I don't know about anyone else, but I kind of find it offensive that Getsnus did this. I mean, hello, do we really need another snus forum. Is Snuson failing to meet any needs I don't know about?
I for one, have no need for another snus forum. I already had resisted the seeming love affair some folks have with Getsnus. I mean, Buysnus, and Northerner to a lesser degree have done a fine job taking care of me. I never saw the need (faster shipping, big whup, I never have less then about 15 cans of snus when I order) for a new snus supplier. Seeing them put up a forum has now convinced me to never bother with them.
I don't take your sentiment as far sage, but I'm with you in spirit. I just don't see the point in another community. We're not that big to begin with, and any fracturing of the community will hurt everyone. I don't think we need 10 different forums with 4 people each talking to each other :^D
Hey sagedil I found it odd myself. Not so much offended, but puzzling.
Why bother with the site maintenance and upkeep?
I can appreciate getsnus for being a great option for people who use the brands they carry and desire quick delivery on small orders.
It still puzzles me that since I started snusing so many webstores and pseudo-forums have come out of the woodwork. Many probably existed prior to my awareness of them. Still it dilutes the experience a bit.
I'm all for competition and spreading information. Hopefully the same kind of good intentioned advise and tips that live at snuson also show up at getsnus.
I've seen some slightly inaccurate posts at snuscentral. Mr. Unz made a nice site himself, I didn't see the need to expand his blog. Love the perspective and info he puts in.
lxskllr, I have just participated in many communities dating back to my BBS days. I have seen before what damage could come. where my anger comes from. But I know that Snuson is strong, truly unlikely to affect us at all. But still, I see no good of it and the possibility of bad, no matter how slight, just pisses me off.
bakerbarber, my feelings about snuscentral are largely the same. I haven't talked about or posted about it, as I like Mr. Unz and wish him well, but I still never understood the logic of him creating that forum. Why?? What purpose does it serve that Snuson doesn't? What niche is he filling that we are missing? And if he isn't, then what is it's purpose other then to take up conversations that could have been done here?
I didn't understand that. But it wasn't commercial, Getsnus is.
i tried to order some cans from getsnus and their IDOlogy thing wouldn't let me...it said they couldn't verify my age even though i have my license sitting right in front of me and i'm definitely of age for buying tobacco.
I know it was run by Buysnus; I got a lot of info there before I found SnusOn, but I obviously could not post. Anyone know why they locked the forum? It's also still the first to pop up if you google "snus forums"...
I'm a fan of Getsnus. The orders I have placed have been handled well. I will not be participating in their forum. I see no point. I do participate in Mr. UNZ's forum, but that is mainly because they have a slightly different focus than here. At least it's not merely to drive sales. Snuson and Snuscentral are both for information for new snussers. It seems Snuscentral is a bit more American focused than here. Snuson was my first and still my favorite, but i enjoy both.
I appreciate many people's loyalty to this site. To me atleast, Snuson is the "OG" of snus forums. That said, I am of the opinion whatever it takes to get more people turned on to snus is a plus for all of us. With the impending U.S. legislation banning the mailing of tobacco products, I am concerned that it will cut off my supply line to snus. If more people in the U.S. desire the product, it may draw more of my local tobacco retailers to stock swedish snus, or make SM or the other snus manufacturers launch their products nationwide, thus keeping my supply line open. I hope this makes sense. IDK.
If they do ban mailing though, it won't cut off your supply, it will just make getting it to you a bit more expensive. but still way cheaper than my cigarette habit, so I am simply not stressing it.
If they do ban mailing though, it won't cut off your supply, it will just make getting it to you a bit more expensive. but still way cheaper than my cigarette habit, so I am simply not stressing it.
I guess I am confused. Who would be the carrier (ie. ups, usps, etc.) if a ban on mailing goes into law?