now has a forum!

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  • sagedil
    • Nov 2007
    • 7077

    UPS and Fedex could still ship tobacco, as they have controls in place to make sure it is not being delivered to kids.

    At least, that is the idea behind the ban, ie, the postal service can not control who gets mail, but UPS and Fedex can. is not like you can't get snus shipped, just would make you have to use UPS for busynus. On a $125 order, adds maybe $15 - $20 to my cost. I ain't losing any sleep over it.


    • sychodelix
      • Dec 2008
      • 280

      Actually, sagedil, if will not only be $15-$20 higher, but you'll have to pay customs EVERY SINGLE TIME, for UPS. You'll be paying a heck of a lot more than you think. If this goes through, I won't be using anything but Who knows, maybe a few other US shops will open if this happens.

      I just wish Getsnus would hurry and get some more snus that isn't just SM or V2. I want my Skruf!


      • sagedil
        • Nov 2007
        • 7077

        Getsnus would be as affected as anyone. This is a ban on shipping tobacco through the mail, no difference if domestic or international.

        And yes, UPS can at times involve a custom brokerage fee, but that usually isn't much. I agree though that I would really prefer it not to pass. But if it does, snus is still WAY cheaper then cigarettes. I'll deal with whatever I have to deal with when the time comes


        • Norwester
          • Dec 2008
          • 178

          The ones this will affect are those that can handle the $7-$8 shipping on a roll but not the $28-$30 UPS charges (Northerner). Chatting with the local postmaster last week it was mentioned that USPS has an Adult Signature Required option available this year so hopefully that can come into play. I think its only an extra 25-30 cents.


          • NonEntity
            • Jan 2009
            • 138

            Forming a community around a business is a great way to promote customer loyalty, I can't see how anyone can fault a business for trying to succeed. I have three orders with Getsnus and all have been handled well and my communications with their customer service have also been very satisfactory. I think it is great to have a US based vendor supplying snus.

            As I am in a "try everything" mode I do wish they carried more variety. If I end up preferring the brands Getsnus carries, though, I expect I will place most of my orders there.


            • sagedil
              • Nov 2007
              • 7077

              Because it is disrespectful of what is already out there. Snuson has single handily done more to increase knowledge and desire for snus. Trust me, what existed before Snuson was majorly lame.

              Without Snuson, Getsnus would not have much of a market here in America.

              I have been here for a long time, I am protective, that's all. I guess I am happy for Getsnus, and if it works for you, that is great. Me personally, their selection is so lame, I would STILL have to order half my snus elsewhere. just am not gonna bother with them to save $0.20 on a can of snus

              I have close to 30 orders with Buysnus. And other than pissing me off on my latest order, I have NEVER had any problems and have gotten 95% of my orders within 5 days. I have about 6 orders with Northerner and they have been equally good.

              And have you ever read the rules of Getsnus forums, you can't talk about any "competing websites" They can bite me!! WTF is the point of that. So just to be clear, this post would be against their rules if I was talking about Snuson there the way we are talking about Getsnus forum here. And I guess I can't post about Buysnus there either?

              That your idea of a useful forum, go enjoy. But I will happily express my hostility to it here.

              Getsnus. Lame useless forum, and pathetic selection. Oh boy, I am so excited. :?


              • Jason
                • Jan 2008
                • 1370

                Damn, Sage.....never seen you so fired up! :twisted:

                I thought that was very strange concerning the "competing websites", myself.....offensive language, or pushing links on people, sure...but restricting general banter is kind of silly.

                That said, lots of companies have small message boards on their sites, and I'm sure that if you wanted to discuss product with the owners, that would be a good way to get mutual feedback from them as well as other customers. In Getsnus' case though, as people have already mentioned, it's just going to be the same few people answering the same oft-repeated questions. Nothing against Getsnus, but those questions are honestly better asked and answered here.

                My unofficial two cents.... :wink:


                • sagedil
                  • Nov 2007
                  • 7077

                  I much prefer the Snuffhouse model. They have a number of owners of snuff companies actively participate. Roderick didn't create a forum for Toque, he just got his ass over to Snuffhouse and started participating like hell. I actually stumbled across his first post there.

                  Snuff folks KNOW the role Snuffhouse plays. And it is mutually beneficial for all. I have NEVER seen the folks from Getsnus here.

                  So again, I will repeat myself. They can bite me

                  And before one single more person raves about how good getsnus is cause they are cheaper. Remember, it is easy to use loss leaders when you first start competing to draw away customers. A time honored retail technique in fact. But before we assume it will always be that way, let's wait at least until they have been around a while.


                  • PrisMaster
                    • May 2007
                    • 208

                    ya I personally have never seen a need for getsnus yet. some of there offers are good, but i really like ordering from buysnus or one of northerners sites. I just like the swedish way i guess. Makes me feel more comfortable when ordering. As for the forum I do not see a reason for it. Snuson is great and provides all you need out of a snus forum. Just have the people come here. Keep us together.


                    • chainsnuser
                      Senior Member
                      • Jan 2007
                      • 1388

                      Originally posted by Jason
                      Can anyone enlighten me as to what happened to this forum?

                      The forum was closed before I became a snuser and later reopened (in read-only-mode). Many of the very early members of were also members at

                      They must have had some kind of legal problems or maybe some kind of vandalism as far as I understand it. They formerly had a short message on top, that after some cleaning-up, they are able to open the forum again, but won't make it available again for new postings. Nobody really has a clue, besides the people at Buysnus, I guess. The reopened read-only forum is still worth reading after more than two years.

                      Originally posted by sagedil
                      Trust me, what existed before Snuson was majorly lame.
                      I don't think so, the German "smokeless-forum" alone already was bigger and as vivid as snuson is today, even before snuson existed, but if there's a breakthrough for snus around the world, then snuson has it's part. It's not for nothing, that I make more postings here than in all 3 (big) German snus-forums altogether, even if I have to torture myself with this "illogical" English language. :lol:



                      • sagedil
                        • Nov 2007
                        • 7077

                        Between the Buysnus form and Snuson, there was another snus forum that was a sub forum of a dipper forum. Actually what I found when i started using snus 2 years ago.

                        THAT one sucked, as the dippers were always coming in and talking down about snus. I read a post there 6 months later about Snuson, came here, and never went back. I long ago forgot what the name was, but that was the forum I was thinking about.

                        umm, don't do the whole German thing so not familiar with any of the German forums. :wink:


                        • chainsnuser
                          Senior Member
                          • Jan 2007
                          • 1388

                          You mean SMPOST. I like it! :lol: It once was a great forum, really, but it has been taken over by schoolkids, who have no other chance than to buy dip (if at all, I guess half of the forum is about getting fake identity cards).



                          • sagedil
                            • Nov 2007
                            • 7077

                            LOL, SMPOST, that was it!!!

                            If you look back far enough, you ill see I was active there for about 6 months before I found this site. It SO sucked compared to here.

                            And, in case anyone hasn't seen it, see my latest post in the thread about Buysnus and Thunder. Seems Buysnus read what I posted here and e-mailed me privately about it. Is Getsnus reading Snuson, or is that not allowed for their employees to read a "competing website? LOL.


                            • Xobeloot
                              • Jan 2008
                              • 2542

                              Getsnus was posting here briefly until a few of us hammered down saying that if they plan to use Snuson to drive business to their site, they should be throwing a kick-back to Icetool.

                              They haven't posted since, but im sure they troll the forums.


                              • sagedil
                                • Nov 2007
                                • 7077

                                i didn't say "spamming" the site, there is a difference. Roderick's active and helpful participation at Snuffhouse, and even here, has done far more to drive business to Toque. But I meant reading, paying attention to what folks here are saying.

                                btw, wonder if THAT was the reason they started their own forum. Probably is my guess.


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