 in taxes, and i have been waiting for ever for my next 20 tins i am sure the tax man has it too. I got a tin today, for some reason just one?? the envelope was open by the man once again. I am sure the rest of my snus got a good **** over. I am not impressed. Its not's fault its our gov being pricks (and right now in the news the rcmp and that tobacco investigation, thats one reason for this i believe).


              • cb650
                • Jul 2008
                • 74

                re capncaveman

                DUDE! that's bogus!!! 2.oo increase across the board for smokes AND all tobacco prod. I FREAKED when the dude said 10.something for a measly 15g tin of cope...that's when I hit the Buysnus website. F#CKIN' Imperialist hordes...they'll tax us to death on fresh air when they figure out how...wait they already do!!! Aircare program and carbon tax in lower BC...AAAAAAARRRrrrrgggggghhhhhhh...!!!


                • captncaveman
                  • Jul 2008
                  • 924

                  The last tin of copenhagen i bought was $11.81 in Fort McMurray Alberta. I would go threw 2 tins a day too. I bitch and complain about my snus getting taxed here or there but when it comes down to it, its still cheaper.


                  • cb650
                    • Jul 2008
                    • 74


                    yep... rocks
                    :? snusing happily!


                    • GenuineSpirit
                      • Jun 2008
                      • 225

                      I hope and customs work as well for you in Canada as they do here in the USA.


                      • ponysoprano
                        • Jul 2008
                        • 562

                        Just got my order from It's typically taken 6 days from the day the order has been placed to reach me here on the West Coast. this time, it took 5, I was surprised to see the mail lady walking up with that distinctive envelope today, albeit an hour later than usual. I'm really loving the Gotlandssnus Green portion. The Skruf strong is great too, saving the rest of the order in cold storage. Was it Sagedil that described the Gotland's Green as 'bitter apple'? Yeah that's about as close as I can come to an accurate descriptor. It quite literally has a 'green' taste. The can is cool too, with a detailed ram etched onto the gray plastic. The smell is heaven.


                        • Lanci3250
                          Banned Users
                          • Oct 2007
                          • 48

                          When I have ordered from buysnus, i typically use the postal service. If you do the UPS thing, you will get a bill for customs fees.


                          • captncaveman
                            • Jul 2008
                            • 924

                            I never use the UPS, still get nailed by customs

