How much does a can/roll cost in a store in Sweden?

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  • Paul Jolley

    How much does a can/roll cost in a store in Sweden?

    I was wondering this, because, as I am in the EU, importing costs a silly amount. Was thinking of a day trip to Stockholm to stock up, and to see the sights. I've been to Oslo, never to Stockholm.
  • sagedil
    • Nov 2007
    • 7077

    I think you will find that the taxes on tobacco IN Sweden are very high. I can't remeber but folks have posted that info here before.


    • chainsnuser
      Senior Member
      • Jan 2007
      • 1388

      Apart from special-price-campaigns or duty-free locations, like Norwegian airports or ferries between Sweden and Åland (I'm not sure if the latter still are duty-free), the prices are the same as in the webshops, minus the shipping costs, of course.

      I've heard from many people who took the ferry to Åland, but the Ålanders have been sued by the EU last year and sentenced to pay several millions of Euros (we have discussed it here in the forum), so I don't think they still sell tax-free snus. I really hope some new tax-free webshops (like appear, that ship from Norway or even from the US, but till then I don't see many opportunities to get cheaper snus.

      Maybe it gets better when Sweden gets a socialist government again. Believe it or not, but till the end of 2006 we in Europe paid the same price that Americans had to pay. The tobacco tax was so low, that the shops didn't even bother to charge different prices (VAT excluded).

      **** the new, so called conservative government in Sweden, they are not conservatives, but simply greedy assholes, who give a shit on the health of their people. Same for the EU-commission BTW.

      Really, it's hard to get me angry about politics, but there has so much gone wrong in the last two years, it's almost unbelievable. If the Swedes were not as stoic and more like the French, the whole government would long have ended on the Guillotine. :evil:



      • sagedil
        • Nov 2007
        • 7077

        Originally posted by chainsnuser

        **** the new, so called conservative government in Sweden, they are not conservatives, but simply greedy assholes, who give a shit on the health of their people.
        Oh, you mean they are just like our conservatives here!! :wink:

        Runnin for the hills now. :lol: :lol: :lol:


        • KarlvB
          • Feb 2008
          • 681

          Re: How much does a can/roll cost in a store in Sweden?

          Originally posted by Paul Jolley
          I was wondering this, because, as I am in the EU, importing costs a silly amount. Was thinking of a day trip to Stockholm to stock up, and to see the sights. I've been to Oslo, never to Stockholm.
          The price is pretty similar to what you would pay at Buysnus - 35-40 SEK per can - so you won't really save any money.

          Despite that I'd say do it. I was in Stockholm last April again and its still one of my favourite cities in the world. Add to that the the kick of standing in front of a fully stocked snus fridge and loading up on all your favourite brands and its a no brainer - Do it!!!

          Ps: The airport is more expensive than the stores around Stockholm -- one of the cheapest stores I found was actually the one I least expected to be - Nordiska Kompaniet


          • TBD
            • Jul 2008
            • 817

            Originally posted by sagedil
            Originally posted by chainsnuser

            **** the new, so called conservative government in Sweden, they are not conservatives, but simply greedy assholes, who give a shit on the health of their people.
            Oh, you mean they are just like our Repulicans here!! :wink:

            Runnin for the hills now. :lol: :lol: :lol:
            Fixed that for you. Real conservatives are very rare in our government. Don't even try to say W. is a conservative. He is conservative like BO is black. Kinda, but not really.


            • sagedil
              • Nov 2007
              • 7077

              Fair enough!! I completely agree with you. I have been reading Andrew Sullivan for 6 years, from even before he finally figured out how wrong the Iraq war was.

              "Self Identified" conservatives. Unfortunately, most of the conservative movement long ago forgot what they were supposed too be about and just became apologists for the Republican party.

              One day, I hope the Republican party figures it out, I would love to return to them. Until then though, I will do everything I can to fight this current version.


              • TBD
                • Jul 2008
                • 817

                Sage, buddy, I thought we disagreed on politics. I dropped out of the Repubs right after they nominated king George the first time. They just are conservative enough for me. I'm leaning more libertarian, now. Smaller government, less/no personal taxes, do what you like as long as it doesn't interfere with another persons rights.

                I will now allow this thread to get back on topic. :lol: ops:


                • sagedil
                  • Nov 2007
                  • 7077

                  I left the repubs in the late 80's, but didn't become a Democrat until Buchanan's culture war speech at the 92 Republican convention. The current version of the party has been taken over by Christianists and are about as far from Libertarian as anyone can get.

                  I am sympathetic to Libertarians,am a very social issues liberal but rather fiscally conservative Democrat these days. I would be a Rockefeller Republican if they let our types back in the party.

                  As long as Palin is the darling of the Republican party, I will pray they go the way of the Whigs.


                  • Steel Blue 91
                    • May 2008
                    • 163

                    We should have cloned Regan when we had the chance.


                    • TexDis
                      • Dec 2008
                      • 63

                      Originally posted by sagedil
                      I left the repubs in the late 80's, but didn't become a Democrat until Buchanan's culture war speech at the 92 Republican convention.
                      That was definitely a bellweather speech. Buchanan proved himself a great prognosticator then and has remained so ever since. I voted for Pat in '92, '96 and 2000 when he went Reform. I didn't really care in '04 and still don't too much although Dr. Paul inspired me once again to pull the lever for him this past year.

                      The current version of the party has been taken over by Christianists and are about as far from Libertarian as anyone can get.
                      Not really. The neo-conservatives took over and killed the Republican party albeit with the help of Christian dispensationalist lackeys.

                      I am sympathetic to Libertarians,am a very social issues liberal but rather fiscally conservative Democrat these days. I would be a Rockefeller Republican if they let our types back in the party.
                      Indeed, libertarians, liberal democrats and Rockefeller Republicans are all of the same ilk. Namely, for them money talks and things like culture, tradition, blood and soil mean nothing.

                      For what it's worth, I consider myself to be an old school states-rights Southern Democrat and my president is still Jefferson Davis.


                      • Sal1000us
                        • Jan 2009
                        • 384

                        Originally posted by TexDis

                        The neo-conservatives took over and killed the Republican party albeit with the help of Christian dispensationalist lackeys.

                        Exactly. NeoCons have been at work for almost 20 years and they almost succeeded but their agenda is somewhat in the open now. They really hurt the republican party though. The same exact NeoCons had gone to Clinton 14 years ago trying to push their agenda through him.

                        And again, the same exact NewCons had invited Obama to a private meeting about two weeks ago, go figure.


                        • sagedil
                          • Nov 2007
                          • 7077

                          You have that backwards, Obama invited them. He had his reasons too. He vanquished Hilary, he vanquished the war hero McCain, the guy does know what he is doing.


                          • Sal1000us
                            • Jan 2009
                            • 384

                            Sagedil, maybe you are thinking about a different meeting. I am pretty sure Obama was invited by them two weeks ago and some of his staff weren't too happy that he attended the meeting which was held at a residential house which belonged to one of the neocons. Obama accepted the invitation, showed good politics and attended the meeting. I saw the event on two different news channels but will check the archives for the accuracy and will post if it was different.


                            • matreshkin
                              • Dec 2008
                              • 16

                              Last time I checked, snus was cheaper to buy in Russia than in Sweden. In Moscow it was about USD 2.30 per can of portion and USD 2.40 for loose. Limited selection of brands though.


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