Hi, I guess this is not possible, but anybody knows if there is any chance to get some brands like General or Ettan from Spain? the only brands I can buy online are the ones from V2 Tobacco and I´m wishing to try some other brands. Thank you!
Swedish match products to EU?
Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden ABI never said thatand i do not think that as well.
It is damn good snus................and the logical option for those in the EUWhen it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers
How are you able to get any snus that cheap?
Originally posted by hokiehi82I can readily get SM products for cheap here but still choose to order odens. Right now general is still 99 cents a can for me and I've bought about 10 cans of it. If the ups man will every show up I have about 40 cans of gn products en route. That has to tell you something.
Originally posted by ZubenelgenubiI have thought in this option but I contacted Northerner and they told me that Skruf is available to be shipped to the EU until the stock runs out. Do you know any other place to buy Skruf?
i ordered 60 cans of Skruf Stark from Northerner... only other way is to fly to Sweden.
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