Buysnus and Northerner delivery times

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  • surfing_64
    • Jan 2008
    • 82

    Buysnus and Northerner delivery times

    Ok, so I ordered last Monday, 10 cans from buysnus - 5xJulesnus, 2x cla qui and 2x ekstra sterk and 1x random can (which turned out to be general normal - was probe whiskey last time).
    and 5 cans from northerner - 2x different onico and 1x jakobssen ice fruit nicotine free and 2x northerner energy.

    Now this is to australia...
    Buysnus sent 2 packages on 2 different days, to try to escape customs.
    They arrived Monday and Tuesday this week, (i think northerner do the same thing with only sending 5 at a time to us in Oz)
    Northerner arrived today (wednesday)

    Both orders arrived well before my expected 2-2.5 week usual delivery time, so i;m stoked. And no customs on either order!! (though i wouldvt been irritated if the tobacco free cans got pulled up haha)

    My first order from Northerner, wanted to try the nicotine free ones for when i'm in bed chilling before sleep and need a snusification. I got no problems with either store, but i think i'll stick to buysnus for the moment unless they dont have what i want (like the nicotine free stuff this time)

    Oh well my freezer is full got in there
    Onyx, general, general ekstra sterk, claq qui, probe, n&j west, n&j strong, skruff stark (portion and los), Phantom blue loose, general loose, Julesnus portion, and a few random cans i cant think are in there.

  • itchystiches
    • Oct 2007
    • 194

    I've always preferred BuySnus over Northerner. I think it might be because they do a good discount service on roll purchases, or perhaps because they don't sell a load of other bullshit. But either way, I've never had ANY problems with them. I mean one time I had a package through with a hole in the envelope and a can 'escaped' (into the hands of a lucky mailman no doubt), but they sent me 2 cans as a replacement within like 2 days.... Really went beyond my expectations.

    Another time I had a problem with my connection dying in the middle of a transaction and wanted to make sure it had gone through okay, again... they sorted it out within 24 hours and picked up the ball....


    • snusjus
      • Jun 2008
      • 2674

      My two favorite sites are and I haven't ordered from because the shipping rates are outrageous.


      • lxskllr
        • Sep 2007
        • 13435

        Originally posted by snusjus
        I haven't ordered from because the shipping rates are outrageous.
        Buysnus has shipping tiers. I don't know how it breaks down, but as an example 1 tin of snus may cost as much to ship as 5 tins, and it might be the same to ship 1 roll as it is 2. They tell you when you add snus to your cart how much more you can put in and keep the same shipping fee. Northerner works better for a few individual tins, but Buysnus is better with larger orders(my preference).

        For formatting


        • LSUsnus
          New Member
          • Nov 2008
          • 5

          I have placed 2 orders at different times from northerner so far. Both were placed over the weekend, both were shipped out the next Monday, and I had both orders delivered on Friday in Louisiana, USA. I'm very satisfied with them so far.


          • bearcat87
            • Nov 2008
            • 400

            Buysnus is the only service I have used because they have never done me wrong. They always get my shipment to me in 5 days. Every item I have ordered has no less than 4 months to its expiration date. If you use UPS it can be expensive to ship but if you use Swedish Post Office it is very cheap. I've heard of some having problems with not receiving their order when using the Swedes Post but I'm willing to risk it.



            • Premium Parrots
              Super Moderators
              • Feb 2008
              • 9759

              I have never had a problem with either Buysnus or northerner. They are always the same in referance to the shipping times. I always price the product in cluding the shipping from both outfits to see who is cheaper. Buysnus always wins. PLUS there is the 6th roll concept too.

              Northerner has been good to me so I do order from them too anyway.
              Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

              I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


              • bakerbarber
                • Jun 2008
                • 1947

                I've found that The Northerner ships pretty quick. No faster or slower than any other shipment from Europe. If what you order is in stock they ship out within 24 hours.

                For me it depends on what I want. The Northerner has some varieties others don't. The differences in price are minor. If you have the time you can try each order with different site and compare prices before completing the process to decide.

                The guys at Buysnus are cool. They are super responsive to any questions or issues I've ever had. They have always replied in a day. never an automated response either. The freebies are nice. Nothing fancy, usually a pen or a free can. However if you buy by the roll their 6th roll program pushes them over the top for sure.


                • RobsanX
                  • Aug 2008
                  • 2030

                  I ordered from Northerner and GetSnus last Thursday, and they both arrived today. For some reason I didn't get my mystery can of snus with my GetSnus order. I got a flyer describing what it is, but no can... Oh well, it was Goat Rape portion, which I don't care for anymore...


                  • Jason
                    • Jan 2008
                    • 1370

                    Originally posted by RobsanX
                    For some reason I didn't get my mystery can of snus with my GetSnus order. I got a flyer describing what it is, but no can...
                    Yeah, same thing happened to me when I received my Getsnus order; no free tin, but a flyer with a picture of one. :wink: Doesn't matter, I like the sturdy packaging and shipping speed more than a freebie anyway...


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