Snus in Canada

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  • gypsea
    New Member
    • Nov 2006
    • 5

    Snus in Canada

    I am new to this snus blog but not new to snus. I had know idea this blog existed until today. Its awesome!
    Snus helped me quit smoking about 18 months ago. It was the only product that got me off smokes altogether. I did alot of research and realized snus was a safe and effective way to get my nicotine buzz without, the hacking, stink and obvious health risks. I know snus still has some risk but no where near that of smoking.

    My Question is :
    Anyone know of snus retailers in Canada? Or ways to order.
    I have been ordering direct from Sweden ( ) and am being raped by the Canadian and provincial government. 5cents/gram duty plus 16 cents/gram for Tobacco tax, plus, federal tax 7%

    A $120 shipment (1890 grams) from Sweden ends up costing $520.00
    400.00 in taxes and duty !!
    And they charge me for the packaging.

    Anyway any input would be appreciated.
    Great to be part of the Snus Gang

  • Zero
    • May 2006
    • 1522

    revenue canada are bastards, hey. :roll:

    I have no idea if you can get snus in canada but you might ask around, maybe at the post office, to make sure you were charged the correct duty rates. They don't exactly employ the sharpest people to shuffle through your import box - you might have been charged the duty rate for dry tobacco (cigarettes, etc), which is quite a bit higher, I think, than for moist/turkish/etc tobacco like snus (since so much of the weight is water and not actually tobacco). You may be able to get a refund for some of it because that sounds like a LOT of duty - even for canada. The only other thing I might suggest is to try to sweet talk the guys at northerner into not declaring it as tobacco on the customs form - just call it "incense" or something like that - and have them not put their "" sticker on the box (so it looks like it maybe just came from a friend). I've had 500 ephedrine pills make it through the post in canada (posted from pakistan!) with no declaration form and it came through without even being opened. Which province are you in, dude?


    • gypsea
      New Member
      • Nov 2006
      • 5

      Thanks for the reply Zero.
      I am in the province of Alberta. There is no p.s.t. here, but as I mentioned the tobacco tax is 16cents /gram. Do you think they should be charging for the plastic containers? The containers weigh about half the total.

      It does seem incredible, living in a free country, in this global market, to be penalized like you commited a crime. All I want is a healthier nicotine alternative. In a way I may be actually saving the govt money, in the long run on health care costs by switching from smoking to snus.
      I did ask The Northerner about labeling and as they say in there f.a.q. section- they have to label it 'what it is'.


      • Zero
        • May 2006
        • 1522

        Tell you what - your next order, throw in an extra roll of skruf lös and have them post it to me. I'll send it to you as an inconspicuous "gift" ...from the UK they'd never suspect it :lol:


        • gypsea
          New Member
          • Nov 2006
          • 5

          Thanks for the offer Zero ! I recently recieved an order and expect it to last until late February. If your offer is still good then, i'll send it your way. The cost of a roll for your efforts is nothin compared to the tax grab here. Of course, if you end up high on my snus, i'll have to fly to the UK and start asking around for a guy named zero. :?

          Thanks again


          • StarWing
            • Aug 2006
            • 124

            Maybe the problem (cause of taxes, duty fees, etc.) is because Northerner stamps "Chewing Tobacco" on the labels of their packages (at least where Snus is concerned). Swedish Match stamps "Swedish Snus" on theirs, and for the most part, UPS Drivers do not even know what that is. Unfortunately, Swedish Match will not sell to individual consumers in Canada.

            Interesting to note, that Northerner sells loads of other things... maybe an order of Coffee with a lot of Snus, and they will stamp 'Food' or 'Coffee' on the label? Just a thought. Perhaps you should try or some other Snus seller that stamps their packages differently than that of Northerner (there are individuals in this forum that have bought from buysnus - perhaps they can tell you how their packages have been stamped where contents is concerned.).

            I have read some articles of Canadian Tobacco Harm Reduction advocates... they are not happy campers (understandbly so) about this tax and duty problem where smokeless tobacco is concerned, espcially Snus, since it is 90% or greater (98% for Snus) LESS hazardous than anything that is smoked, like Cigarettes, thus, like elsewhere in the world, and as it has worked out in Sweden, human lives could be saved.


            • StarWing
              • Aug 2006
              • 124

              Originally posted by Zero
              revenue canada are bastards, hey. :roll:
              It is a shame they wanna do that - Just think of the reduction in second-hand smoke if access to Snus was more accessible and the costs of getting and having it were better. No doubt that like America, it is because Canada is plagued with the 'politically-correct' anti-tobacco groups.

              It is also bad about the EU Ban regarding Snus, too. I am under the impression, however, the EU Citizens (at least in some of the EU Countries) can import (buy it online) Snus for personal use. Is UK part of EU?

              Originally posted by Zero also
              I've had 500 ephedrine pills make it through the post in canada (posted from pakistan!) with no declaration form and it came through without even being opened. Which province are you in, dude?
              Ephedrine prices have sky-rocketed here in the U.S. in the past few months... 500 pills would be over 150 USD. Our goverment misuses Ephedrine as a scapegoat to cover up it's legalization of Aspartame, as some here believe. Looks like Snus prices have been gently increasing... still a better opt than cigs tho', IMO.


              • gypsea
                New Member
                • Nov 2006
                • 5

                Thanks for the info Starwing. It is unfortunate that Swedish Match wont sell to Canucks. I think i'll try receving it as a gift from "Zero" next time. My only concern with that is, what if C Customs opens and identifies as tobacco?
                Then, just because they can, they'll probably charge me the same obscene duty and tax plus a penalty for 'misnaming the product'. The local post office said Canada customs can pretty much charge any fee they like, and most people pay it without appealing.
                Again, it is obscene that I have to poisen myself with Canadian tobacco, or local chewing tobacco (5 times the carcinogens, namely nitrosamines)
                You would think Canada, so politically correct and socialized would want to assist nicotine addicts with healthier products. Instead they tax the hell out of it and Canadians end up paying the higher health costs in the end.

                I find it strange that you can by smokes at any local store, gas station, bar etc. but you can only purchase the healthier product 'Nicorette "at Pharmacies.
                Whats up with that? It's a good example of beauracratic b.s. in Canada.



                • Zero
                  • May 2006
                  • 1522

                  Originally posted by StarWing
                  Originally posted by Zero
                  revenue canada are bastards, hey. :roll:
                  It is a shame they wanna do that - Just think of the reduction in second-hand smoke if access to Snus was more accessible and the costs of getting and having it were better. No doubt that like America, it is because Canada is plagued with the 'politically-correct' anti-tobacco groups.

                  It is also bad about the EU Ban regarding Snus, too. I am under the impression, however, the EU Citizens (at least in some of the EU Countries) can import (buy it online) Snus for personal use. Is UK part of EU?
                  Yeah, the world is plagued by a combination of anti-tobacco lobby groups and tobacco-industry pressure - ironically, both of them are fighting snus, the former because "it's tobacco" and the latter because it threatens the cigarette manufacturers hold on the nicotine-addict market. The UK is indeed part of the EU and it's perfectly fine to import snus and have it for personal use - it's only banned for sale, which means you can't sell it in shops, etc.


                  • Zero
                    • May 2006
                    • 1522

                    Originally posted by gypsea
                    I think i'll try receving it as a gift from "Zero" next time. My only concern with that is, what if C Customs opens and identifies as tobacco?

                    Haha, I was only half serious but I'd be happy to give it a try if you'd like. Personal packages don't tend to be opened as much as something with a stamped on it (which is obviously merchandise). A roll of snus is about what it would cost to post it so that sounds fair enough :lol: I can giftwrap the rolls inside the box - I don't think customs are evil enough to tear the wrapping off of a quaint, well done-up present. If you let me know your surname I can even make up a nice lady's name to put on the return address - Elanor or something - so it looks like your nice british auntie is sending you a birthday present 8)


                    • Craig de Tering
                      • Nov 2006
                      • 525

                      Originally posted by gypsea
                      My only concern with that is, what if C Customs opens and identifies as tobacco?
                      Then, just because they can, they'll probably charge me the same obscene duty and tax plus a penalty for 'misnaming the product'.
                      Could they? Think along with me for a sec....
                      A "friend" sends you something UNANOUNCED, without your knowledge (e.g. a birthday present) and it just happens to be snus. Why should YOU be penalized for it? You technically didn't order anything plus you "friend" is innocense incarnate.
                      Seems like the perfect deal considering what you're currently paying The Man for every shipment.


                      • Zero
                        • May 2006
                        • 1522

                        ^ well, if they did decide to open it and figure out exactly what it was and then figured out that "Denna tobaksvara kan skada din hälsa och ar beroendeframkallande" was a tobacco warning, then they could impose the duty fee on the package and the post office wouldn't let you have the package until you paid the import fees on it. If you didn't claim it within a certain time (few weeks) they destroy it. Tobacco, alcohol, and a few other items don't exempt from their respective taxes and duties if they come from a foreign country even if they're a gift.


                        • gypsea
                          New Member
                          • Nov 2006
                          • 5

                          See, Snus is not only better for you physically but it also increases your mental alertness!
                          Thanks for all the creative responses to my problem. Hey Zero, I'll include a couple rolls of your favourite snus(I forgot about postage costs) That will help cover the dainty wrapping paper from my Dear Aunt Eleanor. I hope your still Game In late February.

                          Question: Should I freeze my present Snus stash or keep it in a cool environment only? :roll:


                          • Craig de Tering
                            • Nov 2006
                            • 525

                            I for one freeze everything inside some type of plastic wrap (like a bread bag, beware small holes) except sealed snus types like e.g. Rocker and Lucky Strike which don't need it.
                            I don't even heed warnings about cardboard/carton cans becoming weak when thawing. This has never happened. They're not covered in wax for nothing I guess.

                            I've read a reply on from 1 person that the taste deteriorates. Ofcourse we can't debate TASTE as such but IMHO the taste doesn't change at all. I've used snus that's been frozen for 3 months and it was just as delicious as the first fresh can.


                            • Zero
                              • May 2006
                              • 1522

                              ^ totally. I freeze my rolls and thaw one can at a time. You can use it straight out of the freezer anyways since it doesn't turn into a solid block like ice. The taste and freshness definitely preserve much better when they're kept frozen.


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