Anyone get the Snusbag from Buysnus?

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  • sagedil
    • Nov 2007
    • 7077

    LOL, I don't WANT them to leave me alone.

    Thanks my friend. Tomorrow is just the necessary meet and greet with the agency doing the recruiting. Hopefully real interview is Monday. Supposedly the company wants to hire very quickly. They are located in downtown Raleigh, 2.3 miles from my house. I could walk to work!! That might come in handy this winter, as motorcycle is now my only mode of transportation.

    Crossing my fingers, crossing my toes. But I do well in interviews and am really good at selling myself. And I have a good story as to why I am looking right now. Won't get my hopes too much up, but am at least optimistic.


    • ponysoprano
      • Jul 2008
      • 562

      good luck SD! I'm kinda in the same boat re: weight. I'm making a comeback, minus the gym, but I have been doing a bit of hiking and some good outside stuff. It's weird but my neighbor is about 60, heavy but still a young-ish guy. He told me he stopped eating anything after 4pm, and he lost about 85 lbs. in a pretty short amount of time. I'm trying that now, where I eat a very small healthy breakfast, a big healthy lunch and no dinner. I haven't weighed but I know my body and can tell I've already lost some midline girth and my double chin is on its way out. Good luck with the job thing brother.


      • sagedil
        • Nov 2007
        • 7077

        Thanks ponysoprano,

        No hella way could I not eat anything after four. Hell, lately it's been 2 when I get up. Biggest thing for me is eating a large breakfast, my biggest meal of the day. I have 2 eggs fried with low fat cheese, 4 strips of bacon, some potatoes and sometimes a slice of bread. This keeps me from being hungry for much of the day. Lunch is usually a protean shake I make myself with soy milk and yogurt, and some frozen blueberries. Dinner is split in two. 3썰oz of steak, followed by 3oz of chicken and broccoli with cheese sauce later.

        Basically works out to about 1400 calories a day, and very high in protean, about 110 grams worth or about 31% of my daily calories. The high protean is key, as it allows me to eat the reduced calories without being too hungry. Plus, since I am hitting the weights hard, it is even more key. I weigh myself religiously, once a morning at home, and at the gym each time I go on a doctor's scale. Weigh myself the same time each time. I just get even more motivated when I can track the weight that I am losing, keeps me from cheating.

        But in the end, the only thing I care about is losing my belly and my pants size. Jeans are already getting a bit loose and I had to go one more notch on my belt :lol: :lol: :lol:

        Good luck with your venture. About 5 years ago, I lost about 65 pounds doing an aggressive Atkins approach. Was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I kept almost all of it off until these past few months, when 15 had come back, I said hell no and joined the gym.

        I'll let you know how the job situation goes. On paper, I seem to be a really good fit. We shall see. If it works, it would be very good, but if not, I will just keep plugging away. regardless, I am ready to get serious about it, so it won't be too long no mater what.

        btw, I did get to sleep a bit earlier last night, and will hopefully go down even sooner tonight. Was really tired a couple of hours ago. Unfortunately, that has passed. :?


        • RobME
          • Jul 2008
          • 387

          @ sagedil... here's some unsolicited advice, but it's good advice cause I know from personal experience.

          You can accelerate what you're doing (especially with all that gym work), by further decreasing your caloric intake, and at the same time increasing the nutritional value of your meals without becoming hungry.

          Here are two products that are absolutely the best of their kind.

          replace your lunch with this...
          and replace your dinner with this...

          BTW, I'll only reco the UltraMet chocolate, I think the other flavors suck.

          FWIW... just tryin' to help.



          • sagedil
            • Nov 2007
            • 7077

            Actually that first link is valuable to me. I already use a mix of supergreens in my protein shake I make for lunch. But that company is no longer, so needed to find a replacement for it when I run out. Looking at the ingredients the two are very similar.

            As for the other one, I can only handle one meal a way as a shake, Got to eat some real food. My 3 oz's of lean beef and 3 oz's skinless chicken give me at least the same amount of protein as the shake does, and it's real foods. Plus I get to grill which is always good. :P


            • RobME
              • Jul 2008
              • 387

              Originally posted by sagedil
              Plus I get to grill which is always good. :P
              Agreed. Well... Good luck!


              • Premium Parrots
                Super Moderators
                • Feb 2008
                • 9759

                Originally posted by sagedil
                LOL, I don't WANT them to leave me alone.........

                Hell I woke up again this morning with an old one attached to me. Women......HUH.......can't live with em................and currently they are illegal to kill in my county.
                Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                • CWC
                  • Mar 2008
                  • 114

                  Just got the snusbag with my order of Phantom today, will agree with gentlemanly that it doesn't look like the most durable thing but I could see myself actually using this. Pretty simple just something to go on your belt that is big enough for a can of snus. Only real design flaw is the belt loop could be a bit bigger I don't think it will work well with a thick leather belt. Not sure how long the vinyl on the inside will last either but still not bad especially for the price.


                  • Xobeloot
                    • Jan 2008
                    • 2542

                    Looks nice! i'll be rockin that thing on a daily basis soon.

                    How do you favor the Phantom? I see you have some Classic there.


                    • CWC
                      • Mar 2008
                      • 114

                      Hey Xobeloot, I am actually enjoying the Phantom los, that is a big surprise for me as I despise the OffRoad portions. I think I have to agree with other post, they must be loading it with crack or something because it grows on you. This is the first time trying the classic los so far so good, had to put the order in for a roll of the blue los.


                      • captncaveman
                        • Jul 2008
                        • 924

                        Been using the bag for three days, i would be lost with out it now. The reasons why people don't like phantom is because they usually don't try the loose. CWC not sure if you had blue loose yet if not you are in for a treat


                        • GenuineSpirit
                          • Jun 2008
                          • 225

                          I just used mine yesterday, when I took my children to the fair. It worked out quite well, kept my pocket free and kept the snus a bit cooler than if it was in my pocket. It was hidden by my shirt hanging over it.

                          I used it with my divider can i made and and I was set.


                          • Xobeloot
                            • Jan 2008
                            • 2542

                            Got my snusbag today. Quite nice actually.


                            • CWC
                              • Mar 2008
                              • 114

                              Been using mine for three days now, hasn't snagged on anything keeps the pockets free, love it. BY the way I have to give the Phantom (both regular and blue) a thumbs up as well, can't wait for my OffRoad Cranberry lös to get here. A frightening sign, I am enjoying V2 products Luke has switched over to the dark side. Oh V2 why doest thou bother with portions?


                              • Xobeloot
                                • Jan 2008
                                • 2542

                                The Dark Side has better parties :lol:


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