Northerner Scenario Question

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  • Razrblazr
    • May 2011
    • 16

    Northerner Scenario Question

    So early this AM, probably around 2 or something, I placed an order on Northerner for 10 cans. Long story short, as I was confirming my CC# i realised the address was an old address, no idea who lives there now. I tried to press cancel, but it as too late.

    I immediately went to helpdesk and put in a ticket to have my address changed, but the automated reply I got back, mentioned that they are swamped with tickets so it could take awhile to get around to mine. I came on here and read someone recently waited about 5 days... on Northerner facebook page, more of the same.

    If my order has a ticket attached will they see it, or do you think they won't get around to my ticket and ship my order out to the wrong address. If they do, am i just screwed out of an order? Is there anyway to circumvent standard help desk in the case of time sensitive issue? I know they are probably bombarded with tickets about people waiting for orders or getting wrong orders... but mine is more like... "PLEASE DON'T SHIP!!!" ... complete opposite.
  • psychicferret
    • Jan 2015
    • 418

    well it takes around a week for northerner to get around to shipping. so i wouldnt worry to much hopefully they will see your ticket before they ship


    • Razrblazr
      • May 2011
      • 16

      Originally posted by psychicferret View Post
      well it takes around a week for northerner to get around to shipping. so i wouldnt worry to much hopefully they will see your ticket before they ship

      hopefully. For me, i usually get my Northerner orders within 3 days of ordering...but i haven't used them in a while, and for sure not since their site/product revamp. I've never had to wait a week for shipment in the past. But maybe the backlog will be a blessing.


      • Burnsey
        • Jan 2013
        • 2572

        My alternative, if I buy from a shop that does not offer before 10 am guaranteed delivery, and I can't stay home for a day to wait, is to have the order shipped to a UPS Facility. Easy if you are a My Choice member (free).
        They have pretty good hours depending on the facility.......

