snus in Los Angeles, CA?

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  • phetish
    • Aug 2006
    • 15

    snus in Los Angeles, CA?

    Hey folks...

    I was in Austin, TX last month where Camel is test marketting their snus.

    I bought a tin of their "spice" flavor, and loved it! although not a smoker, i've always enjoyed the smell of tobacco.

    The problem is that i can't find ANY snus here in Los Angeles. Lest you think, i haven't looked, I've tried about 20 different places in the last couple days! The closest i found was a shop that had a display of Oliver Twist's. I asked the guy about those, and he said: oh, those - hmmm those have been around here since i bought the store about 8 months ago...

    Anyone know where to buy snus in LA???

    Thanks in advance!

  • Zero
    • May 2006
    • 1522


    I have to order it in the UK as well. Apparently it's tough to find in america but it's impossible to find in the EU.


    • phetish
      • Aug 2006
      • 15

      hi zero -

      i actually just placed a small order on yesterday so i've got some on the way!

      but given a choice, i'd rather buy locally. i thought about looking up the locacl Swedish-American society and asking them too!



      • Zero
        • May 2006
        • 1522

        Ah, no idea, then, I've never been anywhere near L.A. Maybe just try popping into a few tobacconists and asking around. I know there's one, I think in New York, that's really swanky and sells snus like it's an arabian treasure or something :lol: Might have to look around for a posh sort of place.


        • phetish
          • Aug 2006
          • 15

          well, i tried several places in Beverly Hills thinking the same thing... fancy tobaccinist shops would be more likely to carry it. found lots of great cigars and pipe tobaccos...

          but still no luck...


          • Zero
            • May 2006
            • 1522

            well, i guess there's naught to do but get on the horn to arnie and tell him to take action - california will not stand for this injustice! 8)

            Or better yet, carpe diem - with Camel testing snus that means that clearly they are going to do the hard work of convincing americans that swedish snus is the way forward. Open your own posh snus shop in beverly hills and charge the richy lot a fair but comfortably inflated price for the real-deal imported stuff :idea:


            • anweis
              • Aug 2006
              • 70

              to my knowledge, snus is not sold in US stores. Camel snus is sold in Austin and Portland as a trial. If it sells, we may find it elsewhere.
              I order online, and i am happy.


              • phetish
                • Aug 2006
                • 15

                just an update...

                i got my snus today! Ordered about 1am on Thursday, shipped on Friday, and delivered on Wednesday... not bad!

                i only bought 2 cans though - means i'm going to have to order more soon

                as for places to buy snus in the US. I've heard that the duty free shops in some of the larger airports (LAX, etc) in the US carry snus. it's not a lock, and you have to have a plane ticket to get to the duty free shops, but it's a start! luckily, i have to travel for work about once a month, so i might actually be able to buy snus from a person

                also, has a store locator -

                Only available in NY and DC right now.



                • asgoola
                  New Member
                  • Apr 2006
                  • 2

                  hi there. if you cant fint snus in the us you shoul try skoal, the chewing tobacco. when i went to the us last year i couldnt find any snus so in my desperation i tried skoal. i just used as snus and set it in my lip. has the same effects and is really something when it has additional flavour


                  • Zero
                    • May 2006
                    • 1522

                    the only problem is that US products like Skoal and Copenhagen are all fermented tobacco products rather than pasteurised like snus so they are much higher in the compounds that cause cancers


                    • Gunners
                      New Member
                      • Aug 2006
                      • 5

                      Funny that there is no snus in LA. I have always thought that in USA snus is available almost everywere.


                      • anweis
                        • Aug 2006
                        • 70

                        Originally posted by Gunners
                        Funny that there is no snus in LA. I have always thought that in USA snus is available almost everywere.
                        Yes, we have snuff here, but not snus. They are not the same. Different manufacturing, different taste.


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