Thanks for the info Starwing. It is unfortunate that Swedish Match wont sell to Canucks. I think i'll try receving it as a gift from "Zero" next time. My only concern with that is, what if C Customs opens and identifies as tobacco?
Then, just because they can, they'll probably charge me the same obscene duty and tax plus a penalty for 'misnaming the product'. The local post office said Canada customs can pretty much charge any fee they like, and most people pay it without appealing.
I can understand and appreciate your concerns, gypsea, and do. If the package where to say, "Swedish Snus", it would be correct. In Sweden, I believe Snus is considered "Produce Food". Of course, I do not know what puts on the packages they deliver to other countries - you might try a small order - which reminds me, some Countries don't (or won't) bother with duty fees (and maybe taxes and other fees) if the package is so small... that is why some outlets break up orders into different individual packages. Is this the case in Canada? In the U.S., if the package exceeds a size (either in weight and/or cost - not sure), then we get hit with fees, or at least can.
Originally posted by gypsea also
Again, it is obscene that I have to poisen myself with Canadian tobacco, or local chewing tobacco (5 times the carcinogens, namely nitrosamines)
You would think Canada, so politically correct and socialized would want to assist nicotine addicts with healthier products. Instead they tax the hell out of it and Canadians end up paying the higher health costs in the end.
I understand that - plus, I guess your 'dip' and 'chewing' tobacco is fermented instead of pasteurized. At least the same type of tobacco in the U.S. has come down in nitrosamines over the past couple of decades or so... I just don't like the gobbles of spit Quite Frankly, IMO, Snus is just all together MUCH Better... however, I will resort to American Fermented Dip if I have no Snus around.
Originally posted by gypsea likewise
I find it strange that you can by smokes at any local store, gas station, bar etc. but you can only purchase the healthier product 'Nicorette "at Pharmacies.
Whats up with that? It's a good example of beauracratic b.s. in Canada.
Same for the U.S. – not to mention, the items do not have the nicotine kick as Snus does.
Yeah, the world is plagued by a combination of anti-tobacco lobby groups and tobacco-industry pressure - ironically, both of them are fighting snus, the former because "it's tobacco" and the latter because it threatens the cigarette manufacturers hold on the nicotine-addict market.
BTW, there's a new post at Eudoxa's Tobacco Harm Reduction that coneys the same thing - it is a good review about Snus, and the Swedish 'Book That Started It All' (Tobacco Harm Reduction Lobbying, etc.) called "Snus". The URL is:
Originally posted by Zero also
The UK is indeed part of the EU and it's perfectly fine to import snus and have it for personal use - it's only banned for sale, which means you can't sell it in shops, etc.
Thank God for the power of the Internet ... seems to me if a citizen can 'legally' order something from the internet into their country (or bring it with them from travelling), there should be no issue of selling it in the U.S. - Of Course, I guess it's those Lobby Groups you referenced causing such awkwardness.
I bet that the likes of buysnus, northerner, etc. can tell us that manufacturers of cigarettes are losing out to Snus
I bet that the likes of buysnus, northerner, etc. can tell us that manufacturers of cigarettes are losing out to Snus
Maybe in absolute terms but I think the proportion of snusers to smokers is something like 1: 100000000
So I don't think it's causing a dent in their revenues as yet :wink:
True, but only because of draconian policy. If snus was as freely marketable and merchantable as cigarettes are, I think we'd see a much faster switch in europe and north america. I mean, if word got out that you could have a tobacco product that gave you the same buzz as your cigarette with but a tiny fraction of the health issues, well, I mean that's a hot product. Cigarette companies could certainly keep up by releasing their own snus products, but the established swedish companies could easily take a big slice ofthe pie. That and the reduced demand for cigarettes would leave lots of existing equipment unused - sunk costs no longer producing profits. It's the same reason that big oil has been fighting against electric and hybrid vehicles. It's not that they can't find a niche for themselves if the winds change direction, but there's always a cost involved in chucking out your old stuff and starting up something new. Hopefully snus will prevail, though, in time :twisted:
Maybe in absolute terms but I think the proportion of snusers to smokers is something like 1: 100000000
I 'think' you 'think' correctly :wink: - which is sad it is like that, since over 400,000 lifelong smokers will die from smoking related diseases that would not die from tobacco if they were smokeless tobacco users, or none at all.
Many of the studies I read are at least a few years old, and I believe "compare" smokeless tobacco that is fermented, like the U.S. Stuff (Skoal, Copenhagen), in terms of life expectancies. One example is Dr. Rodu's "Scientific Rationale" at:
Originally posted by Craig de Tering
So I don't think it's causing a dent in their revenues as yet :wink:
True - especially companies like Phillip Morris, which is part of a bigger company ("of companies") that has revenues from other products. But I think they (tobacco companies) are looking into the future (probably over the "no smoking" zones other than health) with their test marketing of some new releases as 'smokeless tobacco', e.g. Taboka, Camel Snus, and even U.S. Smokeless Tobacco's 'aimed at smokers' Revel and Skoal Dry - of course, Lucky Strike has beyond just test marketing now.
Sorry to dig up an old thread.
This is my first time posting here. I'm so glad I found a forum like this!
Anyways I now have the same problem of getting snus into Canada. Up until just recently I had a friend who worked for an airline and used to fly to Sweden quite frequently. He would always bring snus back for me but now he doesn't work there anymore. I have been told to order smaller quantities so the duties aren't as much or could possibly slip through the cracks so to speak. At they only will ship 5 cans at a time one day at a time(at their expense) to reduce the chances of getting stuck at customs.
What I was wondering is if any Canadians have had smaller orders come through without paying dearly at customs?
just recieved a shipment form northerner 2 days ago via UPS. the package said "sweedish products" on it. no mention of snus, tabac or anything. made it through customs with no fees from UPS and the delivery guy left it at my house without getting a signature. now the real test will be when my habana snus gets shipped. anyone have any trouble getting the cuban brands through US customs?
Well, despite the blatantly suspect Montecristo and R&J label on the tins, they are technically swedish products - not cuban - and although I'm not versed on the intricacies of the cuban trade embargo, I would expect that they should be legal to import to the US. The only way they might not be is if you aren't allowed to import products containing cuban parts, even though they may be manufactured elsewhere. Still, that doesn't mean that the customs official will have the brains to know the difference. "Montecristo" is sort of a skull-and-bones red flag for those guys... :roll:
I made my first snus purchase last week. I decided to call Customs to see how much I would have to pay. The woman on the phone had no idea what snus was, when I explained she said my order of 4 tins would come to about 120 dollars. I was about to recruit a swedish friend to send some to me, when my package arrived, with no duties or taxes. 8) As we speak, I am enjoying some Goteborg Rape NO2 white portion. I am happy my friend's swedish girlfriend introduced us to this wonderful stuff.
Also, the thing where you have to put the brand of snus in when you register is sweet.
Does anyone have experience with snus getting caught in Canada? I got a roll of Roda Lacket from buysnus. The first five made it without incident, but I got a note from CanadaPost saying that my second five was being withheld and there is a 45$ this normal? It's more than i paid for the snus in the first place. I understand a fine, but why is it so much?
I just recieved my first order from this morning. I was expecting to pay duty, excise, GST, and tobacco tax but I guess it wasn't "selected" by customs. I have a few more shipments coming so I'll post the results when the time comes.
Does anyone have experience with snus getting caught in Canada? I got a roll of Roda Lacket from buysnus. The first five made it without incident, but I got a note from CanadaPost saying that my second five was being withheld and there is a 45$ this normal? It's more than i paid for the snus in the first place. I understand a fine, but why is it so much?
Because governments are extortionate bastards. Basically, tobacco tax in canada is severe and, buying it abroad, you're getting it essentially untaxed. Do check with the laws to make sure you've been charged the correct amount, though, because different types of tobacco (moist, for example, which has a lot of water) have different rates in different provinces, etc, and often they screw it up with something odd like snus. It does tend to happen at random as well, sometimes it gets stopped and sometimes it doesn't. There is usually a roughly $5 fee for the brokerage as well, since the shipping company handles the paperwork and the paying of the duties/excise for you.
I've made perhaps eight orders since July of this year (yes, I have a large stock on hand )All orders, except my most recent, were small amounts, 5 or 6 tins at a time. They all got through Customs no problem. My most recent order was for 8 tins, and it came in a slightly larger padded envelope and was stopped by customs. Amazingly, I was only charged $5 in duties and GST and a $5 handling fee. All my orders have been via Swedish Post
I would never have my order shipped via UPS, for you're sure to get Custom's attention and also socked with a customs brokerage fee as well.
SHORT[er] VERSION: anybody have any idea how much i'm gonna have to pay when i re-enter canada with a bunch of snus? cbsa website sucks. alberta provincinal...