First USA store bought snus experience

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  • gopherbob
    • Jan 2007
    • 125

    First USA store bought snus experience

    A new retailer of swedish match snus popped up on their website. Located about 15-20 minutes away so I went and checked it out.

    I had in my mind I would buy 1 can of General Portions, since I've never tried them and it would have been pointless to waste the gas and not buy something.

    So I pick up a can of General from their little swedish match fancy refridgerator and he says its $5. So I was like ok. Then we talked for a moment about how swedish match bought the largest US cigar company General cigars (I was in a cigar shop). He asked me if I had experience with snus I said yea and he asked where I purchased it normally. So to make a long story short he asked me how much I paid and I told him 35 dollars a roll and he was shocked. He said that was cheaper than his dealer cost for snus. Right before I left he said here let me give you an extra one to help with the cost.. he really seemed amazed at the 35 dollar price and gave me a General White portion which is new to me since I stick with mostly loose.

    To sum it up, nice guy, expensive snus, nice to have it semi locally though.

    So it looks like this aquisition of General cigars has put swedish match in an excellent position to distribute snus through cigar shops. A very nice plan.
  • Zero
    • May 2006
    • 1522

    How can you sell something in a store and not even take 30 seconds to look up how much other people are selling it for? Go figure, man... was he an old guy?


    • gopherbob
      • Jan 2007
      • 125

      No, he looked aprx 30 and was puffing on a cigar while i talked to him.

      The way he talked it was like a swedish match salesmen came and left and there was the fancy refridgerated snus case on the counter. The guy looked like the owner or one of them.

      Another retailer not as close was selling them for 4 dollars. It wont be often that I go and buy snus there as the selection is so limited.

      General loose
      General portion
      General white portion
      General Wintergreen
      Catch Dry Spearmint

      And it seems this is basically the only selection they are offering USA retailers to sell.

      But unless I'm trying out a variety I have never tried before I will stick with the 35 dollars a roll online. Free 3 day shipping from sweden and the entire library of swedih match snus is tough to beat.


      • snusalufagus
        New Member
        • Jun 2007
        • 8

        After calling 15 different tobacco shops to see if they sold snus and getting replies like, "Whats that?", "Never heard of it", "You cant buy that in the US", I found a shop that sold it for 5 bucks a can and the same brands you listed. I wanted to try snus so I bought some General. After I got to the car I opened it and popped one in then I noticed it had expired it best used by date by a full month. :x I didnt care for the taste of General and I am waiting on my order to get here. To sum it up, if I like snus (which I really hope I do) I will have to make sure I have a good stock of it that never runs out.


        • Zero
          • May 2006
          • 1522

          Ah, that's a shame about the expired stuff...snus is really at its best when it's fresh. It makes a world of difference.


          • standfast
            • Mar 2007
            • 39

            Originally posted by Zero
            Ah, that's a shame about the expired stuff...snus is really at its best when it's fresh. It makes a world of difference.

            mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....ok..........what are we talking about......snus ................or how much people hate americans...........ok!What...........are they fat and lazy? mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.........I wish I could show you WORK................................................... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ................................OK lets boil it down to science...........................OK 6 days.....................or 6 2 10 thousand years?BULLSHIT....mmmmmmmmmmmmmm..........OK ............yes you can make energy out of that!..................................... Now let us talk about how we are able too LIVE........mmmmmmm.............. let us spell that is that dumb or stupid?...............OK ..............let us ask this .......................ok ........evolution........or................ creation? MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM .........................................OK this has been proven cant say no gravity...or a vacuum for that matter .................we ARE talking about NOTHING.....................OK......... Mister fact Man?This has been proven..........ENERGY CAN NOT MAKE ITSELF. OK this is for our LOVED ones...... YOU ARE LOVED.


            • moisty
              • Jun 2006
              • 38

              Looks like someone forgot to take their lithium! :roll:


              • Zero
                • May 2006
                • 1522

                dear, oh dear...


                • Subtilo
                  • Dec 2006
                  • 524

                  Hurry, get daddys rifle - this one seems to be suffering ...


                  • phish
                    • Jan 2007
                    • 265

                    Originally posted by standfast
                    Originally posted by Zero
                    Ah, that's a shame about the expired stuff...snus is really at its best when it's fresh. It makes a world of difference.
                    mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm .... ok..........what are we talking about......snus ................or how much people hate americans...........ok!What...........are they fat and lazy?mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm .........I wish I could show you WORK ................................................... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..................... ...........OK lets boil it down to science........................... OK 6 days.....................or 6 2 10 thousand years?BULLSHIT.... mmmmmmmmmmmmmm.......... OK............yes you can make energy out of that!.....................................Now let us talk about how we are able too LIVE........mmmmmmm.............. let us spell that is that dumb or stupid?...............OK..............let us ask this .......................ok ........evolution........or................ creation? etc. <more mad ramblings>
                    Zero! How dare you imply snus is better when its fresh. Maybe you should stop and think before you post such outrageous comments.


                    • capkanada
                      • Mar 2007
                      • 29

                      Originally posted by standfast
                      Originally posted by Zero
                      Ah, that's a shame about the expired stuff...snus is really at its best when it's fresh. It makes a world of difference.

                      mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....ok..........what are we talking about......snus ................or how much people hate americans...........ok!What...........are they fat and lazy? mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.........I wish I could show you WORK................................................... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ................................OK lets boil it down to science........................... OK 6 days.....................or 6 2 10 thousand years?BULLSHIT....mmmmmmmmmmmmmm..........OK........... .yes you can make energy out of that!.....................................Now let us talk about how we are able too LIVE........mmmmmmm..............let us spell that is that dumb or stupid?...............OK..............let us ask this .......................ok ........evolution........or................creation? MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM............. ............................OK this has been cant say no gravity...or a vacuum for that matter.................we ARE talking about NOTHING.....................OK.........Mister fact Man?This has been proven..........ENERGY CAN NOT MAKE ITSELF.OK this is for our LOVED ones......YOU ARE LOVED.
                      Please step away from the computer. The aliens will stop probing you in your 'sacred valley' if you step away from the computer. Do this now, and no harm will come to you. Seriously.

                      <<psst...someone get a bat...we got a live one.>> :twisted:

                      Oh, and getting back on topic...
                      I recently found out that Swedish Match finally started selling in Louisville, KY. Pity that it's 2.5~3 hours away from where I am. Still, I'm strongly considering making an attempt at going there either this or next weekend to see about snagging a couple of cans. Tales of the adventure will be forthcoming.


                      • carotevi
                        • Mar 2007
                        • 64

                        Originally posted by capkanada
                        Originally posted by standfast
                        Originally posted by Zero
                        Ah, that's a shame about the expired stuff...snus is really at its best when it's fresh. It makes a world of difference.

                        mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....ok..........what are we talking about......snus ................or how much people hate americans...........ok!What...........are they fat and lazy? mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.........I wish I could show you WORK................................................... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ................................OK lets boil it down to science........................... OK 6 days.....................or 6 2 10 thousand years?BULLSHIT....mmmmmmmmmmmmmm. .........OK............yes you can make energy out of that!.....................................Now let us talk about how we are able too LIVE........mmmmmmm.............. let us spell that is that dumb or stupid?...............OK..............let us ask this .......................ok ........evolution........or................creation? MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM............. ............................OK this has been cant say no gravity...or a vacuum for that matter.................we ARE talking about NOTHING.....................OK.........Mister fact Man?This has been proven..........ENERGY CAN NOT MAKE ITSELF.OK this is for our LOVED ones......YOU ARE LOVED.
                        Please step away from the computer. The aliens will stop probing you in your 'sacred valley' if you step away from the computer. Do this now, and no harm will come to you. Seriously.

                        <<psst...someone get a bat...we got a live one.>> :twisted:

                        I think he is just sick of certain people using a snus forum as a bash America forum and just don't have the wonderful keyboard skills that others here have to express what he feels.

                        say anything remotely close to something about the USA and a certain person will always have some comment to say about it. it does not matter how small or large it may be there is a little comment on the way. i think he is just sick of that. one may say if he don't like it don't come back..... let's remember this IS a snus forum errrr well that's the name on it. as for me this is the first time i have been back in weeks and the reason i left the last time is the reason i am leaving for good this time.

                        oh mister man of the world you have some learning to do about how the world works but you did pick out a good username for yourself :P

                        i am sure this will bring some intelligent comments so have at it and have a wonderful life.


                        • phish
                          • Jan 2007
                          • 265

                          That's a shame carotevi. I think steadfast's comment received the feedback it did because this thread was not political at all. I can understand why he may be annoyed as there is a lot of political chat on this forum but there are many Americans and none of them are as vocal. We have to remember a criticism of American is not a criticism of its citizens. Britain is also guilty concerning current events but I do not fly off the handle if some one says so, because it is true!

                          Personally I'm very non-political (I live with three politics students ) I have just learned to filter it out in real life and on the forum. Besides, It is very hard not too mention politics when we are talking about snus related exports/bans/embargoes and tax


                          • llewelynt
                            • May 2007
                            • 61

                            Phish, your even-temperedness and sensible approach shall not be tolerated. Consider yourself warned. :lol:


                            • Subtilo
                              • Dec 2006
                              • 524

                              Please let me be Dylan in this digital remake of 90210!

                              Me (Dylan): ” ... yeah? well, I don't care anymore, I just don't. Whats that you say? ... Yes, I'm taking Brenda! I would never leave her alone in a forum like this! Goodbye mr. freaking-Walsh! ... c'mon Bren' ... let's hit it"

                              Wrooom, WROOOM ... IIIIIIIIIIIiiiiccchhhhh...

                              Jim Walsh: "Noooooooo! ... Bren ... da ..."


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