Ordering snus to Estonia

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  • Chameleon

    Ordering snus to Estonia

    I saw this fantastic forum and i thought maybe you can help me with my question.
    I`m living in Estonia (i hope you know, where it`s located ) and as you know, selling-buying is not legal in Estonia. Despite the laws and government, there are still many users of snus. But most of the users use Ettan (which is not bad at all). Now I realized that a change for Ettan would be really great - StrongCut or Skruf Stark Portion.
    So I started checking in the web for ordering snus. I found several sites where from to order snus. But there was a problem - some of them are not allowed to send snus to Estonia (i mean you can`t choose Estonia as a order-destination). But still some sites are allowed to do that.
    And becouse ordering it to Estonia is quite expensive, i don`t feel like risking.

    So my question - If I order snus to Estonia, will it make its destination in Estonia?

    I stay tuned!
  • Zero
    • May 2006
    • 1522

    Try the northerner :


    They will ship to estonia and have excellent service. Snus is also banned for sale here in the UK (and all the EU) but I've never had any problems with it. I don't think that snus itself is illegal, just that you're not allowed to sell it. The northerner has a pseudo-company in america that processes the payment but they ship from sweden so it should come in a couple days. Hope this helps


    • Chameleon

      Okay, great thanks.

      BTW - which is the most strongest snus? Some people say that Skruf Stark Portion (i think the same) but some say, that StrongCut is even stronger... !?!


      • Zero
        • May 2006
        • 1522

        in portions, skruf stark is certainly one of the strongest i've tried - that and grov maxi, but the grov is just a bigger portion rather than a stronger one. Haven't tried strongcut portions, but the loose strongcut has a good kick to it, certainly!


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          grovsnus and skruf stärk = strongest portion


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