is snusline a good shop?

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  • vogi tobacco
    • Sep 2014
    • 78

    is snusline a good shop?

    I have tried to search this before, so forgive me for asking again.

    I have bought most of my snus from buysnus, northerner, and snuscentral. I know snusline offers free shipping world wide. Then again I have heard that some people waited about a month for their orders to come.

    I am ok with buying from snuson because I order in bulk, and usually order rolls, so I can eventually get the half off, and basically get the cans for 5 per can due to buying in bulk... BUT... I forgot to add a can of Odens Extreme los to my recent order. Is it worth making the order? I was wondering if the snus is any good. (not odens, I have had that a few times, and enjoy it.) I heard a few stories that the snus (from snusline) is dry. I was wondering if I should just wait till next months order with snuson.
  • Skell18
    • May 2012
    • 7067

    If you're in the states you can't use SNUSLINE they don't ship there.


    • Ansel
      • Feb 2011
      • 3696

      if you like support the israel conflict yes they are great...


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