Introduction and apology

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  • sgreger1
    • Mar 2009
    • 9451

    Originally posted by Roo
    Dude, you're nuts, don't do that. I am still getting my snus delivered in 72 hours at $4/can, and that's with the $33 2-day shipping (the slower UPS option is $31 lol. One dollar well spent). All you have to do is buy like 4 rolls. General sucks balls, and so does $6/can. It's $8.75 here and only for the most dire emergencies. And don't ever buy the coffin shaped tin! Whatever the hell that is. I paid like 6 bucks the other day, before I received my order (and my paycheck), for like 12 small, white pouches of General. I had one left this morning and I threw it away. Garbage.

    Yah general does suck balls. I kind of like their wintergreen one as a snack snus but yah i've been pretty miserable snussing nothing but general original for the past like 6 months.

    And you get it for $4 a can WITH 2-day shipping? Damn I need to look into that, my problem is always that it takes like 7-9 business days to get to me and I never plan enough in advance lol.

    And yah those coffin shaped tin things are the worst. My tobacco shop got a bunch of them that were labeled as "trial" tins and they SOLD THEM FOR FULL PRICE anyways. I bought one because it was a diff flavor I forget the name) but it was definitely not worth it and I was immediately pissed I spend the money on it.

    So where do you order yours from? Maybe I will try ordering online again, I am back up to like a can a day so $6x30 you do the math... It's not very cheap lol.


    • sgreger1
      • Mar 2009
      • 9451

      Originally posted by Snus6930
      And the whole thing with offering mainly V2 products and these "purified snus" things is a bit naff if im honest.
      Yah "purified snus" sounds like some stupid marketing gimick like the "smart water" they sell here.


      • mistahARK
        • Aug 2012
        • 56


        I guess that's that.

        I was ready to give them my business back as soon as those issues were resolved too. They're the cheapest online snus source. Unfortunately, cheap isn't worth getting *shitty* snus with every order.


        • Premium Parrots
          Super Moderators
          • Feb 2008
          • 9759

          The cheapest I can get snus from buysnus is about $4.40 and thats if you buy 9 rolls. buy less than or more than 9 rolls the price goes up to $4.67 or more. If I put 20 rolls in my cart the price is $4.50. There is no way for me to order from buysnus for less than $4.40.

          When I buy snus I always make large orders. Everytime I compare the prices from northerner and buysnus with these orders generally both suppliers are within just a few dollars of each other. Currently northerner and buysnus are both having sales or special discounts. On a $400 dollar order the differance between the two was only about $6 on that $400 order, buysnus always being more expensive. The two companies seem to always be close on price when you calculate shipping and all. Buysnus is usually a bit higher but not enough to make me want to order thru northerner and risk waiting a month to recieve my orders.....or maybe not get it at all.

          just sayin
          Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

          I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


          • texasmade
            • Jan 2009
            • 4159

            Still haven't heard back. Feb 23 to mar 3. one interaction where they asked for the order number. I'm trying to be patient, but I'm but getting any responses. I just want my snus.


            • Roo
              • Jun 2008
              • 3446

              Originally posted by Premium Parrots
              The cheapest I can get snus from buysnus is about $4.40 and thats if you buy 9 rolls. buy less than or more than 9 rolls the price goes up to $4.67 or more. If I put 20 rolls in my cart the price is $4.50. There is no way for me to order from buysnus for less than $4.40.

              When I buy snus I always make large orders. Everytime I compare the prices from northerner and buysnus with these orders generally both suppliers are within just a few dollars of each other. Currently northerner and buysnus are both having sales or special discounts. On a $400 dollar order the differance between the two was only about $6 on that $400 order, buysnus always being more expensive. The two companies seem to always be close on price when you calculate shipping and all. Buysnus is usually a bit higher but not enough to make me want to order thru northerner and risk waiting a month to recieve my orders.....or maybe not get it at all.

              just sayin
              So you're saying that the percentage at which buysnus overcharges compared to the price of northerner is about exactly what your state charges in tobacco taxes? Lucky you! My $160 buysnus orders would be about $300 at Northerner and take oh I'd say 25 times as long to get here lol. 75 days.... That sound about right?


              • Premium Parrots
                Super Moderators
                • Feb 2008
                • 9759

                Originally posted by Roo
                So you're saying that the percentage at which buysnus overcharges compared to the price of northerner is about exactly what your state charges in tobacco taxes? Lucky you! My $160 buysnus orders would be about $300 at Northerner and take oh I'd say 25 times as long to get here lol. 75 days.... That sound about right?

                yea the price from both outfits always comes out about the same in Illinois.
                Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                • John Boy
                  • Nov 2012
                  • 36

                  Originally posted by Snus6930
                  Id also like to raise a question about General on the drop down list. Its listed as General USA. I was wondering if this was just a technical hick up and its been wrongly placed on the United Kingdoms section or if it is genuinely available to us in the EU..?
                  I was wondering the same. I won't be using Northerner again for the time being, even if I wanted to, every time I try, it keeps logging me out and emptying my cart


                  • CzechCzar
                    • Jun 2010
                    • 1144

                    That is in a best-case scenario...

                    Originally posted by Roo
                    So you're saying that the percentage at which buysnus overcharges compared to the price of northerner is about exactly what your state charges in tobacco taxes? Lucky you! My $160 buysnus orders would be about $300 at Northerner and take oh I'd say 25 times as long to get here lol. 75 days.... That sound about right?


                    • squeezyjohn
                      • Jan 2008
                      • 2497

                      Hi Rob,

                      3 weeks ago in your initial post you wrote:
                      Originally posted by Northerner_ops
                      Due to a very large and trying upgrade to our E Commerce software recently, we realized there have been a few glitches that caused major issues with ordering and our customer’s ability to see updates in the orders. We have identified the issues causing this and have already remedied the majority of them and are working to get all of them resolved very soon.
                      The problems seem to still be there. I was browsing the site toying with the idea of gambling again and ordering Skruf Extra Stark portions from Northerner. They show as in stock on the listing but become out of stock when you click on it. This stock system is clearly still all over the place. We've been tantalised by the error that showed us in the UK that we could order the whole Swedish Match range again. People are putting items in their basket and then getting logged out when they try to checkout. The Northerner website is still in a very poor state of health.

                      I tried to read the bit you wrote below again and I can't make it make sense to me:
                      Originally posted by Northerner_ops
                      Another issue we resolved was with the in-stocks in our US warehouse. This was caused by us shipping from the US to our customers in the EU. We hadn't anticipated that we would see an increase of orders as fast as we did which caused us to run out of product faster than we could replenish it. We have now discontinued this method and the in-stock levels at our US warehouse will return to normal.
                      You say here that you have discontinued the method of shipping from the US to customers in the EU. But when I choose my location as the UK on the Northerner website it says that all snus apart from V2 and DOS will be shipped from the US. The UK is in the EU. Which one of these things is true?

                      There is clearly no way that any sane person would order from the Northerner site at the moment given it doesn't give accurate stock information and is broken in other ways - especially if they have already lost £150 (about $250) in snus that was delivered so old and dried up that it was unusable as was my previous experience. (still haven't heard back from you on that one yet)

                      Do you think that the problems with the Northerner website will ever be fixed so the site is functional and people can order from you with confidence? If yes, when?



                      Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


                      • CzechCzar
                        • Jun 2010
                        • 1144

                        lulz i wouldn't hold my breath

                        Originally posted by squeezyjohn
                        Hi Rob,

                        3 weeks ago in your initial post you wrote:

                        The problems seem to still be there. I was browsing the site toying with the idea of gambling again and ordering Skruf Extra Stark portions from Northerner. They show as in stock on the listing but become out of stock when you click on it. This stock system is clearly still all over the place. We've been tantalised by the error that showed us in the UK that we could order the whole Swedish Match range again. People are putting items in their basket and then getting logged out when they try to checkout. The Northerner website is still in a very poor state of health.

                        I tried to read the bit you wrote below again and I can't make it make sense to me:

                        You say here that you have discontinued the method of shipping from the US to customers in the EU. But when I choose my location as the UK on the Northerner website it says that all snus apart from V2 and DOS will be shipped from the US. The UK is in the EU. Which one of these things is true?

                        There is clearly no way that any sane person would order from the Northerner site at the moment given it doesn't give accurate stock information and is broken in other ways - especially if they have already lost £150 (about $250) in snus that was delivered so old and dried up that it was unusable as was my previous experience. (still haven't heard back from you on that one yet)

                        Do you think that the problems with the Northerner website will ever be fixed so the site is functional and people can order from you with confidence? If yes, when?




                        • Northerner_ops
                          New Member
                          • Feb 2013
                          • 6

                          Originally posted by squeezyjohn
                          Hi Rob,

                          3 weeks ago in your initial post you wrote:

                          The problems seem to still be there. I was browsing the site toying with the idea of gambling again and ordering Skruf Extra Stark portions from Northerner. They show as in stock on the listing but become out of stock when you click on it. This stock system is clearly still all over the place. We've been tantalised by the error that showed us in the UK that we could order the whole Swedish Match range again. People are putting items in their basket and then getting logged out when they try to checkout. The Northerner website is still in a very poor state of health.

                          I tried to read the bit you wrote below again and I can't make it make sense to me:

                          You say here that you have discontinued the method of shipping from the US to customers in the EU. But when I choose my location as the UK on the Northerner website it says that all snus apart from V2 and DOS will be shipped from the US. The UK is in the EU. Which one of these things is true?

                          There is clearly no way that any sane person would order from the Northerner site at the moment given it doesn't give accurate stock information and is broken in other ways - especially if they have already lost £150 (about $250) in snus that was delivered so old and dried up that it was unusable as was my previous experience. (still haven't heard back from you on that one yet)

                          Do you think that the problems with the Northerner website will ever be fixed so the site is functional and people can order from you with confidence? If yes, when?


                          Hi Squeezy,

                          I had a conference call with Sweden today to get an update on these issues. The first one they thought was corrected but obviously, it's not. Our programmers are going to see what's wrong and get this fixed as soon as possible. As for what's being shipped from the US, only Jakobsson's will be shipped from the US to ALL EU locations, everything else will be coming from Denmark.

                          I tried to send you an update via PM today but your inbox is full. Customer Service will be contacting you (if they haven't already) to remedy this. If you haven't heard from them by Wednesday, please PM me so I can follow up with it. We also discussed some changes, that you guys have suggested, that should be made to the webshop. We put them on the project list future implementation. As I get more information, I'll let you all know.

                          Best regards,



                          • squeezyjohn
                            • Jan 2008
                            • 2497

                            Rob, once again thanks for your swift reply. And it's great to have a confirmation of where the snus Northerner sends to the EU is sent from. That's the first time it has ever been explained so clearly since the EU court ruling on the case brought by the Finnish cancer charity brought the chaos we now live with.

                            It would be great if the Northerner site could give equally precise information to the customers.

                            I didn't realise my inbox was full - I'll have a tidy up now. Sorry if you've been trying to get hold of me. I have heard nothing from Northerner customer service since my last ticket with Amy.

                            Keep up the good work.


                            Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


                            • Snusdog
                              • Jun 2008
                              • 6752

                              Unless someone is sleeping with the IT person..............and she has great tits...............I would have fired that group about 20 fiascos ago and hired a competent IT group

                              They have cost you many MANY 1000s of dollars and untold loss of sales.

                              When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                              • Roo
                                • Jun 2008
                                • 3446

                                Haha well put, Dog.


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