What Makes General 3-Star Retailers Different

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  • Benfranklin7
    New Member
    • May 2018
    • 2

    What Makes General 3-Star Retailers Different

    Hi. I'm new to the forums. In the ever-so-slightly modified parlance of many a breathlessly thankful newcomer to talk radio, long-time lurker, first time poster. Now, to business...

    Just yesterday, I received my second snus order, consisting entirely in original portions of varying types, from SnusCentral. It was held up for several days by the FDA and it would appear that some combination of this delay and the already-summery weather in my part of the world turned my triumph to stiff, crusty tragedy. Since summer seems here to stay and since, even if this order can be re-hydrated, it will not last me the entire summer, I had wondered about pursuing a new solution, perhaps just for the duration of the summer or, depending upon what I find, perhaps permanently.

    Although roughly fifty-percent of my experiences importing snus have been bad, all of my experiences of buying locally have been good; I have yet to open a can of General that was not thoroughly moist (indeed, most have been delightfully sodden). Yet, as most of you will agree, having access to only one flavor of snus is hardly ideal. The General store locator informs me, however, that, about an hour from where I live, there are two "3-Star retailers" who are said, in addition to having greater snus expertise, to have more available flavors. Despite thorough inquiry into the topic, however, I have yet to find, on the entire vast expanse of the information superhighway, a single meaningful suggestion of what those flavors might be. Therefore, I put the questions to you: What may I expect to find there? Do they sell loose? Do they sell other Swedish Match brands? Do they sell strong or extra strong? Do they sell any of those weird berry flavors? etc.

    I would very much hate to commit myself to such a trip only to find that their expanded selection consists in some strange new portion shape or that the training whereby they attain their greater expertise consists in having enough snus customers to know where the 'fridge is without my needing to point.

    You have my thanks in advance for any help you can give, and my apologies in advance if asking questions without giving a proper introduction on the thread designated for that purpose is presumptuous. I am unaccustomed to forums and their etiquette.
  • Andy105
    • Nov 2013
    • 1393

    Welcome, Ben.
    Were those two retailers unable to answer your questions? If so, I doubt that they “have greater snus expertise”.


    • Premium Parrots
      Super Moderators
      • Feb 2008
      • 9759

      Welcome to snuson! Sorry you had a bad experience with shipping. In the aprox 10 years I have been ordering my snus online I have never had the problem with my snus shipment arriving dry or crusty...and I live in Georgia and it can get pretty hot down here. If you ordered several brands and they were all dry then I suppose it could be the hot weather, but I doubt it. Its very much not likely snuscentral sent you dry snus either so IDK what happened. Just add a few drops of water to each can and put in the fridge. Here after I suggest you store your snus in the freezer. If you vacumn seal it it should last up to say...10 years in the freezer.

      IDK what a 3 star dealer is, never heard of it. I wouldn't expect too many store employees would know too much about snus, that's my experience and the selection would consist of only a few brands, if that. You can call them and ask what they have. Always look at the best by date when buying locally, IMO you are more likely to get bad/dry snus from a local retailer.
      Good luck
      Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

      I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


      • Burnsey
        • Jan 2013
        • 2572

        Hi Ben and welcome,

        I can't answer your question either. It is very rare to hear of dry snus. One thing to consider is that online vendors have possibly 100 flavors of snus to choose from.....I believe SM has 8. Give it another try.

        This may be helpful: https://www.snuson.com/showthread.ph...piration-Dates


        • Benfranklin7
          New Member
          • May 2018
          • 2

          Perhaps I was too severe in my initial assessment. The first can I opened looked far dryer than I anticipated, and perhaps it colored my impressions of the others I checked. Since I had been buying stateside for the past few weeks, I suppose I had become accustomed to dripping-wet portions straight from a well-humidified refrigerator and was the least bit taken aback by ones that were only slightly moist, not soaked. All of this is to say, they actually taste fine without any rehydration, and it would seem that my problem is not really a problem. Thanks anyway, though.


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