Well, Kris
I have yet to start my own production , but am saving up for a bulk purchase from a wholeleaf tobacco wholesaler. If by wild tobacco you mean Nicotiana Rustica , then yes it would work in a sense , athough the plant has an extremely high nicotine content, so i'm not sure if using it on it's own would be viable as the strength of it might just make the snus overwhelming/ unusable. The tobacco that most commmercial snus is made from is Burley i think, it has good nicotine content for oral tobacco . You can also use Virginia tobacco , but this is Milder and has a more subtle flavour. SqueezyJohn Is the man to talk to , he makes his snus from virginia and Burley tobacco I belive , and i have been using his blog on Snus making as a resource
I have yet to start my own production , but am saving up for a bulk purchase from a wholeleaf tobacco wholesaler. If by wild tobacco you mean Nicotiana Rustica , then yes it would work in a sense , athough the plant has an extremely high nicotine content, so i'm not sure if using it on it's own would be viable as the strength of it might just make the snus overwhelming/ unusable. The tobacco that most commmercial snus is made from is Burley i think, it has good nicotine content for oral tobacco . You can also use Virginia tobacco , but this is Milder and has a more subtle flavour. SqueezyJohn Is the man to talk to , he makes his snus from virginia and Burley tobacco I belive , and i have been using his blog on Snus making as a resource