[url]www.getsnus.com[/url] This is cheap!!!

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  • johnd@getsnus
    New Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 8

    We'll have it live on the site by eod today, and yes, price is in line with General.

    Thanks mucho.


    • PrisMaster
      • May 2007
      • 208

      Hey just wanted to say I like the site and the prices are great. I am a loyal customer of Buysnus as they have the most top notch customer service I have ever seen in a company. One of my $100 dollar orders was delayed by customs for 2 weeks so they resent the whole order and 6 extra tins. Its just hard to compete with that.

      I would possibly purchase from your site if the shipping would be faster. When I order from buysnus I usually order on Sunday and receive my order on Friday. You definitely need some more los brands thats for sure. I only use los snus now. You should be able to search the post about people favorite snus to find out which is the most popular. For me its Gustavus los, Goteborg Rape los, Gotlandsnus los, General Los, and Ettan Los.

      I think your site will do well very soon and I will keep it in mind for future orders. I signed up for the newsletter on the website so I hope to hear some good stuff coming from you guys soon. Good luck and any questions feel free to ask


      • Jason
        • Jan 2008
        • 1370

        I just tried to make an order, but it looks like debit/atm type cards are not supported/accepted.....



        • cocsp2002
          • Jul 2008
          • 509

          John, if you can get your hands on Probe Whiskey los, I will be your best friend for life. This stuff is pretty awesome. Anyway, keep up the good work, and I hope to see your los selection expand in the near future!


          • Soliex
            • Jul 2008
            • 58

            I was about to place that order for $1, but don't like the idea of putting any amount of my SSN online..


            • iambacon
              New Member
              • Jun 2008
              • 5

              Originally posted by Soliex
              I was about to place that order for $1, but don't like the idea of putting any amount of my SSN online..
              HOLY COW! That right there was the deal breaker for me too. Giving out the last 4 of my SS# for "age verification" is a crock.

              What a let down. I was excited because they have what I want in stock.


              • johnd@getsnus
                New Member
                • Sep 2008
                • 8

                As everyone knows, if you're selling tobacco here in the US you might as well wear a giant scarlet letter - the government has a target on your chest. As a result of them sticking their nose into everything, age verification is the only way to save our back ends from landing in jail should some underage kid try to order online. We utilize a service called IDology, the #1 online age verification service. Last 4 digits of your social security number are used as an additional verification to confirm you are who you say you are. We are working with IDology to change the logic slightly - eg. only ask for last 4 of social if the initial verification fails. We're awaiting their feedback. (wait, this just in, the field can be optional, but if age verification fails - eg. let's say your 10-year old son has the same name as you and we're unsure if it's you or your son placing the order, the only additional way to verify is to use social....stinks I know). We're making the small change now, but in the meantime, if you're uncomfortable providing us your social online, feel free give us a call at 1-800-324-9993.

                I hope this helps, unfortunately, it's the wave of the future for all tobacco retailers, be sure to let your local congressman know. If you haven't done so already, check out a bill the House of Reps just passed - HR 4081 - it would effectively end shipments through the mail. We think (and hope and pray) it's going to stall in the Senate, but it's a very ugly bill.

                Thanks for the feedback,
                - John D.


                • cocsp2002
                  • Jul 2008
                  • 509

                  John -

                  I'm curious as to what makes you think this bill won't pass the Senate. Don't get me wrong, I'm hoping you're right, but I was wondering where you got your info. It seems to have passed the House nearly unanimously (12 against, I think), which makes people like me seem to think it'll be a popular bill in the Senate.

                  Also, should the bill pass, will we have ANY way to ship snus, whether it's from inside the US or otherwise? I've looked into it, and the wording isn't terribly clear to me. Some parts of the bill say "non-mailable" specifically, but other portions seem to allow some leeway.

                  Any clarification is greatly appreciated.


                  • johnd@getsnus
                    New Member
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 8

                    If the bill passes, taxes need to be paid to each individual state prior to shipping, which would effectively make it a bookkeeping nightmare. Plus it makes the conditions by which age verification services are used to be a government controlled process. And we all know how well government controls work. Over the past 10 years, the wine industry has figured it out, and these laws would not be overly different than what the folks at wine.com and the like face today. So, if it were to pass, we'd try to figure out the workarounds, but it ain't gonna be easy and it'll take some time, costs will go up, etc. etc. It'd be a nightmare, frankly.

                    What I hate is that in the eyes of the legislators, tobacco is tobacco, and I firmly disagree. Smokeless and cigars are vastly different from cigarettes. Anyway, the information we're getting isn't set in stone by any stretch, stranger things have happened, but we've heard that this won't be heard on the Senate floor due to massive opposition by a few major industries and groups. But yes, seeing how easily it passed the House puts my stomach in knots. Time will tell.


                    • iambacon
                      New Member
                      • Jun 2008
                      • 5

                      This bill is aimed squarely at cigarettes but smokeless tobacco will be included in the fallout. I don't know how large the tobacco lobby is these days, but if it stalls in the senate it is because the lobbyists did their job.

                      On the other hand, I doubt it will stall in the senate because Nancy Pelosi and the democratic majority want all your tax money to belong to them. Then the gov gets bigger and gets in everyones business.

                      JohnD, thanks for clearing up what the SS# thing is. I knew the first 3 digits represent geographical location of where you were born. I didn't know the others meant anything.

                      Do you turn your out of state customer records to the gov for tax purposes? Instead of collecting from the e-tailers, they have talked about going after the buyers themselves (to collect taxes) for a while now.

                      I wanted to market and sell snus online, domestically, like you, but aye aye aye... what a hassle! Let me know if you are hiring. LOL


                      • johnd@getsnus
                        New Member
                        • Sep 2008
                        • 8

                        As far as turning over customer records, we've found that the states typically file subpoenas with UPS to get information b/c they're out of jurisdiction filing directly with us since we only have nexus in PA, and thankfully, I haven't heard of that in awhile. It seems to go in spurts, when the government needs more tax money to make themselves bigger and to fund another program (or bailout), they get more aggressive. We, all of us, need to continue to pushback.


                        • airwoodstock
                          Banned Users
                          • Aug 2008
                          • 340


                          I live in IL as well and would definately purchase from you once the lös selection expands. Any update on the possibility you'll carry Skruf Stark and RL? Those are my "go to" snus and, I like the half roll deals.

                          I just signed up for the trial offer to get an idea of shipping time to my door and, didn't have to put in the last 4 of my SSN.


                          • cocsp2002
                            • Jul 2008
                            • 509

                            So, I'm on business day 5 after ordering the trial can...no snus yet...I'm going to see what I can do with an email to getsnus...


                            • toekuttr
                              • Jul 2008
                              • 197

                              Thanks John and co at GetSnus, got my free roll yesterday. I can't say exactly how long it took but was about 7 days or so since I placed it.


                              • cocsp2002
                                • Jul 2008
                                • 509

                                Yeah, I got my free can today, too...you'll all have to imagine my sheepish grin right now. Getsnus, I'll probably be placing an order with you in a couple weeks because of your awesome pricing and your incredible shipping prices. Thanks again!


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