international bank charges

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  • deebocools
    • Nov 2008
    • 661

    international bank charges

    a while ago my "free" checking account charged me an "INTL" charge for dealing with northerner. I confirmed that this was "international". For some reason, it didn't do it for toque.

    It wasn't a whole lot, but that + shipping charges is almost a deal breaker for me. Anyone else have experiences with this nonsense?
  • Dunno
    • Feb 2009
    • 94

    What bank do you use? I haven't had this problem. May be because I use a credit union.


    • Sal1000us
      • Jan 2009
      • 384

      Same here deebocools. I used Visa and there was a small international transaction charge. I forgot how much it was, probably $1 - $2. I'll be watching it when the next order from northerner arives.

      p.s. Just checked the old invoice and the charge is not on the invoice but it appears as a charge on CC. Maybe it is the cost of currency conversion?


      • bearcat87
        • Nov 2008
        • 400

        I get charged $1.67 every time I use buysnus. I use Visa. Not really a big deal.


        • TBD
          • Jul 2008
          • 817

          I use a credit union, Visa debit card. All my international orders get charged an extra 1%. Since that adds up to less than .50 per order it doesn't bother me at all. Maybe it's a debit card thing. :?


          • surfing_64
            • Jan 2008
            • 82

            I get a conversion fee everytime i order, only like $1 and something...But that coz i have to pay in $us, but i dont get why you guys would have to pay a fee.

            Btw, $Au is about $0.64US - so us in useless economies where its all based on Oil prices, Gold prices and that have to pay that little extra when the economy's up the shit... I miss the days of paying $.95 for every dollar Us. Coz now for every dollar i spend on Buysnus, i gotta spend an extra 30c, which over 50-60$ adds up, and with every order adds up even more. And then it sucks even more when I have to pay a ridiculous amount for customs.

            I need a local snus company :cry:

            Had to get that off my chest...


            • bearcat87
              • Nov 2008
              • 400


              YOU could be the man to start that company. All you need is some capital and some contacts with the snus manufactures and you could start a business. Think about it. Even if it is just a side business it could be profitable. It's horrible what customs does to you!


              • sagedil
                • Nov 2007
                • 7077

                My first year and a half ordering, never got these charges. Started showing up about 6 months ago. Got it from Toque as well. Buysnus and Northerner, so I am assuming it's just a Visa thing. Tiny charge, especially when compared with my typical $125 - $150 charge for the snus.


                • Jason
                  • Jan 2008
                  • 1370

                  Originally posted by sagedil
                  I am assuming it's just a Visa thing.
                  I always use my Mastercard, and I get the same charges. You're right though; it's so small that it doesn't really matter. I always assumed that I was the only one.


                  • SeneNatten
                    • Dec 2008
                    • 34

                    I've used my PayPal (Mastercard) debit card twice with Northerner, drawing from PayPal balance and a checking account. Never had any fees associated with the transaction.


                    • Sal1000us
                      • Jan 2009
                      • 384

                      This is how it looks on the visa statement:

                      47.10 US DOLLAR + FRGNFEE $.54

                      Which was all paid to northerner but the $.54 did not show on the actual invoice that came with the snus. Probably a small foreign tax or fee?


                      • outsidelinebacker20
                        • Aug 2008
                        • 187

                        Capital One has a Visa with no currency conversion fees whatsoever.



                        • sychodelix
                          • Dec 2008
                          • 280

                          My Mastercard check card hasn't charged me any conversion fees at all and I've ordered from both Swedish and UK sites (some used the british pound only as well.)


                          • StarWing
                            • Aug 2006
                            • 124

                            Not sure, but I believe the International Bank Card Charges only occur with Banking Checking Account "Debit Cards" (which can be used like "Credit Cards") which are deducted from the funds in your bank check account. For example, if I use by Banking Account Debit Card as a Credit Card for Snus purchases from Swedish Match, there is a 3% Charge added by the time the charge is posted to my account. IOW, a $100 Bill / Receipt from Swedish Match would show up as if Swedish Match charged $103.00 and that would be the amount posted to my Checking Account.

                            As for Credit Cards with "Credit Limits" (where the bank "loans" the funds to you), I never saw any International Bank Charges on those Credit Card bills.


                            • Jason
                              • Jan 2008
                              • 1370

                              That's right; I forgot to mention that the card I use is a debit/check card.

                              Here's what my charge looks like:

                              FOREIGN PURCHASE FEE LIDKOPING SE

                              It was .76 the last time I ordered; it varies, but that is about the norm.


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