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  • ravekidd69
    • Aug 2015
    • 79

    Still haven't received the email frida


    • fridanortherner
      • Feb 2015
      • 19

      Originally posted by ravekidd69 View Post
      Still haven't received the email frida
      Hi there! I sended you an email through the forum yesterday but it must have disappeared on the way, I'll try again.

      Sincerly Frida
      Last edited by fridanortherner; 11-09-15, 09:22 AM.


      • cliff0rd
        • Sep 2015
        • 98

        Until 6 monthes ago was the only site I knew to buy snus from Italy.
        Sometimes there have been problems with orders or shipments, but nothing critical (if we do not think about 10 cans never arrived from usa, but i decided to think they were confiscated because of the ban here...)
        I have to say honestly that customer care service always helped me well.
        But I sadly have to say that my last last order, made last saturday night, was the opposite of what i expected.
        Some days before i received a mail announcing for me a 40% discount and I thought to make a consistent order to stock up a good amount of snus this time.
        I was in holiday and i started to prepare my order day by day, choosing and saving products in my cart.
        At the moment i was sending my order I tryied to use the code they send me and...surprise! It was not valid!
        What you don't know is that i'm making all by smartphone but the orders, they are made by my wife's old and veeery slow pc, also crushing often.
        After all my work to make an order (1 hour and a half only to connect, choose last cans and sending the order!!) the code didn't work, it was late at night and I was tired and running out of snus, so no time to write to customer care service so i cut 2/3 of my cans, paying full price for them...
        After the payment, long and difficult on an old machine like the one i have to use, i gave a try to another site suggested me recently by a friend in a forum.
        Magic! In 20 minutes I was able to select cans, sending and paying my order and woke up in the morning finding a mail saying that the order was shipped (on sunday?! Crazy!!).
        I saved the situation of my need to stock up, with the plus of new products never seen before, less time and free shipment too!!
        The bitter in my mouth with the matter of discount code not working is still there, but now i have another site to choose from...
        I don't know if Northerner will see me again, maybe if this shipment will go well and there will not be mistakes or missing cans like in the prevoius...but i'll find really difficult to trust again in the discount codes they send me, because this time the nightmare of running out of snus and start smoking again after 16 monthes of snus was too near to me...
        I 'm telling these things to remind, expecially to myself, to not wait until the last moment to make an order, hoping in a discount to stock up a little...maybe the code will be unusable and you have to buy less at full price...
        Once again, sorry for my bad english...
        My 2 cents.
        Happy snusing
        Last edited by cliff0rd; 16-09-15, 12:09 AM.


        • squeezyjohn
          • Jan 2008
          • 2497

          Just a "one time" problem then ... again ... sigh! If you have options then shop where your brain tells you to.

          Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


          • fridanortherner
            • Feb 2015
            • 19

            Originally posted by cliff0rd View Post
            Until 6 monthes ago was the only site I knew to buy snus from Italy.
            Sometimes there have been problems with orders or shipments, but nothing critical (if we do not think about 10 cans never arrived from usa, but i decided to think they were confiscated because of the ban here...)
            I have to say honestly that customer care service always helped me well.
            But I sadly have to say that my last last order, made last saturday night, was the opposite of what i expected.
            Some days before i received a mail announcing for me a 40% discount and I thought to make a consistent order to stock up a good amount of snus this time.
            I was in holiday and i started to prepare my order day by day, choosing and saving products in my cart.
            At the moment i was sending my order I tryied to use the code they send me and...surprise! It was not valid!
            What you don't know is that i'm making all by smartphone but the orders, they are made by my wife's old and veeery slow pc, also crushing often.
            After all my work to make an order (1 hour and a half only to connect, choose last cans and sending the order!!) the code didn't work, it was late at night and I was tired and running out of snus, so no time to write to customer care service so i cut 2/3 of my cans, paying full price for them...
            After the payment, long and difficult on an old machine like the one i have to use, i gave a try to another site suggested me recently by a friend in a forum.
            Magic! In 20 minutes I was able to select cans, sending and paying my order and woke up in the morning finding a mail saying that the order was shipped (on sunday?! Crazy!!).
            I saved the situation of my need to stock up, with the plus of new products never seen before, less time and free shipment too!!
            The bitter in my mouth with the matter of discount code not working is still there, but now i have another site to choose from...
            I don't know if Northerner will see me again, maybe if this shipment will go well and there will not be mistakes or missing cans like in the prevoius...but i'll find really difficult to trust again in the discount codes they send me, because this time the nightmare of running out of snus and start smoking again after 16 monthes of snus was too near to me...
            I 'm telling these things to remind, expecially to myself, to not wait until the last moment to make an order, hoping in a discount to stock up a little...maybe the code will be unusable and you have to buy less at full price...
            Once again, sorry for my bad english...
            My 2 cents.
            Happy snusing

            I´m truly sorry for the inconvenience this caused you. All codes we sedning out are valid, so if you return with your fully name or a previous order number to I can take a closer look at it. We want you to feel safe everytime you placing an order with us and therefore I take this matter very seriously so I can do my very best to improve the buying experience for the future.

            Sincerly Frida


            • IDIOTTOAST
              • Aug 2015
              • 40

              I`ve just this week had an issue with Northerner, one out of date can in my last order.
              It`s the only issue that i have had in ten months of buying from them, and they could not have been more helpfull, and sorted the matter out very fast.
              They also gave me a code for 25% off, to be used by monday, but unfortunately i do not have any spare money to make use of it


              • cliff0rd
                • Sep 2015
                • 98

                Originally posted by fridanortherner View Post

                I´m truly sorry for the inconvenience this caused you. All codes we sedning out are valid, so if you return with your fully name or a previous order number to I can take a closer look at it. We want you to feel safe everytime you placing an order with us and therefore I take this matter very seriously so I can do my very best to improve the buying experience for the future.

                Sincerly Frida
                I wrote you Frida, thanks for your interest in my post.


                • cliff0rd
                  • Sep 2015
                  • 98

                  To tell the end of the story, I think it's right to do it.
                  Frida answered me and gave me an evidence of what a good behavior is.
                  Thank you for your time, Frida, and for what you've done for me.
                  My order arrived today, complete and fresh. Thanks again.


                  • OMICRONcc
                    New Member
                    • Sep 2015
                    • 3

                    Hi everyone a newbie here

                    I've been ordering stuff from Northern for 10 years now and I have to be honest I didn't have a single problem ever. Except I can't order Röda Lacket or General or Götteborgs Rape (Slovenia in EU = BAN) but that's it...


                    • Snusdog
                      • Jun 2008
                      • 6752

                      Originally posted by OMICRONcc View Post
                      Hi everyone a newbie here

                      I've been ordering stuff from Northern for 10 years now and I have to be honest I didn't have a single problem ever. Except I can't order Röda Lacket or General or Götteborgs Rape (Slovenia in EU = BAN) but that's it...
                      Welcome to the forum mate. Glad you joined in. Make yourself at home and have fun

                      When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                      • KevinNash
                        New Member
                        • Apr 2011
                        • 9


                        Everything is fine on my side too, Frida took care of my order perfectly, thank you very much

                        Like I said before, problem can happen but it was perfectly solved


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