Best website to order snus?

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  • ravekidd69
    • Aug 2015
    • 79

    Best website to order snus?

    I have religiously used for my snus needs for over 3 years now, and I would of continued to do so, but the snus selection has seemed to have decreased dramatically since the last time I placed an order. In yalls opinion what is the best website to order snus? I am used to low shipping costs from northerner since I am a bronze member and am looking to switch to another site that might offer some benefits for long time customers, any ideas and comments are much appreciated thanks
  • dragon23rider
    • Jul 2015
    • 60

    I like Snus24 and snuscentral. Com


    • kerlin219
      • Mar 2015
      • 47

      I use snuscentral and snusdirect


      • Burnsey
        • Jan 2013
        • 2572

        snuscentral, buysnus... and a new one to me - snus24 are good......


        • Burnsey
          • Jan 2013
          • 2572

          Originally posted by Burnsey View Post
          snuscentral, buysnus... and a new one to me - snus24 are good......
          After further review, and a UPS bill of ~ $ 11, I'm not sure I can recommend snus 24 as they do not ship Delivery Duty Paid.......


          • ravekidd69
            • Aug 2015
            • 79

            What do you mean? Like was there a separate shipping bill other than the cost of shipping on Because I made a mock order of 23 cans and the total after shipping was $97.27 which I thought was a good deal, because the shipping was only $21 and some change. Which was better than other sites I made mock orders from


            • Andy105
              • Nov 2013
              • 1393

              Originally posted by ravekidd69 View Post
              What do you mean? Like was there a separate shipping bill other than the cost of shipping on
              Yep. If they don't ship Delivery Duty Paid, you can get an additional, separate bill from UPS for "Duty Registration" ( or something like that). That's why it seems cheaper. I got one in the mail but, somebody here had to pay it in advance to get their order. I just paid mine because I didn't want the BrownShorts pissed at me. Now, I'll only order from places that ship DDP.
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              • Burnsey
                • Jan 2013
                • 2572

                Originally posted by ravekidd69 View Post
                What do you mean? Like was there a separate shipping bill other than the cost of shipping on Because I made a mock order of 23 cans and the total after shipping was $97.27 which I thought was a good deal, because the shipping was only $21 and some change. Which was better than other sites I made mock orders from
                I mean a separate bill from UPS, further discussion here:



                • Daniel_snus24
                  • May 2015
                  • 25

                  I talked to Chad at and he gets snus maybe every week and he gets that duty bill every once in a while from all the online stores as all of them uses the same system. Snus24, Buysnus, Snuscentral, Snusexpress etc doesn't have DDP. It would have been stupid to use that as like 1 of 100 shipments gets that bill. Would have been much more expensive snus if it was DDP. But no one uses DDP. Dont know about Northerner though.


                  • Mr. Unloadingzone
                    • Jun 2008
                    • 317

                    Originally posted by Daniel_snus24 View Post
                    I talked to Chad at and he gets snus maybe every week and he gets that duty bill every once in a while from all the online stores as all of them uses the same system. Snus24, Buysnus, Snuscentral, Snusexpress etc doesn't have DDP. It would have been stupid to use that as like 1 of 100 shipments gets that bill. Would have been much more expensive snus if it was DDP. But no one uses DDP. Dont know about Northerner though.
                    Daniel, SnusCentral and Buysnus for that matter DO use DDP. If you bothered to check SnusCentral's website, it is clearly stated: SnusCentral has used DDP for our customers from the first day we opened 8 years ago.

                    If you don't provide DDP, you should at least be honest enough with your customers to publish that on your website. At SnusCentral (and BuySnus) US customers will not have to pay a penny more for their order than they did at checkout. Your customers should be warned that they can expect a UPS duty bill...especially since UPS charges a daily "warehousing fee" if FDA holds the order. BTW, FDA can hold an order for up to 30 days before it is automatically released so that can add up to a big bill to the customer.

                    You also neglected to mention that Chad told you he gets duty bills once every FEW YEARS. So do I; UPS screws up. We call SC customer service and they take care of that for the customer with UPS.

                    I know you've only been in business a couple of months, but perhaps you should learn the business before opening your mouth (or your store).

                    We've all seen a lot of snus eShops open and close over the years because of stupidity and lack of business sense. Unless Snus24 is a front to launder money, I doubt you'll be around all that long with your attitude.
                    Last edited by Mr. Unloadingzone; 18-09-15, 02:03 AM.


                    • codyg140
                      • Jan 2013
                      • 705

                      i think this is a matter to be settled in the thunder dome, anyone else?


                      • Mr. Unloadingzone
                        • Jun 2008
                        • 317

                        Originally posted by codyg140 View Post
                        i think this is a matter to be settled in the thunder dome, anyone else?
                        The FACTS speak for themselves and settle the matter. I feel sorry for the other Snus24 customers when they start getting unexpected duty bills from UPS.


                        • UncleDagger
                          New Member
                          • Feb 2015
                          • 2

                          Just wanted to weigh in and say that while was extremely responsive to my questions and requests, there were several things which concerned me.

                          The package was shipped to me in a bubble envelope (I'm used to a sturdy box) the cans had a side warning label but no sticker applied to the top which I believe is required per FDA regulations and I also received a bill in the mail for duty fees from UPS. It's worth noting that the duty fee was 17 cents but with the disbursement and administrative fees UPS applied it came to 10$ additional. On the surface the prices on Snus24 appear cheaper but after the additional customs fee that price differential is negated.

                          They have an excellent selection and offer several products that weren't previously available in the US but at the end of the day I have a few concerns that would need to be addressed before I could order from them again.

                          As for the allegations of SnusCentral not pre-pay in duty fees, I've spent thousands of dollars with them and have NEVER received a bill from UPS. Moe may be drunk 24/7 but he takes care of his customers.


                          • Burnsey
                            • Jan 2013
                            • 2572

                            My duty was $ 0.25, and the total bill was $ 11.........silly


                            • UncleDagger
                              New Member
                              • Feb 2015
                              • 2

                              UPS loves to rack up the charges on this stuff. Once I ordered a bunch of switches and wooden project boxes from the Phillipines 250$ worth of stuff and UPS hit me with an under declared value bill and storage charge of over 700$


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