Buysnus USA delivery question.

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  • Soliex
    • Jul 2008
    • 58

    Buysnus USA delivery question.

    Hey all, I've been without authentic Swedish snus since Labor Day.

    I've placed two orders with buysnus, one on 8/24 and the other on 9/3. I have yet to receive either of them.

    Just trying to figure out average shipping times to the states.

    If anyone could post their quickest and longest delivery time and their location in the states I would be very appreciative. I'm getting impatient and will try my hardest to never run out of snus again.
  • gentlemanly
    Banned Users
    • Mar 2008
    • 247

    shoot em an e-mail it usually takes about a week for me to get my orders from buysnus, and I am in Portland Oregon.


    • RobsanX
      • Aug 2008
      • 2030

      Most orders seem to take about 3 days to 4 weeks... The average time is about 5 days to week...


      • ponysoprano
        • Jul 2008
        • 562

        just South of Seattle, it's taken as long as 10 days, and my recent small loose order only took 3 days from the ship date. I did order pre-Labor day week and that was the 10 day order. I'd suspect you'll get it soon.


        • lxskllr
          • Sep 2007
          • 13435

          5 days every time for me. That's excluding weekend layovers when I don't order at a appropriate time of the week.


          • TBD
            • Jul 2008
            • 817

            Originally posted by RobsanX
            Most orders seem to take about 3 days to 4 weeks... The average time is about 5 days to week...
            That is EXACTLY my experience. 1st order took 4 weeks, 2nd order took 4 days, the rest have been around 6 days.


            • PrisMaster
              • May 2007
              • 208

              I know that buysnus had a big delay with people that ordered on 8/18/08. I had placed my order on that day and it took about 3 weeks to get it. I think it was customs that made it take so long, cause mine had a customs sticker on it. I live in Minnesota and it has never taken more then 5 days to get it. I always place my order on a saturday or sunday and always have received it on friday or saturday at the latest. The last order was the one that took 3 weeks and thats the only one that has been longer than 5 days.

              I emailed buysnus about it and they sent me 1 package with 6 free tins because of the delay. They also resent my whole order again so I am gonna get 36 extra tins I didn't order. I feel bad about it. It just took so long for my original order that I did not think it was coming.

              If your orders are delayed just email buysnus and they will make it right. They are top notch when it comes to customer service. Good luck


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