Trouble with Northerner

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  • KevinNash
    New Member
    • Apr 2011
    • 9

    Trouble with Northerner

    Hi snus friends,

    I am a loyal Northerner silver member customer since eight years now. I live in France and the online shop choice for EU is very limited.

    I ordered nine days ago, on April 10, " in stock " snus from Northerner, after receiving their easter publicity email, 17 cans total.

    Nine days later, no order shipped, still " processing ".

    I contacted their helpdesh 5 days ago, with absolutely no answer, same thing on Facebook too.

    In the meantime they advised on this forum on April 12 in, the snus retailers section about their awesome work :

    - Building Strong Customer Satisfaction (which is our most important priority)

    - Building Strong Long Lasting Relationship with Suppliers

    - Developing and Engaging Exceptional People in The Company

    - Being Responsible in Everything We Do

    - Allocating Resources Superbly to Enable Growth

    Is my case their way to build a strong customer satisfaction ? Without shipping or answering a eight years customer who placed several orders a their shop ?

    I am very disappointed and near out of snus, I hope they have a representative here who can eventually help.

    Apparently, seing their facebook page, I am not the only one, they didn't ship their orders these days so I also wanted to warn people on this forum.
    Last edited by KevinNash; 27-04-17, 10:46 AM.
  • cliff0rd
    • Sep 2015
    • 98

    If it's of some help I've had great support in the past for every single issue with them, even when it was my fault for the issues, sometimes it needs just some extra time. I think in these days they might be kind busy, but i'm pretty sure they'll give you soon the support you deserve.
    I agree with you about the fact that more choice would be appreciated for the Italy shop too...
    Best of luck, my friend!
    Last edited by cliff0rd; 19-04-17, 05:31 PM.


    • Premium Parrots
      Super Moderators
      • Feb 2008
      • 9758

      I would suggest trying to contact them again thru their help desk. Hopefully it wasn't customs that may have tagged your package, that's always a possibility.
      Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

      I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


      • Premium Parrots
        Super Moderators
        • Feb 2008
        • 9758

        geez I almost can pm "Northerner_com" thru snuson to get straight to some answers. Northerner now has a rep at snuson and she should be able to help you out pretty quickly.
        Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

        I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


        • KevinNash
          New Member
          • Apr 2011
          • 9


          Thank you very much for the help

          Northerner support answered me today, 6 days after I opened the support ticket.

          The ship my order today, 10 days after the order because some cans indicated in stock when I ordered were indeed not in stock...

          Of course they didn't warn me about it.

          They didn't propose any compensation, no upgraded shipping, no free can, nothing at all.

          I also sent a PM to Northerner_com last Friday and dint have any answer.

          Honestly, after 8 years, I am very disappointed by this kind of " build strong customer satisfaction ".

          With the poor onlibe shop choice I have in EU, I am also afraid for the future


          • cliff0rd
            • Sep 2015
            • 98

            Finally you know about your shipment.
            I understand your feelings, but I can honestly say you that my choice to trust them has been a good one, they paid me back 10 times for it.
            About the future...I see dark clouds too...I received a mail from Snuffstore saying that they won't ship to Italy anymore...i fear to read some others...
            Good luck!


            • BlackBart
              • Sep 2008
              • 115

              Northerner still has the worse selection of snus, back in the day they where my go to snus store. Back then they carried all the good stuff in the USA warehouse.....not anymore.


              • Northerner_com
                • Apr 2017
                • 15

                Hi Kevin,

                I am sorry that you are dissatisfied. We are currently updating our systems and due to that we have had some trouble with the customer support. I am sorry that you had to wait for an answer, and I appreciate your patience.
                I replied to your private message here on

                Have a great day!
                Julia, Northerner


                • KevinNash
                  New Member
                  • Apr 2011
                  • 9

                  Hello Julia,

                  Finally I received an answer from support.

                  The package was apparently shipped 9 days after the order, so long for in stock snus.

                  So now 15 days after my order I still wait for my snus and I am very disappointed


                  • Northerner_com
                    • Apr 2017
                    • 15

                    Hi Kevin,

                    I'm happy to hear that they reached your ticket.

                    Normally, when the product is out of stock you can see that before you order it under "Availability". It also depends on where you live and what warehouse the product is being shipped from. If it is being shipped from the US - US it shouldn't take more than three days if you choose the UPS shipping option. If so, there is also a tracking number available for that order.
                    If being shipped from the US - the rest of the world, it will take up to 15 businessdays.
                    If shipped from SWE or DK to the US it is also 15 businessdays for the product to reach you, if there is no delays in customs or the postal service.
                    SWE/DK to the EU should normally take 3-5 businessdays.

                    I am sorry that you are disappointed and I really appreciate your patience.

                    Have a great day!
                    Julia, Northerner


                    • KevinNash
                      New Member
                      • Apr 2011
                      • 9

                      Hi Julia,

                      Like I said before, I order at your shop since 8 years.

                      I am french so for my country I always order from SWE or DK ( this order is from DK ) warehouse and check for availability before ordering to avoid any customs or long delay.

                      For now, 17 days later I am running out of snus and still wait for my order.

                      It remember me bad memorys from 2015, the exact same things happened, " in stock " snus received nearly one month later.

                      I am really, really disappointed.

                      We talk about addictive products here, so my patience has nothing to do with it.

                      Actually I smoke to have my nicotine dose because I miss my snus I ordered more than 2 weeks ago now.

                      Fast shipping is a major key of e-commerce success, specially with the kind of addictives products you sell, you should know it.

                      Another great news, I just received a promo email from you, all the Thunder snus I ordered is now with 45% discount.

                      I still don't have mine I paid full price, great !


                      • Northerner_com
                        • Apr 2017
                        • 15

                        Hi Kevin,

                        I just sent you a PM.

                        I hope you have a great day.

                        Julia, Northerner


                        • cliff0rd
                          • Sep 2015
                          • 98

                          My last order was delayed but finally yesterday I received the snus shipment (still waiting for nasal snuff and dip) and i figured out the reason: another package opened and inspected in Germany, it's the 5th time it happens in the last 6 orders...
                          I remember when I was waiting for the big can of Thunder Christmas Ed. and I received it badly cracked open and unsuitable for collecting purpose...but it's not a seller's fault.
                          Usually with time I receive all of my products, but I learned to make the new order in time to not stay without snus in case of delay/problems.
                          Happy snusing


                            • Sep 2008
                            • 98

                            I'm so sorry that you experienced problem with your order. May I ask if the orders include Thunder snus from Denmark or is it snus/snuff from USA?
                            I sent a private message as well.
                            Thank you


                            • cliff0rd
                              • Sep 2015
                              • 98

                              I answered you just a moment ago, sorry but my phone went crazy for a couple of days and I did'n t receive the notification by mail until this afternoon...I apologize.

