I haven't been seeing the Tourney as much the last couple of months. I almost got the impression that it had gone away. Did you find it to be as dry as I did? I would have to moisten it first or I could go an hour without flavor or nic.
Any Minnesota stores sell snus?
Right now I am on my last can of Snus which was a freebie (ettan regular portions).
I placed a order Sunday night with getsnus.com and have faith it might get here by wed.
In a pinch I will use up the Camel that sits in the back of the fridge but to get even close to the same nic hit as a regular Swedish portion you have to use two portions.
Yeah I found the Tourney being sold at SA. I totally agree on how dry it is as well as finding it very coarse and harsh on my gums. The suffering I am going through with rationing my good stuff and suplementing my nic hits with all this other stuff is making me so look forward to my package which is scheduled to arrive from ups tomorrow (wednesday). I may have to take part of the day off to come home and recouperate. 8)
MN Snus
Hello fellow snusers of the Northstar state.This is my first post on this awesome forum.
Thanks for posting the MN related question Maximus. I've been researching the web for a couple months with much appreciation for all the input, opinion, encouragement, and advice of this forums members. And it has been especially nice to see so many fellow MNers..
As a smoker for 20 years, my interest started when the local BP station Gave me a free Camel snus when buying a pack of smokes. I knew there must be better, and hit the web.
Working on my second order of 4 tins from buysnus at the moment.
I called all around and haven't found any true Swedish snus available from retailers. A freind said one of his co-workers said there is a shop in White Bear that sells them. Yet, that's hear-say. I'm still trying to get him to qualify that.
So, I have to figure that I'm not the only one that called a bunch of tobacco stores asking if they sell swedish snus (and then they say "what"?) only to have to explain it to them. Hopefully, one or more of them is getting the point? And no doubt some of us are finishing the call with "look into it".
I smell opportunity. Anybody else think like me? What's it take to get a distribution license? I will be happy to go from store to store and be a pitch-man to get things moving.
Has anybody seen a site that sells snus with an affiliate program. Thats my business and I'd really like to know if there's a company paying commission rather than credit for more snus. (not that I couldn't use a little credit too. So, I do appreciate the offer)
Bye, for now. I'll be back. :lol:
I've been snusing now for over a year in the land of 10,000 lakes and have yet to find a suitable snus available over the counter. I live in Blaine and work in Mendota Heights (yeah I know, the drive sucks) - but as a result have stopped at just about every gas station in between and haven't had any luck. SA does seem to carry Tourney and Camel as mentioned earlier, but I haven't found anything real yet. I'd love to know if you guys manage to find a good local source. Unfortunately, I worry that'd I'd only use it for those "emergency" cases - and they wouldn't get enough business to make it worthwhile. If I find something I'll post to this thread to bring it back up to the top.
I've found in general in MN that when I talk to people in their 50s or older that they know what snus is (Swedes of course). Generally it is along the lines of "my dad/grandpa used to use that stuff". I even learned a funny phrase from my wife's grandfather, apparently his dad always used to say "Give 'er some snus!" to refer to giving it your all. I liked that phrase and bust it out on occasion.
texasmade: There's plenty to do in MN, it really depends on what you're into. There's a lot of bars/hangouts in downtown Minneapolis, or the University of MN area, but if you're more into wilderness there are 10,000 lakes you can go to. Personally, I grew up in the metro area, but I like to find those hunter bars up north and hang out (you know the ones with deer heads on the walls) - but that's because I own a cabin and am regularly up north. Otherwise you can rent canoe's an other boats at Lake Calhoun which is good for a day. I personally like the Science Museum in St. Paul and the Summit Brewery tour. I'm not a huge fan of the MN zoo, but the Como Park Zoo / Greenhouse is pretty fun (and free). All in all, it's a metro area with around 1,000,000 people (I think) so there's plenty to do (we don't all live in igloo's).
yes there is an update. I live in minneapolis and if you do a search on generalsnus.com it shows a few shops in the area of Minneapolis/St. Paul. Make sure you use the locator on generalsnus.com and not swedishsnus.com (swedish matchs website). The newest shops that hold general snus are only found on generalsnus.com. Hope that helps.
At least now if we really need it we can find real swedish snus in driving distance instead of the gas station crap they call snus. That stuff is pathetic. Take a look at the general website and if you have any problems let me know and ill help you out.
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