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  • fedora
    • Aug 2008
    • 251


    Ok everyone. See other post:

    This is a possible major problem (except for the government or the private carriers).

    I wrote the below form letter. I think that if we are polite about it we can get the sellers to lower their shipping rates, somehow. Or at least appeal to them. Of course you don't have to send this as I wrote it. And don't even have to send it, but I think it is in all our interests to get the prices lowered on shipping, and get them considering it soon, so if the bill passes we are covered.

    To: (Northerner or Buysnus)


    It has come to my attention that the US Government will possibly outlaw the shipping
    of Snus through the United States Postal System.

    While I feel that the government is intruding into my life and should not do so, it
    appears that the bill, which has already passed the House of Representatives, may pass
    the Senate as well, due to the high number of votes it received in favor and very low
    number of votes against. When and if this happens, I will no longer be able to get
    my snus at a low shipping cost.

    Your shipping rates through the US Postal Service are relatively low, while the shipping
    rates for the other private carriers are quite high. This is understandable to a certain

    However, I feel that the law if passed, will severely limit my ability to obtain snus
    due to the high shipping costs.

    I am therefore asking that some consideration be given by your management
    with the intention of discovering a possible cheaper shipping method with the private
    carriers so that I can continue to receive my snus, but not pay high shipping fees.

    I know that you have to make a profit and would never ask that you lose money, so I
    am merely requesting that something be done to lower the shipping costs should this
    bill actually be passed.

    I am one of many users of Swedish Snus in the United States and fear that if the costs
    become to high, I may be forced to stop my habit, which I do not wish to do.

    A possible way I see to approach this is to have a shipping office within the United States,
    which then can ship via the private carriers, and as there would be no trans-atlantic
    transport (at least for small packages), the costs might be reduced for consumers.

    This is in no way a threat but is an appeal for assistance so I can
    viably remain a loyal customer of your company.

    Thank you for your time and your consideration of this matter.


    This is my idea on all this and my attempt to get it fixed. If someone has other ideas, we can all work together.

    Thanks everyone for being there and for having such a great forum.

    (I work for no company and act as a private and concerned citizen!!!!!)
  • mercvrivs
    • Sep 2008
    • 484

    Thank you for drafting this letter. I think it is important for us to stand up for our interests and rights. Do you think we should also write something to our own representatives in the government about this bill?


    • Premium Parrots
      Super Moderators
      • Feb 2008
      • 9759

      Great idea. Does anyone know when the usps will actually stop shipping tobacco products?
      Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

      I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


      • bmwgsa
        • Jul 2008
        • 248

        It has to pass the Senate, then get signed into law - it'll be a while. I would imagine next year.

        I guess the good news is that you could still get it shipped in UPS. So we'll not be snuseless...


        • Premium Parrots
          Super Moderators
          • Feb 2008
          • 9759

          Thanks for that info. I guess I don't have to order 20 rolls today then.

          Well heres another option. Lets draft a letter to Swedish Gash [sounds like a porno stars name] and ask them to market all their flavors of snus to tobacco stores thruout the USA. After they follow thru then we can get the other manufacturers to follow. Then we can just go down to the local tobacco shop and get what we need.
          Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

          I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


          • fedora
            • Aug 2008
            • 251

            PP - yes, this is a good idea too. I think that Swedish Match might start doing that and this is why I wrote the letter. It will take them some time to get things all organized up for that.

            Maybe we have another letter from someone else asking SM to do that?

            Then we ask them (politely, no spam) to start marketing their products locally. The cost might go up a bit per tin, but maybe we could deal with that.


            • mercvrivs
              • Sep 2008
              • 484

              I bet that even with taxation, it'll equal or offset the high cost of private (UPS) shipping.


              • Xobeloot
                • Jan 2008
                • 2542

                I'll pay for UPS to get snus that I like well before I'll resort to SM products.

                I wonder if Buysnus will ship using my UPS collect number


                • lxskllr
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 13435

                  Originally posted by Xobeloot
                  I'll pay for UPS to get snus that I like well before I'll resort to SM products.

                  I wonder if Buysnus will ship using my UPS collect number
                  Same... I only have 1 SM product on my favorites list, and that's not one I like using all of the time(Catch Eucalyptus).

                  I'm f'n tired of people I don't even know meddling around with my life. When these douchbags make bad decisions and laws, it should be our Constitutional right to kick them in the balls. That might make them think a little harder before passing most of their ridiculous shit on a whim.


                  • bmwgsa
                    • Jul 2008
                    • 248

                    The thing to remember about UPS shipping is that it requires "Adult Signature" and you have to be there signing for it. So make sure you're home or ship it to your office. You can't just sign the little yellow note and tack it to the door.

                    On a good note - UPS is FAST! 2-3 days max.


                    • airwoodstock
                      Banned Users
                      • Aug 2008
                      • 340

                      Originally posted by bmwgsa
                      The thing to remember about UPS shipping is that it requires "Adult Signature" and you have to be there signing for it. So make sure you're home or ship it to your office. You can't just sign the little yellow note and tack it to the door.

                      On a good note - UPS is FAST! 2-3 days max.
                      I had placed an order with them 2 weeks ago and used UPS. They dropped the package between the doors. No one was home and I didn't have to sign anything to get my package. Could be that UPS doesn't know what snus actually is? :? Or, the same driver that delivers to my home, delivers to my store and knows me? don't know.


                      • fedora
                        • Aug 2008
                        • 251

                        Am I allowed to bump this up to the top again? So that it gets more notice? I think its important that we solve our problem, or at least ask Northerner and Buysnus to throw us a bone and help us out here.

                        If I am not allowed to bump it up, I'm sorry. Let it die. I did notice a lot of other similar threads now, but I just want everyone to know the possible doom so we can do something about it. (Hope I ain't being "chicken little" - and that I am not kicked off the forum for bumping this!)


                        • Mongrul
                          • Aug 2008
                          • 151

                          it should be our Constitutional right to kick them in the balls.
                          A whole lot of em don't have balls, but a good crotch kick with a sharp boot with barbs should do the trick.


                          • Ainkor
                            • Sep 2008
                            • 1144


                            Originally posted by fedora
                            Ok everyone. See other post:


                            This is a possible major problem (except for the government or the private carriers).

                            This is my idea on all this and my attempt to get it fixed. If someone has other ideas, we can all work together.

                            Thanks everyone for being there and for having such a great forum.

                            (I work for no company and act as a private and concerned citizen!!!!!)
                            I wrote a letter to both of my Senators. Now of course we all know how the engine of commerce works and who knows who has who in who's back pocket, but hey, it's a democracy!

                            Here is my letter;

                            Mr or Miss Senator,

                            I have never taken the time to write my Senator so congrats for being the first! In all seriousness, I read that the Senate will at some point in the future be addressing the bill passed by the House of Representatives that strictly outlaws the delivery of tobacco products by the USPS. As an upstanding husband and father of 3 I certainly disagree with the sale and use of tobacco products by minors but I do feel that this specifically will do nothing to address the issues of either of those. As I well know if a child wants to consume something illegal then they will figure out a way to get it. If that were not true then there wouldn't be a drug problem with our youth, there would never be any underage drinking or any other illegal use of controlled substances.

                            With the current financial crisis this may seem like a small issue but there are not many other choices for the many Americans who use safe tobacco products in order to continue not smoking. Up until recently I had smoked for over 20 years even though I knew it was bad. I found a different type of tobacco product that has 100% eliminated the desire for smoking. Swedish Snus (Not the crap sold here under the Camel, Marlboro and Skoal brands and please accept my apology if they are a major supporter of your various campaigns) is an incredibly safe form of tobacco use in comparison to cigarettes which are loaded with too many chemicals to list. While even the domestic smokeless tobaccos are safer than smoking they pose many health risks themselves. If this bill comes up for consideration I would sincerely request that there be an exemption for non smoked tobaccos so that the many responsible adults who consume these products can continue to pleasurably reduce our risk from tobacco use.



                            • PseudoSwede
                              • Sep 2007
                              • 71


                              You already have a Constitutional right....

                              If you're a registered voter, you can simply choose to elect another candidate.


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