Delivery to Mexico

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  • joserra
    • May 2014
    • 191

    Delivery to Mexico

    Hi guys!

    While I was studying in Stockholm I became very fond of snus and now that I'm back in Mexico, I would like to order cans regularily from either Northerner or SnusCentral (if you have any opinions on which sit is better, I'd appreciate the feedback).

    My question is the following: is there anyone around here that has ordered snus while being in Mexico? I know that's not a very common (as I believe only 0.00000001% of mexicans are aware of the existence of snus) thing but maybe someone has. I'm asking as I am afraid that if I place an order, my shipment will never arrive because being held up in the customs office or something like that.

    Thank you very much! I'll appreciate any hints on this (as well on the Northerner vs SnusCentral question).

  • SnusnPA
    • Aug 2013
    • 106

    Originally posted by joserra View Post
    Hi guys!

    While I was studying in Stockholm I became very fond of snus and now that I'm back in Mexico, I would like to order cans regularily from either Northerner or SnusCentral (if you have any opinions on which sit is better, I'd appreciate the feedback).

    My question is the following: is there anyone around here that has ordered snus while being in Mexico? I know that's not a very common (as I believe only 0.00000001% of mexicans are aware of the existence of snus) thing but maybe someone has. I'm asking as I am afraid that if I place an order, my shipment will never arrive because being held up in the customs office or something like that.

    Thank you very much! I'll appreciate any hints on this (as well on the Northerner vs SnusCentral question).


    Chad with is running a great deal over at snus central. I'm going to be placing an order in at the end of the week I hope. That's probably your best bet. Their selection isn't as in depth as northerner but you'll have less of a pain in the arse. the other is they're a bit more expensive but everyone seems to have good dealings with them.


    • Thunder_Snus
      • Oct 2011
      • 1316

      Can't comment on snuscentral. I will tell you buysnus is amazing although I don't think peso is a currency they have listed but it still should work out. Won't comment on Northerner.

      I believe there was somebody else on here a few months ago that was trying to see if customs would allow snus to pass in mexico as well. Not sure how that ever worked out.


      • Zubenelgenubi
        • Feb 2013
        • 105

        Hola José, greetings from a spanish brother!

        Well, if no one in México knows what snus is, custom officers won´t neither know, so that´s good.

        Maybe yo can make a trial order with only one or very few cans if shipping costs are low and test if they pass the customs. That´s what I made on my first order, and only when I was sure there were no problems with customs I placed bigger orders.

        Anyway, I think you won´t have any problem, they use to ship in blank envelopes with very little information on it.



        • joserra
          • May 2014
          • 191

          Originally posted by Zubenelgenubi View Post
          Hola José, greetings from a spanish brother!

          Well, if no one in México knows what snus is, custom officers won´t neither know, so that´s good.

          Maybe yo can make a trial order with only one or very few cans if shipping costs are low and test if they pass the customs. That´s what I made on my first order, and only when I was sure there were no problems with customs I placed bigger orders.

          Anyway, I think you won´t have any problem, they use to ship in blank envelopes with very little information on it.


          Hola Zubenelgenubi, thanks for the advice, actually the guys from SnusCentral gave me the same one, that I should order the first time 5-10 cans and if they got through customs without a problem, then I'm ready to go.

          I have a specific question for you. My girlfriend is currently studying in Barcelona and she will come back to Mexico in a few months and I'm thinking of using her as a mule for carrying snus haha. Which pages ship snus to Spain? Northerner doesn't ship Swedish Match snus, is there a company that does it? Do you have trouble with customs?

          Thank you and thank everyone else that has responded either with information or with advices


          • Zubenelgenubi
            • Feb 2013
            • 105

            Originally posted by joserra View Post
            Hola Zubenelgenubi, thanks for the advice, actually the guys from SnusCentral gave me the same one, that I should order the first time 5-10 cans and if they got through customs without a problem, then I'm ready to go.

            I have a specific question for you. My girlfriend is currently studying in Barcelona and she will come back to Mexico in a few months and I'm thinking of using her as a mule for carrying snus haha. Which pages ship snus to Spain? Northerner doesn't ship Swedish Match snus, is there a company that does it? Do you have trouble with customs?

            Thank you and thank everyone else that has responded either with information or with advices
            Hola José,

            No, I´m afraid there´s no one that ships swedish match produts nor to Spain neither to any EU country, I´m sorry. I use to buy from Northerner, Snusline and more recently through Odenssnus. I never had any problem with customs, even ordering a couple of rolls. Even more, the postman always that comes to my home says:"Hi, here you have the same package as always from Sweden"

            Maybe you can use Snusline to send some snus to your girlfriend in Barcelona since the shipping costs are for free, she can carry as much as she wants on the plane, there´s no problem in customs in Spain, but I don´t know if she will have a problem at México airport ...



            • joserra
              • May 2014
              • 191

              Just as an update. Two weeks ago I decided to place an order to be shipped to Mexico, with the fear that it may not pass through customs. Today, arriving home from work the first thing I saw was a nice brown package. Great success!

              I order just 5 tins, next time I'll order 10 to see if a bigger order gets through. I ordered one ettan op, one röda lacket lös, one thunder frosted op, one prima fint and one odens extreme lös.

              Right now I have a nice pris of prima fint in, which I made with a ghetto tool. So far no problems with mudslides, it says firmly in my upper lip and tastes great (this is the first time I use loose snus).

              Anyway, good snusing!
              Last edited by joserra; 13-06-14, 05:46 AM.


              • joserra
                • May 2014
                • 191

                By the way, it's nice to try a snus without bergamot, been using general wp/wintergreen since I started snusing. It's not that I dislike bergamot but I'm a little bit tired of the flavor.


                • trebli
                  • Mar 2010
                  • 797

                  That's good news indeed. Thank you for posting your success here. It will give others in Mexico the confidence to place an order too.


                  • joserra
                    • May 2014
                    • 191

                    I just placed an 8 can order with Northerner (I don't want to place bigger orders since by doing so, the risk of getting my snus caught by customs is higher). It was basically the same Odens Extreme Kit that offers in their website. I would have loved to order with SnusCentral but sadly they don't carry a lot of GN products.

                    Keeping you updated just in case someone in the future would like to order snus to Mexico


                    • joserra
                      • May 2014
                      • 191

                      The Northerner order never arrived (it's already been more than 3 weeks), I hope it is a problem with Northerner and not the case that Customs has already identified my snus and following orders will not go through.

                      Last week I placed another order with SnusCentral (old can ettan lös edition, thunder apple melon vanilla-caramel and Gotlands Summer snus). It's supposed to arrive next week so...

                      1) If it does arrive: never ordering with Northerner again.
                      2) If it doesn't: I will never place an order from México again (luckily, I have other ways of getting my snus, either from Europe or from the US, but it is not as comfortable as receiving your snus at home). I will never order snus into México again


                      • trebli
                        • Mar 2010
                        • 797

                        What is the legal situation with importing tobacco products into Mexico? Is it legal but heavily taxed? Or outright prohibited?


                        • joserra
                          • May 2014
                          • 191

                          Originally posted by trebli View Post
                          What is the legal situation with importing tobacco products into Mexico? Is it legal but heavily taxed? Or outright prohibited?
                          I'm not 100% sure but I believe it is outright prohibited haha, I was counting on customs not catching my orders and the first one got through but it seems this time it didn't. If next week's order also doesn't go through, then I'll stop placing orders to be sent to México


                          • Burnsey
                            • Jan 2013
                            • 2572

                            Originally posted by joserra View Post
                            The Northerner order never arrived (it's already been more than 3 weeks), I hope it is a problem with Northerner and not the case that Customs has already identified my snus and following orders will not go through.

                            Last week I placed another order with SnusCentral (old can ettan lös edition, thunder apple melon vanilla-caramel and Gotlands Summer snus). It's supposed to arrive next week so...

                            1) If it does arrive: never ordering with Northerner again.
                            2) If it doesn't: I will never place an order from México again (luckily, I have other ways of getting my snus, either from Europe or from the US, but it is not as comfortable as receiving your snus at home). I will never order snus into México again
                            SC pays the duty when the snus is shipped, so you may have better luck this time.


                            • joserra
                              • May 2014
                              • 191

                              Originally posted by Burnsey View Post
                              SC pays the duty when the snus is shipped, so you may have better luck this time.
                              I spoke a little bit early... my snus arrived on saturday

                              Two packages (5 cans in one, 3 cans and a candy bag in the other one) arrived on the same day. I used (as said before) Northerner.

                              Now I'm a happy man having my Oden's Extreme portion sampler


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