BuySnus or Northerner

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  • bearcat87
    • Nov 2008
    • 400

    Originally posted by sagedil
    See bearcat87??

    That is the Buysnus i have come to know and love. I think, perhaps, you were a bit quick to judge. Buysnus will never rush out a new package, as most of the times, it really is just delayed, or got stuck at customs. But, at least in the past, did exactly what they did with you, they followed up again, and once sufficient time had passed, fixed it.

    And their website says right up front that they are NOT responsible for lost orders. But they still always do.

    I know you don't have much spare cash, that starving student routine, so I am mostly just grateful you got taken care of. But especially with other posts lately, I AM happy to see you post what you did.

    Thank you.[/list]
    I didn't think that I was bashing buysnus in anyway but I was a bit hasty. All I said was that I could not afford to loose packages through the swedish post and ups is too expensive. Plus I just really want to try THUNDER, I'm not a very patient person which I do need to work on. Buysnus always has been(except for a week or so) and will be my number one choice from now on.


    • Sacrilicious
      • Nov 2007
      • 118

      I used Buysnus exclusively for about a year and was very pleased with their service. Unfortunately, a few months ago I had an issue with a double charge (their fault) & the overdraft fee associated with it. To make a long story short, I was extremely unhappy with how their customer service and I have not ordered from them since. I now use Northerner - I like their point system better, and the tiered pricing system.

      I actually really liked buysnus, I always got my snus quickly, and the one time they shorted me two cans they were very cool about it and sent the replacements out right away. But I tend to hold a grudge, and I'm withholding my business from them.


      • Paul Jolley

        I used buysnus a couple of times, but prefer the points system on northerner. On buysnus you don't get any points for single cans.

        Only problem with northerner is they don't sell LD black, which I want to try.

        Both are good stores, at the end of the day, IMO.


        • jackolantern
          • Dec 2008
          • 198

          While I know it is probably not their fault, my first Northerner order was placed about a week before my first order. The Northerner order took a month and a half to arrive, and I got no acknowledgment that I had ever even placed an order. The buysnus order took 5 days to get here. While I know this was probably a freak occurance considering other people's experiences, I just cannot risk taking that long to get an order, without any confirmation whether it is coming or not.


          • Gowrie
            • Nov 2008
            • 26

            I placed an order with Northerner 10 days ago. No Email confirmation. Probably it didn't go through as there's no charge on my card. So far.
            I Emailed them 3 days ago about it and no reply yet.


            • Jason
              • Jan 2008
              • 1370

              Originally posted by Gowrie
              I placed an order with Northerner 10 days ago. No Email confirmation. Probably it didn't go through as there's no charge on my card. So far.
              I Emailed them 3 days ago about it and no reply yet.
              That is why I am hesitant to use them; I have heard about this happening more than once. There have been a few minor quirks with Buysnus, but for the most part, they have always been quick with the order and shipping confirmations.


              • sagedil
                • Nov 2007
                • 7077

                In 2 years of using both, majority Buysnus, but at least 20% Northerner, I have never had a problem with either. One Buysnus order a year ago that took 2 weeks. But other than that, I have always gotten everything I ordered within 4 -6 days. I got cranky with Buysnus on my last order for not telling me Thunder wasn't shipped, and charging my card so I couldn't order it elsewhere. But Buysnus MORE than made up for that bit of trouble.


                • Norwester
                  • Dec 2008
                  • 178

                  Just curious,as I live in Oregon. Are the Northerner & Swedish Snus affiliated and neither will ship to OR,Delaware and other states or is that just the Swedish Snus part of the co.? Almost punched in my first order to the Northerner last night but they were out of Phantom so SnusCentral got this one anyway.


                  • Gowrie
                    • Nov 2008
                    • 26

                    Originally posted by Gowrie
                    I placed an order with Northerner 10 days ago. No Email confirmation. Probably it didn't go through as there's no charge on my card. So far.
                    I Emailed them 3 days ago about it and no reply yet.
                    My shipment arrived yesterday.
                    I'm not really upset. But most online retailers spit out a confirmation seconds after placing the order. Their software system must require a human to make the connection, so errors are inevitable.


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