Ordering snus

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    Ordering snus

    Does anyone know any webshop where I can buy snus without creditcard? :? I'd really appreciate if someone coul'd help me :wink:
  • Zero
    • May 2006
    • 1522

    I'm not sure which country you are in, but if your bank has Visa Electron debit cards you can have them activated for online use. It's not a credit card, but the one you use for purchasing at stores and in cashpoints, etc. So far, though, the only snus shop that promises to use Visa Electron is http://www.snusexpress.com/, but they aren't open until august - just a demonstration site so far.

    Getting a credit card isn't hard, really, unless you have been bankrupt or have a very terrible credit history, or are just too young to be ordering snus. Otherwise, places like mastercard are practically begging to give them away.


    • littledog
      • May 2006
      • 44

      All of my online online ordering is done with a bank debit card. The card is free and has never been rejected anywhere.


      • Zero
        • May 2006
        • 1522

        yeah, switch cards the same, i guess... they're accepted at a lot of places. Is that what you use?


        • littledog
          • May 2006
          • 44

          Originally posted by Zero
          yeah, switch cards the same, i guess... they're accepted at a lot of places. Is that what you use?
          My card was a combination of Visa and bank debit. It could be used both ways. I never used the Visa so when I did try to use it, it wouldn't work as Visa said it was a closed acount due to my not using it. Like that makes any sense LOL. As a debit only it works everywhere though.

          I don't know if this helps any. It is all up to the individual bank that you get a card from I guess.



          • anweis
            • Aug 2006
            • 70

            Originally posted by littledog
            All of my online online ordering is done with a bank debit card. The card is free and has never been rejected anywhere.
            Mine too. It is also safer. I have a $300 debit card for online shopping, the most that can get stolen is $300.


            • jenssan
              New Member
              • Aug 2006
              • 1

              Cheapest snus on the net

              The cheapest site on the net at the moment is www.handlabilligare.se
              They sell at factory prices


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