What do you guys think it would take to get icetool to sponsor or coordinate the packaging of a limited edition SnusOn forum snus, or maybe just a special SnusOn snusbag or a cool metal box with the web address. Maybe we could vote on desirable characteristics of a portion snus that we all agree on? I know, I know, but there are some portions out there that most people on here seem to agree on as quality products, whether we just like them, love them, what have you. I'd be stoked, even to have a re-usable SnusOn portion or los container with a good lid, a cool graphic and the forum name! What think ye?
How about a SnusOn.com ltd. ed. snus?
Originally posted by JasonWith all of the difference in taste here, I think a SnusOn snus would taste more than a little strange. Almost scary to think about... :shock:
Slightly OT, but what happened to the shirts? Did that fall through?
a snuson.com icetool would be great too.
Originally posted by bigmacemdwhat about a Snuson official mascot? Snussie! the friendly, pansexual, lovable snus spokesthing!
Good word man! I had to look up 'pansexual'
Originally posted by ponysopranoOriginally posted by bigmacemdwhat about a Snuson official mascot? Snussie! the friendly, pansexual, lovable snus spokesthing!
Originally posted by cocsp2002I would totally buy a snuson.com icetool; I don't know if a snusbag (snussack? mudpouch? whatever...) is for me, since I wear a uniform to work and I can't have foreign objects clipped on. I would also buy a t-shirt or hat. Probably hat more than t-shirt.
SteelBlue! good call on Cousin itt also!
I would like to see a Snuson Icetool Product honestly.'
I checked at getting a personlized icetool but you have to order like 50!!
Come on ice, give me another reason to buy something from you guys.
Maybe we should start a Snuson Rugby or Football (American) team.
The Snuson Snaggletooths. lol
Originally posted by ponysopranoOriginally posted by bigmacemdwhat about a Snuson official mascot? Snussie! the friendly, pansexual, lovable snus spokesthing!
Good word man! I had to look up 'pansexual'
What do you guys think?? He'll be on a can in no time!!
that rules! I'm gonna go out and get a full "backpiece" tattoo, featuring Snussie in all his 'pansexual' glory! hahaha!
Seriously though, bigmace has a good point, I'm willing to give los a go, but I like the discreet and clean total stealth action of portions. A re-usable, snapping lid Snuson.com container would rule! and seems like something that'd be fairly cheap and easy to produce....hopefully.