[url]www.getsnus.com[/url] This is cheap!!!

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  • ponysoprano
    • Jul 2008
    • 562

    You came to the right place to be among fellow snus nerds for sure mackan! I do like to support American small businesses, so I probably will give them a try at some point, I was just initially turned off by all of their "not in stock" notices, but that might be a good sign that business for them is good and they underestimated American demand....and that can mean good things and more selection for snussers worldwide.


    • jamesstew
      • May 2008
      • 1440

      Originally posted by Xobeloot
      Originally posted by lxskllr
      with their lös snus, I get a strange taste in the back that reminds me of a latex balloon. It's especially noticeable in General lös, where the citrus tastes like that powder that's put in balloons, and the snus tastes like rubber :^D It's more noticeable after the snus is about 1 week old.
      What you describe is exactly what I hate about their stuff. It leaves a nasty film in my throat... makes me feel like I have a cold or something.
      I get that with many of the SM products and have discovered that I have the problem with any product that uses liquid smoke as an additive.


      • Mr. Unloadingzone
        • Jun 2008
        • 317

        Come on, maccan: wine coolers?

        Originally posted by cocsp2002
        not much selection, though, and I couldn't find out what their shipping rates were like.
        I love Swedish Match products: I've got a portion of Onyx in my mouth right now. But you know what I don't like? Deception and market manipulation at my expense. www.getsnus.com? I always check out a new site I'm considering buying from before I give them my credit card #.

        I checked them out www.getsnus.com at
        http://whois.domaintools.com/getsnus.comand and their domain name is owned by www.cigarsinternational.com And here's a quote from http://www.cigarsinternational.com/employment.asp:

        "Company Profile:
        Cigars International is a leading online & direct marketer of fine cigars, gifts, accessories, and more.
        A subsidiary of $2.3B Swedish Match AB, Cigars International is the fastest growing cigar company in the country -- come grow with us." :!:

        And it looks like they're growing already: Cigars International owns 47 other domain names and the contact email address is associated with 78 other domain name.

        Interestingly enough, the mailing address for Cigars International is the same one listed on the getsnus.com Contact page.

        Also on the Who Is page, there is a listing for a Wiki on getsnus.com:
        http://www.aboutus.org/GetsNus.com. If you click on the "Visit Website", it goes to GetSnus.com. But if you look on the Wiki page under "Title", it says "SwedishSnus.com by Swedish Match". Not Swedish Snus by Swedish Match, but SwedishSnus.com by Swedish Match.

        I'm a big SM fan but, come on, at least with SwedishSnus.com they're open about the fact it's a SM site. But sticking up all these so-called independent storefronts? They can sell cheaper than BuySnus or Northerner because they're the manufacturer. But BuySnus and Northerner both sell OTHER snus manufacturer's brands too......

        All this does is take SM volume away from BuySnus and Northerner so they have to pay higher prices to SM because of their lower volume and we end up getting screwed in the end with higher prices.

        And as to MacCan who seems to be from Sweden, do you work at the Marketing Dept. of SM or are you in charge of the "Independent eStores"?

        At least when other manufacturers make posts here, they identify who they work for.....unless they're trying to pull the same stunt you did.

        Snus may be new to most Americans, but remember, Al Gore invented the internet. And it's a real powerful research tool if you know where to look.


        • RobsanX
          • Aug 2008
          • 2030

          To me it looks like they opened an e-store for one of their warehouses in the U.S. Some folks might be apprehensive about ordering tobacco from an overseas source, and this getsnus.com provides a place in the U.S. to get SM products... I wish that the SM warehouse in Stoughton, WI would do the same thing. Then I could just stop there on my way home from work and get the snus I want.


          • johnd@getsnus
            New Member
            • Sep 2008
            • 8

            Wow, I'm floored that you guys found the website...I'm the geeker over here at GetSnus.com and Cigars International (as you'll see my name blasted all over whois) - long time snus-er, first time contributor to SnusOn.com (but I still can't bake worth a sh*t, so if you have a good tutorial send it along, I'll post it on the site and start practicing religiously). The site may be "live", why not we have some product in stock, but it's not exactly "living" yet (good luck finding us on the search engines), we have a lot of work to do.

            Over the next several months you'll see our selection dramatically expand, and not just SM products, we're an independent full service tobacco retailer, as you can see from CigarsInternational.com. But it didn't make sense to sell snus through a cigar website. Yes our selection of lös is pathetic, so product suggestions are always welcome - please send them along, I have gotten some good suggestions from a few that have actually found the site. Thanks for the candid feedback, keep it coming. Feel free to email me directly at johnd@getsnus.com as well.

            - John D.


            • RobsanX
              • Aug 2008
              • 2030

              Welcome to the forums John. I think we all enjoy interacting with the providers of our favorite tobacco product. I can see how you are in a tough position competing against the Swedish stores, but this is a good place to gauge what brands of snus are popular and what brands people tend to shy away from...


              • Mr. Unloadingzone
                • Jun 2008
                • 317

                Originally posted by RobsanX
                Welcome to the forums John. I think we all enjoy interacting with the providers of our favorite tobacco product. I can see how you are in a tough position competing against the Swedish stores, but this is a good place to gauge what brands of snus are popular and what brands people tend to shy away from...
                Although it is easier when you're owned by Swedish Match........


                • Tony
                  • Jan 2008
                  • 61

                  I've done business with Cigars International for years and there Customer Service has always been top notch with some of the best pricing in the industry. Please carry gotlands and skruf! And although I haven't tried it the Landstroms and Gellivere are raved about and not widely available on the net.


                  • Soliex
                    • Jul 2008
                    • 58

                    I might go out on a limb and order from then, seeing as they are located in PA I shouldn't have to worry about my snus being held in customs for three + weeks or so.

                    My order from the 24th of August still hasent made it home, I've been without good snus for a week now. All im stuck with is this crap I picked up from a local speedway.

                    Wonder what the shipping would be like from gotsnus.com


                    • johnd@getsnus
                      New Member
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 8

                      Hopefully I'm not being a shill by posting this, but would love to get your feedback on this. We just posted a free trial offer ($1 s/h) here:


                      More product coming soon...thanks to the few guys that emailed me, I appreciate the kudos, site changes are rolling out daily. I've been sampling product I've never tried before like a madman, I'm lovin' the Lucky Strike Red and 1847 portion sizes, plus the Phantom Blue Los. Trying to get all of these products on the shelves. Even the Mocca (flavored usually isn't my cup of tea) seems to be damn good product. Wasn't a big fan of the US-made product Camel, which is now available at my local Sheetz, it was mild but pleasant, but not nearly enough kick for me. Yet, I've gotten quite a few requests to carry it. More to come.

                      - John D.


                      • snusfather
                        • Jun 2008
                        • 227

                        Afternoon John.
                        I grew up in Shippensburg, PA. (near Harrisburg). My family all live in Erie PA. I am living in exile (IL.) . Boy I miss PA.

                        Any way, I would love to use your service once you carry more varietys. I think you will find that the avarage American snus user loves variety and rarely sticks to the same brand and flavor can after can.

                        -Kind regards.


                        • Jason
                          • Jan 2008
                          • 1370

                          Interesting....Buysnus will always be my mainstay, but I'm always willing to help out the local boys. 8) I kind of like the "half-a-roll" deals; ten tins of the same thing doesn't really work for me, which is why I have never received enough points for the discount at Buysnus.

                          *edit* I forgot to ask what your exp. dates look like, because the product at the tobacco shop local to me is almost always around a week away from expiring.


                          • cocsp2002
                            • Jul 2008
                            • 509

                            john, thank you for posting the link about your trial offer! I had looked at the getsnus site before, but written it off as you don't have much los variety, but when I saw your shipping charge schedule, I realized that yes, General is my favorite snus, and yes, the price you have can't be beat! Personally though, I'd be a lot more likely to use the site if I could get my Ettan los there as well. IMO, I think you should just go for the entire Swedish Match los spread: ettan, general, roda lacket, probe, grov, goteborg's prima fint and goteborg's rape. People will buy them, although I understand your focus on portions as that's where most people start.


                            • johnd@getsnus
                              New Member
                              • Sep 2008
                              • 8

                              cocsp2002 - FYI - Ettan los is expected to hit our docks on Tuesday, you're right though, definitely need more los, thanks for the suggestion.

                              Jason - exp dates are solid right now - well into December for most, freshness is obviously key and if we're sitting on old product, we're not doing our jobs. We'll thrive to consistently deliver quality, and as you've noticed with other sites, we expect to hear it from you as well if we falter in any area, especially this one.

                              Thanks all for the honest feedback.


                              • snusfather
                                • Jun 2008
                                • 227

                                Originally posted by johnd@getsnus
                                cocsp2002 - FYI - Ettan los is expected to hit our docks on Tuesday, you're right though, definitely need more los, thanks for the suggestion.

                                Ettan just happens to be my favorite Los and I need to order more. I see that they will be in tuesday but, when can I place an order through your web site (assuming the price is right like it is with the General).
                                -Thanks in Advance


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