Northerner...WTF!? nooo Northerner FTW!

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  • Winter Wooskie
    • Aug 2008
    • 78

    Northerner...WTF!? nooo Northerner FTW!

    Okay, so on feb 2 i ordered 4 cans of snus to try out, claq qui, general extra sterk, skruf original, and granit maxi portion...these were all in portion style...i got my order on feb 10..not toooo bad, considering it was shipped on the NW montana. anyways, upon opening my package i find that only one of the cans that i ordered was actually in there! the granit maxi portion, there was 4 cans, but i got m by mocca anis,elixyr, and n7j east...BUT dont fret guys i emailed northerner, and they were really nice about it, and said it must have been a mix up no doubt. so they are shipping me what i really ordered on their dime! and said not to worry and to keep the snus i this my friends is a testament to their customer service, and i will for that fact be ordering from them again... it was a blessing in disguise though...since i now love n&j east! im not a fan of the anis mocca, and the elixyr isnt as bad tasting as i had heard it was! anyways...count on northerner to fix any of their mistakes on their dime...oh and by the way, i got a reply to my email i sent them in less than 24 hours.

    so i say notherner FTW!

  • rsuelzer
    • Feb 2009
    • 135

    It took you a over a month to get your snus? That is crazy. In Chicago takes me 4 days from buysnus, and out here in albuquerque 6.

    I couldn't stand waiting a month for anything I bought.


    • Winter Wooskie
      • Aug 2008
      • 78

      hahahaaha nooo sorry, it took a week i ment feb 2 and got it on feb 10! ill change that! my mistake.


      • rsuelzer
        • Feb 2009
        • 135

        oh yah that is great then. glad notherner worked for u... if only i could say the same about the damn snusenkaufen


        • BMasiak
          • Dec 2008
          • 67

          I wish I got so lucky! :P


          • Messiah
            • Feb 2009
            • 87

            My order shows shipped from them on the 29th, and I am still waiting. I live in NJ, it shouldn't be more than 7 days.


            • meta
              • Jan 2009
              • 34

              First time with Northerner... all good

              I just received my first order from Northerner. I placed the order on 2/4 and it shipped 2/5. I received it today, 2/12, in Indiana.

              Plus, I ordered 15 tins of various brands and received exactly what I ordered. Everything expires in June or later except one tin of Pall Mall that expires 3/31.

              They win my future business.


              • AZSnus
                • Feb 2009
                • 29

                I have placed one order with Northerner and received the package in 7 days. It was exactally what I ordered and I will continue to do my business with either Northerner or Buysnus.


                • Winter Wooskie
                  • Aug 2008
                  • 78

                  so it seems 7 days is the norm, which i guess is pretty good, i only wish i had the money to get it shipped even faster i think my mix up was just a fluke, since it also seems that no one else has really had that problem with northerner before. i also like their new site, which is a lot more snus/snuff focused...hopefully they decided to do that because there has been an increase in the number of snus users, which is good, and means it is only going to become more readily available in the future!!!



                  • BMasiak
                    • Dec 2008
                    • 67

                    Originally posted by Winter Wooskie
                    so it seems 7 days is the norm, which i guess is pretty good, i only wish i had the money to get it shipped even faster i think my mix up was just a fluke, since it also seems that no one else has really had that problem with northerner before. i also like their new site, which is a lot more snus/snuff focused...hopefully they decided to do that because there has been an increase in the number of snus users, which is good, and means it is only going to become more readily available in the future!!!

                    Their sister site did pretty good, so they combined the two.

                    Man, I wish my orders took only 7 days... 9-10 days is good delivery time for me :?


                    • Paul Jolley

                      Tbh both buysnus and northerner have been good to me so far. Sometimes, when I get extra-anxious for my snus, will go with ups too. 8)


                      • Messiah
                        • Feb 2009
                        • 87

                        day 19, and I have got nothing. I ordered from that store in PA to get me by.


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