Anyone get the Snusbag from Buysnus?

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  • Mr. Unloadingzone
    • Jun 2008
    • 317

    Originally posted by Mazur
    I've ordered free snusbag recently. Grovsnus one. Very usefull gadget. I've fasten it to my belt and now I have more space in my trousers' pockets.
    I received one with my last order. Haven't tried it yet but I like how it looks, it's durable and the snus fits well in it. Only problem is its brown/redish brown and doesn't go with a lot of my clothes.

    But hey, for what I (didn't) pay for it, who am I to complain!


    • jamesstew
      • May 2008
      • 1440

      I wouldn't get one, don't want to look like Batman with a utility belt. I also don't trust people with fanny packs. Concealed-carry is the only way to go.


      • holnrew
        • Jul 2008
        • 613

        Yeah, it seems kind of middle aged to carry stuff on your belt, especially mobile phones! Apologies to anybody who does...


        • bakerbarber
          • Jun 2008
          • 1947

          Originally posted by holnrew
          Yeah, it seems kind of middle aged to carry stuff on your belt, especially mobile phones! Apologies to anybody who does...

          A bit off topic, but how about blue tooth? People walkin around with the damn thing in their ear lookin like Uhura from Star Trek.

          I'm not big on accessories myself. I gues if I was out and about a lot I would use a snus bag. Especially when wearing blue jeans. I really used to hate having to dig stuff out of my pocket after sitting aginst my leg all day. I know my pack of cigarettes would get messed up and if I had any paper money in my front pocket when it's hot out. The worst was trying to get my pack of smokes out of my front pocket while driving with a seatbelt on.


          • Xobeloot
            • Jan 2008
            • 2542

            lol... At my job I have a tape measure, folding knife, box cutter, 2-way radio and now a snusbag on my belt.

            Super stylish :lol:


            • bakerbarber
              • Jun 2008
              • 1947

              I was a production supervisor at a manufacturing plant for three years up until last Christmas when I got promoted? to an office job.

              I had an assortment on my belt too.

              I was so anal about my notepad and mechanical drafting pencil and stainless steel ruler. Everyhting had it's proper place and position.

              I even had the extensible recoil key chain on my belt. I was over-prepared.


              • Xobeloot
                • Jan 2008
                • 2542

                I just got promoted to inside sales as of this past monday. I just cant bring myself to shed all my belt toys just yet. The snus bag and my benchmade are there to stay.

                I have been pondering the idea of unstitching the grovsnus bag and using the pieces as a template to make a tooled leather one... But I think if I am going to to go that route i'll just suck it up and order from


                • lxskllr
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 13435

                  Originally posted by Xobeloot
                  I have been pondering the idea of unstitching the grovsnus bag and using the pieces as a template to make a tooled leather one... But I think if I am going to to go that route i'll just suck it up and order from
                  I used to make a lot of my own pouches for work out of leather. I'd use my old boots for material. I generally wear combat boots, so I'd end up with fairly large panels from the sides that I could work with.


                  • Xobeloot
                    • Jan 2008
                    • 2542

                    Yeah. I have a whole leather tooling kit from back in my school days.


                    • bmwgsa
                      • Jul 2008
                      • 248

                      Well, I was supposed to get the bag with my order - I guess the good news is that I got everything I ordered, just no bag (it was the freebie, no big thing).

                      I have a bag that I can put a can of snus, my phone, wallet and even clip on my keys that isn't huge if I want something small like a day-pack.

                      Other than that, I have a North Face Kanga pack that I take to work, and that holds a ton of stuff


                      • sagedil
                        • Nov 2007
                        • 7077

                        Originally posted by Xobeloot
                        I just got promoted to inside sales as of this past monday. I just cant bring myself to shed all my belt toys just yet. The snus bag and my benchmade are there to stay.

                        I have been pondering the idea of unstitching the grovsnus bag and using the pieces as a template to make a tooled leather one... But I think if I am going to to go that route i'll just suck it up and order from
                        Congratulations my friend .


                        • Xobeloot
                          • Jan 2008
                          • 2542

                          Thanks man. I guess it was more of a lateral than a promotion... Lots more shit to do for the same money, but potential for that next step up is far greater now.


                          • sagedil
                            • Nov 2007
                            • 7077

                            Then that's good. And change can be invigorating too.

                            So good stuff going on for BOTH us us, that pleases me even more.


                            • Scott674
                              • Jul 2008
                              • 26

                              Originally posted by Premium Parrots
                              I've seen the snusbag but can't bring myself to get one. First of all, I would never use it. Secondly, if anyone would ask what it is I would have to tell them "its a snusbag". Then they would think I said douchebag and then...........

                              LOL, literally.. Laughed out loud at that... I can just see it... "It's a douchebag" followed by an extremely puzzeled look of "why is he wearing feminine products on his belt?"

                              I've found my snus transporter to be my lunchbox. I throw 2-4 cans in every day, right on top of my block of ice. I've always got a nice selection of cold snus. At home it stays in the freezer, the only time I ever have to pocket a tin is when I'm not working or at home, which isn't very often. Take a lunch to work in a cooler, you'll have the perfect snus carrier!


                              • Grim
                                • Jun 2008
                                • 850

                                well i mean I would use it hunting, fishing and so on.

                                I dont see why anyone would make fun of such an item unless its a bunch of immature teenagers hanging out.

                                Even now im suprised at the amount of people who are so concerned about what others think.

                                Lifes too short to give a shit man. I do what i like and part of what i like is using snus in whatever way i see fit. People dont like , they can go
                                (insert profanity here) themselves.


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