Buysnus, Long deliveries & You

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  • Xobeloot
    • Jan 2008
    • 2542

    Buysnus, Long deliveries & You

    We all know and love Buysnus.

    We all also know that, for whatever reason, deliveries to the USA have been taking an extra long amount of time.

    With all the "what buysnus did for me" type posts surfacing these days, I cannot help but think that people reading said threads may be taking advantage of a good thing.

    We all know about the delays happening lately. All I ask is that people do not try to take advantage of Buysnus. Knowing how many people have had their orders double-shipped due to delayed shipping, it could only be a matter of time before Buysnus starts needing to recoup some of that lost money in other ways (ie increased shipping or snus prices).

    That being said, I ask al of my fellow board members to do this:

    Order plenty, and order well in advance. We know that snus keeps in the freezer. If you get it fast, freeze it. If it comes slow, you wont be left without snus.

    I know that people are not intending on taking advantage of Buysnus, but look at all the "i got a free double order" posts. Then think about how many people are doing the same thing without posting about it.

    Please don't abuse a good thing. This is all I ask of you.


  • Soliex
    • Jul 2008
    • 58

    I agree, however I had placed another order with buysnus after my 8/24 order took longer than 2 weeks. I received the second order (placed on 9/3) today before my order placed on 8/24. It also has the customs sticker on it so I know it went through customs. I e-mailed buysnus not asking for a replacement but asking if there is something I can do on my end to track down the missing shipment.

    I love buysnus and the cheap prices they offer for us Americans. I have tried to keep my orders down to at least one envelope. Which is usually 5 cans. Im a light snus user but experienced my first snus-out that lasted 2 and a half weeks, which was very unpleasent but I did not feel a withdrawal. I enjoy snus and how it makes me feel. I suppose I should start ordering maybe 2-3 envelopes full so I ensure that my stock will not run out and have another long shipping delay. I am pretty sure that first order I placed is lost in limbo and will never see it again. I guess im glad it was only around $25.

    PS, I got some phantom blue so im looking forward to trying that later. Currently enjoying my favorite so far, the cranberry Skruf!


    • Premium Parrots
      Super Moderators
      • Feb 2008
      • 9759

      FYI, Buysnus can fit probably 2 full rolls in the envelope. I know I've bought at least 17 tins at once, and it was shipped in the same envelope.
      Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

      I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


      • Jason
        • Jan 2008
        • 1370

        You know, I have to say that I have been thinking the exact same thing. I was even thinking about posting something, myself...

        My last order was ordered almost 2 weeks ago and it still hasn't shown up yet; the thing is, I seriously doubt Buysnus has anything to do with it. They emailed my confirmations just like they always do, but once the package goes out, it is pretty much beyond their control what happens after that. I had an order that had 2 tins go over the limit, so they shipped it separate; I never received it, but I didn't bother emailing them about it because I'm almost 100% sure they had nothing to do with it.

        I have had problems with international shipping before, and I'm sure I will again; that's the chance you take. Orders sometimes take a while when customs is involved, also. I have nothing against communication with the seller, but I agree with Xobe that people should give it some time before they email Buysnus about a late order...


        • lxskllr
          • Sep 2007
          • 13435

          Originally posted by Premium Parrots
          FYI, Buysnus can fit probably 2 full rolls in the envelope. I know I've bought at least 17 tins at once, and it was shipped in the same envelope.
          I think I've had 4 rolls, and some singles in a single envelope before. It was pretty well stuffed :^D

          I agree with Xobeloot. I almost feel bad contacting them with problems. I think there was one time when something was definitely their fault(forgot to pack a roll of snus), but the other time(or maybe 2), it was something that was out of their control. They still took excellent care of me, at a loss to themselves. I know of no other company that provides service like they do, and some of the companies I've dealt with are premium products at premium prices, but still aren't as good as Buysnus. I don't like it when circumstances affect their bottom line, and would hate to see them change their customer service out of necessity.


          • bakerbarber
            • Jun 2008
            • 1947

            well said Mr. Xobeloot.


            • airwoodstock
              Banned Users
              • Aug 2008
              • 340

              As one of the members that posted how well BuySnus treated me, the truth is, I felt horrible about them resending the order. While the order was delayed, I placed a huge order with them and had it shipped UPS priority to my store. ordered it on Monday and it and the replacement order came on Wednesday. I can tell you this though...unless the order is over 4 weeks late, I'll never question it they were at fault and just wait it out. If I do run short (Doubt it since I have about 60 cans in the freezer now) I'll just have it UPSed.


              • Jason
                • Jan 2008
                • 1370

                Well, I just got my order today....strangely enough, it doesn't look like customs bothered with this one. :? A tad under two weeks for delivery still does not bother me too much; I have plenty on hand for occasions like this.


                • Xobeloot
                  • Jan 2008
                  • 2542

                  Nah man,

                  There is something going on within the USPS that is causing these delayed international deliveries.

                  Patrick over at V2 sent me a Phantom shirt and it took roughly 2 weeks to arrive and wasn't held up in customs.


                  • TheJR
                    • Jul 2008
                    • 57

                    Originally posted by bakerbarber
                    well said Mr. Xobeloot.
                    Oh yeah, me agree


                    • Jason
                      • Jan 2008
                      • 1370

                      Originally posted by Xobeloot
                      There is something going on within the USPS that is causing these delayed international deliveries.
                      That's what I'm figuring, but I'm just pointing out that Buysnus pretty much has no hand in it. I'm sure that if there was an economically viable way around the U.S. postal service, they would go that route.

                      That being said, there is most definitely something getting bunged up on our side....I had some car parts shipped from Canada a couple of weeks ago, and they apparently sat in a warehouse up in Michigan for a whole week before they made it to me. :x


                      • Xobeloot
                        • Jan 2008
                        • 2542

                        Now interstate delivery is on fire.

                        I just ordered from (ships from California) on the 8th, got a shipping confirmation on the 9th, and it was in my box yesterday. :shock:


                        • Soliex
                          • Jul 2008
                          • 58

                          Originally posted by Xobeloot
                          Now interstate delivery is on fire.

                          I just ordered from (ships from California) on the 8th, got a shipping confirmation on the 9th, and it was in my box yesterday. :shock:
                          Jinx is cool, I like the iPood t-shirt, wear it alot and people laugh.


                          • 1stResponder
                            New Member
                            • Sep 2008
                            • 5


                            I ordered 8 cans on the Friday before Labor day. They arrived the following Saturday. Maybe 8 cans isn't that much in the grand scheme of things, but I thought that was really good considering the holiday.


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