Best recourse from oregon?

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  • eyephantom
    • Jul 2009
    • 333

    Best recourse from oregon?

    Howdy gents.

    I've been purchasing general locally for several months now. When the $1 promotion expired, that was alright because I had a hearty stockpile. When that supply dwindled, I had several buy 1 get 1, along with buy this can for $1 coupons. However, I've now exhausted my supply of coupons along with snus itself, and now find myself in a rare predicament, not seen since perhaps the beginnings of the pact act.

    It seems I must place an order. General Is $6.52 locally, which far exceeds my budget. I have quite a bit of snuff, but I'm far from satiated with snuff alone. In addition, I cannot use snuff in the work environment.

    I've contemplated smoking again for the first time in 4 or 5 years, and that my friends, is unacceptable.

    What I'm wondering is, what is the cheapest snus I can buy online. What vendor and what snus should I choose in the high tax state of oregon?

    I don't care about flavor or anything, but am wondering what you would recommend for someone as frugal as myself.

  • Kaplan
    • May 2011
    • 203

    Glancing over Northerner's prices, I see they're offering some deals on Oden's and 15% of Swedish Match. Maybe if you went with a sterk, or extra sterk, you could manage to only use six or seven portions a day. If it's $3-something a can, spread out over three days or more, that's a dollar a day habit, more or less.


    • Thunder_Snus
      • Oct 2011
      • 1316

      I'm not sure how the taxes work but best snuses with cheap prices would have to be the thunder and odens/old Ving varieties. All are strong, good, and cheap. I prefer thunder frosted. Its not even the price i really do prefer it over others. You could also scan sites like buysnus waiting for a good buy 10 get 4 or buy 20 get 10 deals they usually have. If you havent placed an order on buysnus yet you can also use the discount code "reference" to get an additional 10% off your first order.


      • lxskllr
        • Sep 2007
        • 13435

        Keep an eye on Northerner for expired snus, and other specials. Get the mixed lössnus from Buysnus. Buy a lot at one time to take the edge off of shipping.


        • Skell18
          • May 2012
          • 7067

          Originally posted by lxskllr
          Keep an eye on Northerner for expired snus, and other specials. Get the mixed lössnus from Buysnus. Buy a lot at one time to take the edge off of shipping.

          This, was just going to suggest the expired snus from northerner.


          • pouchface
            • Jul 2013
            • 150

            If you are tied to general, try Lil Brown. They're an online smoke shop. They don't cover state tax, but their base price for general, when you average it out by the can, is about half what you're paying. They have loose, op, wp, mint, wintergreen, and both the coffin can varieties.
            Also, a little bird name rick charles says they will soon be expanding their snus lineup. I pray that it's true. (Oden's, oden's, oden's, pleas god give us oden's.......)


            • rickcharles606
              • Mar 2009
              • 2307

              Originally posted by pouchface
              Also, a little bird name rick charles says they will soon be expanding their snus lineup. I pray that it's true. (Oden's, oden's, oden's, pleas god give us oden's.......)
              I'm a BIG bird, I'll have you know, lol. Also, if you have a favorite Thunder, Oden's or Jak's flavor..give Lil' Brown a call and let them know that you want it. When I spoke to them last week, they were trying to decide which brands and flavors to carry. help them make up their mind :-)


              • eyephantom
                • Jul 2009
                • 333

                I've used Lil brown in the past, their staff is fantastic. Unfortunately, they don't ship to Oregon.

                I went with 60 tins of expired snus from northerner for $88, half of which is shipping. Hopefully there is some variation and their service has improved, should be interesting to see.


                • eyephantom
                  • Jul 2009
                  • 333

                  I just realized I wasn't charged for taxes, are they no longer US based?


                  • Thunder_Snus
                    • Oct 2011
                    • 1316

                    Originally posted by eyephantom
                    I just realized I wasn't charged for taxes, are they no longer US based?
                    I don't believe so


                    • rickcharles606
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 2307

                      They are still based in the US, Lil Brown that is.


                      • Joe234
                        • Apr 2010
                        • 1948


                        I don't know where you shop in Oregon. The usual price I see is $5.99.

                        Some of the Circle K stores and small gas stations have it all over
                        the valley in Oregon now. Go to the General snus locator.

                        If you are near Portland the 82nd Ave Tobacco and Pipe have it for $5.95

                        Half head shop and half exotic cigars and stuff

                        As for going back to cigarettes; Far more expensive in my case. A pack of cigs
                        costs $5 here and a can of snus is $5.95 A can of snus will last me 2-3 days.
                        A pack of cigs will last me one day.

                        Then of course there is SnusnCentral,etc..


                        • eyephantom
                          • Jul 2009
                          • 333

                          I'm in corvallis, where it's around $6.50 in its 3-4 convenience store locations, making it one of the highest priced tobacco items. I was hoping a service like snusline for the US had emerged with free shipping, but thankfully buysnus, northerner, and snuscentral are all substantially cheaper. I was anticipating high taxes along with shipping, but it seems they are all no-longer charging tobacco taxes so I guess I'm back to ordering online for the foreseeable future.


                          • GoVegan
                            • Oct 2009
                            • 5603

                            Originally posted by pouchface
                            If you are tied to general, try Lil Brown. They're an online smoke shop. They don't cover state tax, but their base price for general, when you average it out by the can, is about half what you're paying. They have loose, op, wp, mint, wintergreen, and both the coffin can varieties.
                            Also, a little bird name rick charles says they will soon be expanding their snus lineup. I pray that it's true. (Oden's, oden's, oden's, pleas god give us oden's.......)
                            This! They do charge tax for California but its still way cheaper than paying $40.00 for shipping.


                            • eyephantom
                              • Jul 2009
                              • 333

                              Received my order from Northerner today, 60 expired tins for $88 arriving in 4 days. The snus itself was 4 rolls of skruf nordic white (licorice) and 2 rolls skruf nord 66 (sterk, basic tobacco flavored). All the snus is several weeks from expiration. I'm hesitant to throw out a recommendation here, especially considering their shaky past; but I'm incredibly satisfied with the smoothness of the transaction and the quality of the product provided, and will certainly considering ordering from them in the future. Even more so, I haven't had anything other than general in well over a year and the price was well below even pre-pact levels. The prospect of a customs charge has me somewhat worried though.


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