Day trip to Gothenburg

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  • perkdon
    New Member
    • Oct 2015
    • 5

    Day trip to Gothenburg

    New member but been enjoying snus for the last couple of years. Used to be able get snus from my Swedish friends however they have moved back to Sweden and are reluctant to send big orders through to me. Got a cheap return flight to Gothenburg and was planning to stock up while I am there. Seen a few threads from a couple of years back however was wondering whether the information is still relevant? Am I allowed to take Snus through in my hand luggage - around 8-10 rolls and is Snus2 still the place to buy from in Gothenburg?

    Will really appreciate any help.
  • Polluted
    • Dec 2014
    • 120

    And I thought I was being an addict by spending all my fun money on snus LOL. There's always the guy who buys a plane ticket half way across the worls!


    • perkdon
      New Member
      • Oct 2015
      • 5

      I should add that I am from the UK so the flight time is around an hour and a half so not that bad.


      • jonlindsten
        New Member
        • Oct 2015
        • 4

        Swedish Match has opened a snus cafe in Gothenburg on Kungstorget 10, definitely recommend a visit. You can order a loose snus with your coffee and also make your own blend.

        Otherwise I don't know any bulk stores in the Gothenburg area, but should be an easy google. Hope you enjoy Sweden!


        • Skell18
          • May 2012
          • 7067

          I do it quite regularly, depending on what I need I either take the largest carry on the airline allows (I always fly BA, those air miles add up!) or check in a largish bag. My understanding is there is no limit so get as much as you can fit in! I have never once had a problem at either end, when you land back in the UK you go through the EU channel after you have got your bags and then on your way home.

          Its easy to to do plus you get a nice day somewhere. I usually go to Stockholm but do Göteborg when I pay for the flight with air miles as its within zone 1. The snus cafe is a must purely to buy snus related garb lol.


          • Reynard
            • Feb 2009
            • 804

            Originally posted by Skell18 View Post
            My understanding is there is no limit so get as much as you can fit in!
            Bang on, Skell. When I went to Goteborg I brought back something like 15 rolls lol. There is no limit for personal consumption, which is enshrined in EU law.

            Possibly planning a city break to see a friend in Bergen for a few days, so may get some snus then.

            To the OP, Snus2 is awesome, once you've worked out bus timetable. Mind you I went around 3 years ago so maybe worth googling it.


            • Snusdog
              • Jun 2008
              • 6752

              Man you guys have got to post some pics from all these trips.........I've seen a few here and there of the airport stores........but a snus cafe!!!!!!....that such a thing exists in the world is both comforting and aggravating at once........cause all we got here is white and wintergreen portions at the stop-n-go.........seriously ya'll post some pics.....and while your at it.......swing by Han's house while you're there and tell him SNUSON WANTS SOME DAMN GOTLANDSSNUS LOS
              When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


              • Premium Parrots
                Super Moderators
                • Feb 2008
                • 9759

                Sorry Dog....I have Hans vacumn sealed and stored in my freezer atm.

                ...he is starting to smell like V2 coffe/vanilla
                Last edited by Premium Parrots; 14-10-15, 08:10 AM.
                Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                • perkdon
                  New Member
                  • Oct 2015
                  • 5

                  No chance of me putting a bag in the hold, flying with Ryanair putting a bag in the hold more than doubled what I paid for the flight, so its hand luggage only for me!


                  • Andy105
                    • Nov 2013
                    • 1393


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                    • sharesnusinfo!
                      • May 2008
                      • 477

                      Go to some of the shops snus2 have, they are great on prizing and have a very big assortment:
                      You also have Nettotobak/Hisingen but they are a bit outside the city:


                      • jonlindsten
                        New Member
                        • Oct 2015
                        • 4

                        And please do write a little report of your trip afterwards! Also some pictures of the snus heaven that Sweden is is appreciated!


                        • Skell18
                          • May 2012
                          • 7067

                          Dog, the lipstick would come out of you went to thto snus cafe, when it's fika time (which is all the time in Sweden) you get a snus with your coffee and it's all a bit crazy, but amazing! The fridge at the one in Stockholm is quite small by comparison but it hold enough!

                          all the snus gear is what amazed me, you can get pretty much anything you need with general on it! I got a GR jacket last time I was there, which I ended up leaving in a hotel in Berlin, but hey ho lol.


                          • Snusdog
                            • Jun 2008
                            • 6752

                            Originally posted by Skell18 View Post
                            Dog, the lipstick would come out of you went to thto snus cafe, when it's fika time (which is all the time in Sweden) you get a snus with your coffee and it's all a bit crazy, but amazing! The fridge at the one in Stockholm is quite small by comparison but it hold enough!

                            all the snus gear is what amazed me, you can get pretty much anything you need with general on it! I got a GR jacket last time I was there, which I ended up leaving in a hotel in Berlin, but hey ho lol.
                            I can only dream

                            Somebody take a few pics and post them up so we can all see what snus heaven looks like
                            When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                            • IDIOTTOAST
                              • Aug 2015
                              • 40

                              Just been reading through this thread, and was wondering, if putting a bag in the hold is expensive and hand luggage has limited space, what about posting Snus home to yourself/family/friends.
                              Has anyone done this, or know anything about doing it.
                              I`m planning on going to Sweden early next year, coz i`m desperate to try Swedish Match products.


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