now has a forum!

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  • sagedil
    • Nov 2007
    • 7077

    Originally posted by grimmfaust

    And sagedil, I find it to be an idiotic notion to think that this should be the one and only snus forum or that getsnus should not have a forum, irrigardless of whatever rules they have.

    You are entitled to your opinion, as am I to have a dissenting one. But, your language and tone in regards to this issue suggests that your opinion is the only correct one; and that is not the case.

    I will not get into a flame war; you seem to be a forum veteran, so you should know better than that. I'm done...enjoy your snus, as do I.
    No, it is solely my opinion, I couldn't care less if anyone else agrees or not. Take that back, I DO hope Getsnus is reading this, and rethink's their approach. THEY are my true audience.

    Go back and re-read where I got nasty. I got nasty because things were directed at other folks who didn't deserve it, rather than just being focused on myself. and yes, when I see folks being attacked unfairly IMHO, I WILL react.

    But all is good in the snus world. That person and I took it off line, have had extensive discussions about it, and are now happily talking motorcycles. I apologize if my posts disturbed anyone else. But there is a method to my madness


    • grimmfaust
      • Jul 2008
      • 51

      Originally posted by Sal1000us
      Originally posted by grimmfaust
      I would assume that this site using meta tags like "Icetool snus portion tool & snus box" points to the icetool maker as the owner. Plus the Icetool maker is in Helsinki and has similar registry information.
      True, these days the hosting company can be located anywhere in the world independent of the actual physical company.

      Originally posted by grimmfaust
      Getting free publicity from posters here about snus must sell lots of icetools. Clever.
      I am sure it is a good marketing tool but at the same time the forum is very informative about snus in general. I started using snus last December and this forum has helped me a lot since I was a newbie and didn't know anything about snus. I tried other snus forums but realized none was as vibrant as so that is why I am here. There are also passionate members and at times debates become a little too hot but I am sure they all mean well and try their best to help others.
      The admin/programmer posts on this site concerning work on "the other site" they are obviously the owners here.

      I agree, this site is very informative. Never said anything to the contrary. Use it myself, as you can see.

      And it is a marketing tool to sell icetool's. The reason they started this forum and continue to incur costs running it, was and is simply to make money and NOT to help people. Lets not cloud the motivation and reason for it's existence. The time it stops making money or bussiness sense for it's owners; it will go away or get archived. Whether it helps people or not.

      But anyway, one forum community at "war" with another forum, trying to "destroy" it, is, sadly, very common. It's a shame that some think because they have a voice here or can hurt others within this electronic microcosm they are "important". These are people who usually don't have a voice in the "real" world.


      • sagedil
        • Nov 2007
        • 7077

        Give me a freaking break. What in the fu** have I said that is trying to "destroy" another forum. Where is the "war"?? Because I bring up concerns?? How in the fu** am I hurting ANYONE?? I have NEVER done anything to hurt another forum. I haven't gone there to make trouble, all I have done is express my dissatisfaction about choices another business has made. Period.

        I'm done with this. YOU truly just don't get it.


        • grimmfaust
          • Jul 2008
          • 51

          Originally posted by sagedil

          But there is a method to my madness
          Madness indeed :roll:


          • Maximus
            • Jan 2009
            • 222

            Grimmfaust you are on a bit of a rampage with going after people. Yes Sagedil has expressed his disatisfaction with GetSnus forum due to the restrictions they impose but he hasn't gone after them as a business otherwise.

            In fact he has on other posts expressed the fact that as he would like to see them succeed as it gives us all more options, he plans on ordering from them as well.

            I am noticing also that he is not the only one you seem to be taking everything personal with. Try to remember that this is an open forum and therefore everyone is allowed to express their opinion about any other business or forum. I have been reading these forums for awhile now and notice a lot of friendly ribbing that you cannot take personally. I am just asking that you try to make your opinion heard without taking the personal shots.


            • grimmfaust
              • Jul 2008
              • 51

              Originally posted by Maximus
              You are on a bit of a rampage with going after people.
              OK, you seriously need to back that statement up...what people specifically have I gone after? I've already said that it's all about opinions here. I have always just expressed my opinion. Who have I cursed at or ranted against? Who belittles my opinion by corelating it to chearleading? I've taken it all in stride. But, please don't judge me or my opinionated comments, as though I need to stop.

              No it's not the snus. I think your statements above are very unfair and completely off target. I'm hurt :cry:


              • sagedil
                • Nov 2007
                • 7077

                Originally posted by grimmfaust
                Who belittles my opinion by corelating it to chearleading? :
                When have I ever belittled you opinion or said you were cheerleading. Please provide the quote.


                • grimmfaust
                  • Jul 2008
                  • 51

                  Originally posted by sagedil
                  Originally posted by grimmfaust
                  Who belittles my opinion by corelating it to chearleading? :
                  When have I ever belittled you opinion or said you were cheerleading. Please provide the quote.
                  Not you..but I will provide quotes since you asked


                  • grimmfaust
                    • Jul 2008
                    • 51

                    Originally posted by Maximus
                    In fact he has on other posts expressed the fact that as he would like to see them succeed as it gives us all more options, he plans on ordering from them as well.
                    Oh, one more thing Maximus, as too your quote above. Are we rewriting history now? My opinion has been partly based on the quotes from sagedil below.

                    And I quote from sagedil posts:

                    Seeing them put up a forum has now convinced me to never bother with them.

                    Getsnus. Lame useless forum, and pathetic selection. Oh boy, I am so excited.

                    So again, I will repeat myself. They can bite me

                    When Getsnus offers more than they currently do, perhaps I will make an order from them. Until they do, I don't see any reason.

                    So when Getsnus decides it wants to be a serious player and actually carry what I use, give me a call.

                    If Getsnus had never started their forum, i would probably still be holding my tongue. But I am VERY angered by that decision, a complete and total lack of respect for what already is in my book. And the ironic thing is, without Snuson, they probably wouldn't have much of a business. So going forward, I will continue to be very aggressive in both promoting Buysnus, and sticking my tongue out at Getsnus at every opportunity.


                    • bakerbarber
                      • Jun 2008
                      • 1947

                      Originally posted by grimmfaust
                      Who belittles my opinion by corelating it to chearleading?
                      That was me. :wink:

                      Really though... Belittled?

                      It wasn't so much "correlating" either.

                      Was more of a statement. I didn't imply anything. I just said it.

                      Really hope eventually that you can recognize the fact that no one here is perpetuating the contrary discourse to this extent but yourself.

                      If you really are hurt than I suggest sucking it up and realizing that we do tease each other a bit. We also tend to understand other's opinions without taking them as personally as you are now.

                      Snuson brother.


                      • grimmfaust
                        • Jul 2008
                        • 51

                        Originally posted by bakerbarber
                        Originally posted by grimmfaust
                        Who belittles my opinion by corelating it to chearleading?
                        That was me. :wink:

                        Really though... Belittled?

                        It wasn't so much "correlating" either.

                        Was more of a statement. I didn't imply anything. I just said it.

                        Really hope eventually that you can recognize the fact that no one here is perpetuating the contrary discourse to this extent but yourself.

                        If you really are hurt than I suggest sucking it up and realizing that we do tease each other a bit. We also tend to understand other's opinions without taking them as personally as you are now.

                        Snuson brother.
                        Look at the quotes above and tell me it's me blowing this out of proportion.... So if someone can stick their tongue out at a particular vendor, I can vehemently defend them. And I guess stick my tongue out at another poster. Me thinks others are taking this too seriously.

                        Thanks for your comment, I am an equal member here as anyone else...thanks for listening...


                        • bakerbarber
                          • Jun 2008
                          • 1947

                          Sage is being passionate too.

                          I can understand both of your frustrations. The confrontational nature makes me really uncomfortable in this thread.

                          I'm going to go take a shower and scrub with steel wool.


                          • Maximus
                            • Jan 2009
                            • 222

                            Yes Grimm, Sage has in the past had a few rants about GetSnus but through conversations with him here in the forum and without taking anything he says as personal I helped him to understand that havng GetSnus would not be a bad thing as it does open our options a bit.

                            As to who else you went after, you commented yourself when Baker asked about the cheerleading and you went after him a little. Seriously try not to take everything so personally. No one is out to get you. We all express opinions here that are not going to be agreed upon by everyone but most of the time I have seen everyone take it with a grain of salt.

                            I agree that you are an equal member here and your opinions count as well until you start to take it personally and start to go after people specifically like referencing Sage's madness comment, then it becomes more than an opinion. I'm just asking you to reconsider or filter some of your feelings when you start to post. We want to hear what everyone says and thinks about snus or other sites that sell snus or are snus related but not necessarily jabs at others.


                            • texasmade
                              • Jan 2009
                              • 4159

                              Originally posted by bakerbarber
                              Originally posted by grimmfaust
                              Who belittles my opinion by corelating it to chearleading?
                              That was me. :wink:

                              Really though... Belittled?

                              It wasn't so much "correlating" either.

                              Was more of a statement. I didn't imply anything. I just said it.

                              Really hope eventually that you can recognize the fact that no one here is perpetuating the contrary discourse to this extent but yourself.

                              If you really are hurt than I suggest sucking it up and realizing that we do tease each other a bit. We also tend to understand other's opinions without taking them as personally as you are now.

                              Snuson brother.

                              oh i get it now.... ops:


                              • grimmfaust
                                • Jul 2008
                                • 51

                                Originally posted by bakerbarber
                                Sage is being passionate too.

                                I can understand both of your frustrations. The confrontational nature makes me really uncomfortable in this thread.

                                I'm going to go take a shower and scrub with steel wool.
                                That might's just opinions being exchanged...never ment for a first words about this were "I don't understand the issue..." Just a statement and an opinion...


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