Is this common problem with UPS to Brazil?

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  • Tomtomvadafk
    • Jan 2015
    • 21

    Is this common problem with UPS to Brazil?

    Hello ppl,
    I am a Norwegian living in Brazil. Here it is impossible to get hold of snus. Last night I placed a order from Northerner, the problem is that the snus will prolly take 4 weeks for it to arrive here, then I will prolly pay additional taxes on my order (60%) The import taxes are INSANE here. Does someone know any easier way to get snus in Brazil/South America?
    "If Light be the Brightest Light... Wherefore then doth it Shadows cast?"
  • BlackBart
    • Sep 2008
    • 115

    welcome to the forum


    • Snusdog
      • Jun 2008
      • 6752

      eegads....60% is high.

      The only thing I can think of is to have someone you know at home or in the states ship it to you.

      Let us know if you find something that works.......I am sure that there will be someone else in your shoes who would like to know
      When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


      • joserra
        • May 2014
        • 191

        Hi Tomtomvadafk, I'm from Mexico (so I face the same problem as you) and I can tell you, getting snus is a pain in the ass. In Mexico, we're not allowed to have tobbaco sent to us via postal mail, but since customs either doesn't care or does a terrible job checking packages, snus doesn't have much of a problem with that.

        The problem is that packages get lost, I stop ordering snus since 3 packages in a row got lost, this week I received an order that took 2 months and a half to arrive, imagine that. The good thing is that it isn't taxed (since it is banned), so if a package doesn't get lost, you don't have to pay anything else.

        What I do to get my snus is via the US. Find someone from Brazil that goes to the US for at least 5 days, place your order and send it to them, then they can bring it to you. I don't know if it is common that you guys travel to the US, in my case since I'm in Mexico, you always find someone that goes up there (my snus is brought to me by a cousin who lives in Oklahoma and comes two times a year to Mexico and a friend who has a house in California and goes there every now and then).

        As conclusion, get it in the US and bring it/have it brought to Brazil.


        • Tomtomvadafk
          • Jan 2015
          • 21

          Originally posted by BlackBart View Post
          welcome to the forum
          Thank you It has been a real nightmare being addicted to snus here in Brazil, always depending on friends from Norway coming over bringing snus for me. But I guess my luck has changed now that I found my snusing family forum here. I have been a heavy smoker for 25 years, but since all those new legalizations about, cant smoke here or cant smoke there, I started snusing, now 100% snus only. Also becourse I got a newborn son, I stopped smoking from the first day of the pregnancy of the wifey.... *more below

          Originally posted by Snusdog View Post
          eegads....60% is high.

          The only thing I can think of is to have someone you know at home or in the states ship it to you.

          Let us know if you find something that works.......I am sure that there will be someone else in your shoes who would like to know
          Yep, the import tax here in Brazil is insane, but fortunatly I found a webpage about tips for Norwegians here in Brazil which told me to order snus online, coz the custums rarely add tax for snus. The best part: My order is about 50% cheaper (directly from Sweden than buying it in the taxfreeshop at the airport in Norway. So even if taxes are added, it will be almost the samme price anyway.... *more below

          Originally posted by joserra View Post
          Hi Tomtomvadafk, I'm from Mexico (so I face the same problem as you) and I can tell you, getting snus is a pain in the ass. In Mexico, we're not allowed to have tobbaco sent to us via postal mail, but since customs either doesn't care or does a terrible job checking packages, snus doesn't have much of a problem with that.

          The problem is that packages get lost, I stop ordering snus since 3 packages in a row got lost, this week I received an order that took 2 months and a half to arrive, imagine that. The good thing is that it isn't taxed (since it is banned), so if a package doesn't get lost, you don't have to pay anything else.

          What I do to get my snus is via the US. Find someone from Brazil that goes to the US for at least 5 days, place your order and send it to them, then they can bring it to you. I don't know if it is common that you guys travel to the US, in my case since I'm in Mexico, you always find someone that goes up there (my snus is brought to me by a cousin who lives in Oklahoma and comes two times a year to Mexico and a friend who has a house in California and goes there every now and then).

          As conclusion, get it in the US and bring it/have it brought to Brazil.
          Hi man,
          well, atleast I dont know ANY in the US or who travels there, anyway with my new discovery it would be more expencive and work (arranging, delivery ect.) to go trough "friends". My solution was:
          2 days ago I placed two orders online at and Just a roll for each (General White Portion) to test their delivery and efficiency.

          1st up
          has cheap delivery (about $10 by normal mail Sweden/Brazil) I see on my account they have made a batch order (They divide the order in 2 small packages to make it pass the customs (the total value of the package is very low). They have already sent one batch, but it will probably take some weeks before it gets here.

          2nd up (prolly going to be my favorite) was sent by UPS (express with tracking#) so the postage was a little expencive ($35 I think, but you can choose between normal or UPS during checkout). That pack is already in Germany and is scheduled to arrive at my door here in Brazil on tuesday. Since I am almost zero on snus, I chose UPS, but when I get some stock, Ill order normal post.

          Anyway, these pages rock, I have found a lot of info here. So keep on writing guys!
          Have a nice weekend!

          *PS is prolly going to be my favourite coz the UPS with tracking option. For some weird reason Northerner do NOT offer that option for you, which is strange, coz the shipping is the same (Sweden-Brazil)
          Last edited by Tomtomvadafk; 31-01-15, 06:43 AM.
          "If Light be the Brightest Light... Wherefore then doth it Shadows cast?"


          • Tomtomvadafk
            • Jan 2015
            • 21

            northerner was ordered as regular mail with no tracking, so it will probably still take another 3-4 weeks to arrive.

            mysnus was ordered a week ago as UPS, so I am following the progress. It worries me though as it was shipped from Sweden the next day, arrived in Germany, then forwarded to the US, after a short stop in 3 different states it finally appeared in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Then the worrying part: they sent it to Colombia!!! It has been there for two days now waiting for clearance. Sounds to me like it is forever lost. Unless someone can give me another idea.

            I also ordered a pack from snusline in Israel, but that seems rather like a waste of money, since the pack has been posted (according to tracking) but still remains in a deposit lot and has not moved for 3 days.

            So my question is: Has anyone here in the south America ordered snus online and recived it at all? Please PM me,
            "If Light be the Brightest Light... Wherefore then doth it Shadows cast?"


            • alopezg1
              • Jul 2013
              • 722

              I feel for you man.... it would be useful to know what countries permit importation of snus ..... on the websites you can pretty much order to any country in the world ( except EU countries ) I am thinking of living abroad next year teaching English , I want to go to Japan , then from there maybe Vietnam , Thailand , maybe India ... i have no idea what it will be like trying to get a hold of snus in these countries! at least i now know South America seems like a snus blackspot , not much help to you though i suppose , sorry


              • psychicferret
                • Jan 2015
                • 418

                The asian countrys are mad for snus according to my thai friend. Easy to get aparrently in thialand.


                • alopezg1
                  • Jul 2013
                  • 722

                  Originally posted by psychicferret View Post
                  The asian countrys are mad for snus according to my thai friend. Easy to get aparrently in thialand.
                  really ? I know they have their own smokeless products in the south Asia , like beetle nut , but they are pretty harmful , probably still much better than smoking.
                  I have been googling and apparently Japan Tobacco released a limited range of snus products onto the market a year or so ago , a regular and a mint portion... interesting
                  also in India i think the catch brand from SM is available , they consume a lot of smokeless tobacco out there , i am not sure if importing from a website would be a viable option though , maybe


                  • psychicferret
                    • Jan 2015
                    • 418

                    yep i need to get back in contact with him. idk what brands but heres a website if you go to Bangkok


                    • alopezg1
                      • Jul 2013
                      • 722

                      I see .... sounds a bit dodgy to me but that's fine ... i would just like to know if you can import to these countries from buysnus etc


                      • Andy105
                        • Nov 2013
                        • 1393

                        Japan Tobacco's all over the world, but their website says only Sweden
                        "JTI sells snus only in Sweden, where our brands are LD, Camel and Gustavus."


                        • alopezg1
                          • Jul 2013
                          • 722

                          the line is zerostyle (which doesn't sound to promising) regular and mint portions availabe... they've also got these smokeless cigarettes
                          no e-cigs but i think some kind of heat not burn thing ....


                          • Andy105
                            • Nov 2013
                            • 1393

                            Click image for larger version

Name:	image.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	31.9 KB
ID:	597639
                            Originally posted by alopezg1 View Post
                            the line is zerostyle (which doesn't sound to promising) regular and mint portions availabe... they've also got these smokeless cigarettes
                            no e-cigs but i think some kind of heat not burn thing ....
                            Nice name! Couldn't find much on it, other than it was launched in Tokyo in 2009 as "an innovative smokeless product"?
                            Maybe it's just too big of a pain to market to the west.
                            Last edited by Andy105; 07-02-15, 07:52 PM. Reason: Pic


                            • alopezg1
                              • Jul 2013
                              • 722

                              those cans are pretty cool ! i hope it takes off in japan , like Tom Waits did


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