Buysnus: Anybody Ever Have This Happen?

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  • Norwester
    • Dec 2008
    • 178

    Buysnus: Anybody Ever Have This Happen?

    Placed an order today, received the confirmation email and then went to check my bank account. I got charged for 2 orders. Still waiting to hear back from them. The bank says the vendor has to deal with it but I guess I can cancel the card if nothing happens soon. I know I only hit the "buy button" once.

  • Andy105
    • Nov 2013
    • 1393

    Never seen that before! Make sure they fix it before they ship two orders. They're usually great, but somebody screwed up this time.


    • Norwester
      • Dec 2008
      • 178

      I could deal with getting a double order but what worries me is that I only got confirmation for one order. "DIBS" handles their transactions but their website is in Swedish so no help there.
      Hopefully they'll get back to me soon.


      • R.B. Kazenzakis
        • Oct 2013
        • 182

        I recently had this happen at a different vendor - it had to have just been a DIBS hiccup. Buysnus should be able to cancel the second charge without much difficulty. If they don't, you have the right to reverse the transaction on your card (just deal with the card directly rather than the bank) - it is the card issuer's responsibility to get the money from the phantom transaction back, not yours.


        • Norwester
          • Dec 2008
          • 178

          Sabine from Buysnus got back to me as soon as they opened and what had happened was that I'd typed in a wrong digit on my cards expiration date. That payment was declined/rejected and I went ahead and re-entered the info and the payment went thru. I didn't give it a second thought as the payment obviously hadn't gone thru. The screw up was on my credit unions end. The rejected payment shouldn't have been entered as pending because...well it was rejected and should have been a non-issue. What irritated me was the fact that the $177 was listed as unavailable for use. After 2-3 phone calls and them repeatedly telling me I had to have the vendor return the non-existant payment that they hadn't received in the first place, I finally had it removed today after I said very calmly and reasonably (I thought) "Dude, WTF part of "THE PAYMENT WAS DECLINED, THEY DID NOT RECEIVE THE MONEY TO HAVE IT TO RETURN" do you not F-ing understand ?"

          Now off to close that account and open another else where. :nonchalance:


          • Andy105
            • Nov 2013
            • 1393

            Glad to hear that you got it cleared up, and that the vendor got back to you. Good info for something to watch for in the future.


            • Norwester
              • Dec 2008
              • 178

              Yeah,I wasn't worried about Buysnus at all. Even though they're halfway around the world I'd much rather deal with them rather than this credit union that's just down the road. My order actually got to me before they got this straightened out.


              • NoelW
                New Member
                • Nov 2015
                • 8

                Never ordered from them myself but a friend of mine had a few issues with them mucking up an order, i think he got it resolved with them relatively quickly though and it all worked out in the end


                • Snusdog
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 6752

                  It seems 50% of my life is dealing with crap like that........its maddening

                  Glad you got it resolved bro!
                  When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers

