So. Despite looking at other online shops...I decided to order a lot of cans from SnusCentral. I only ordered 65 because I became paranoid about it being held up in customs, and they had created a label a few minutes later. I had left a note asking if Saturday delivery was possible, and they replied not usually, but they canceled the first label and made a new one with Saturday delivery. It was sent out same day at no extra charge. I ordered it late night on the 10th and it is going to be delivered in less then 10 hours
Just wanted to say kudos to SnusCentral and suggest it to people who may be just getting into Snus and are looking for a good place to purchase it from. Not including shipping, I'm only paying $3.00 a can. A lot better then going to Circle K and buying General Mint Regular for $5.99 + tax.
Not that it matters, but soooo looking forward to Skruf Xtra Strong White and Regular portions tomorrow
SnusCentral definitely seems to be the site to order from. I looked at the exact same order on other sites, and SnusCentral was the cheapest. I've only purchased Snus from Northerner and SnusCentral, but SC seems to be the best.

Not that it matters, but soooo looking forward to Skruf Xtra Strong White and Regular portions tomorrow

SnusCentral definitely seems to be the site to order from. I looked at the exact same order on other sites, and SnusCentral was the cheapest. I've only purchased Snus from Northerner and SnusCentral, but SC seems to be the best.
