Early this morning I stumbled upon this website called snuff.me.uk, it is a website that says it is based out of the UK not sure exactly where tho, on the site it has the option to ship to America, however when I click on the good ol' US of A it doesn't change the currency from euro to the dollar? Which I found a bit odd. The only reason I was going to use this site was to try thunder "chew" wintergreen, I remember a few years back they had a long cut thunder wintergreen out for limited time in America, so I figured this was probably the same thing. I've been wanting to try it since those years past and stumbled on this site that had it, other than the currency not changing. the prices seemed fairly reasonable and a decent shipping cost, however I am almost 100% sure that in America you have to use UPS??? Because this offered a different shipping provider, I'm probably wrong tho. I was just wondering if this was a reliable site? Anyone use it before or know of it? Any feed back helps! Thanks amigos [emoji16]