Fine and prison for ordering tobacco online

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  • sagedil
    • Nov 2007
    • 7077

    Fine and prison for ordering tobacco online

    There is a bill now under consideration in Utah that would criminalize ordering any tobacco online. Penalties for ordering tobacco online or through the mail could include up to five years in prison and a $5,000 fine. This is NOT a joke.
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Utah? I'm not surprised. I'd be interested in seeing the exact language of the bill. I wonder if it's all tobacco products, or just cigarettes. I imagine that if it passes, we can help out the Utahians ;^)


    • RobsanX
      • Aug 2008
      • 2030

      It's one thing to apply taxes, but this is religiously based. It doesn't sound constitutional...


      • sagedil
        • Nov 2007
        • 7077

        Since when has that ever stopped Utah?


        • deebocools
          • Nov 2008
          • 661

          This is insane. I will state right now under penalty of law that I will purchase snus for the citizens of utah at my own expense if this passes.


          • Condor
            • Sep 2008
            • 752

            I see the politicians of Utah have all of their other problems solved, and can now concentrate on this.


            • luckysealy
              • Dec 2008
              • 281

              could we just make utah a seperate country. their laws about alcohol, and tobacco suck. plus it would keep the rest of the country from having to fund the polygamists. why in the hell would anyone want more than one wife at a time, and if you did want that why in the hell would you not want strong alcohol and good tobacco.


              • texasmade
                • Jan 2009
                • 4159

                to deal with constant nagging and complaining lol


                • luckysealy
                  • Dec 2008
                  • 281

                  i am a very law abiding citizen. i pay my taxes, drive the speed limit, stopped buying moonshine, i even ask girls for age verification before i take them home, but if they passed this law anywhere i was living. i would have to risk prison and or fines. hell if the can smuggle all the weed and coke into this country i'm sure i could find a snus supplier somewhere.


                  • Hoovie
                    • Nov 2008
                    • 109

                    I know this is going to be an incredibly unpopular sentiment but...

                    I actually support this. Wait...

                    I don't support this specifically, I support states rights. If the people of the state in majority believe in this issue enough to pass a state law, I support it.

                    Much like I support medical marijuana in Cali.

                    I believe the states should have more power to do as the people in them please. Perhaps this will make voting that much more important, instead of a uninteresting affiar that 70% of the population just doesn't do.

                    Weaken the federal government and power to the states to specialize and differentiate as they please.

                    It's not that hard to move out of Utah.


                    • chainsnuser
                      Senior Member
                      • Jan 2007
                      • 1388

                      So you can be married three times at the same time in Utah - no problem ... and go to jail for ordering snus online ... really??? hahahaha.

                      No matter how long I think about it, and I'm certainly quite open-minded, but this cannot be true!



                      • Hoovie
                        • Nov 2008
                        • 109

                        It should be noted that polygamy is illegal by federal law

                        thus it is not legal in Utah or anywhere else in the US for that matter

                        and if a man wants to live with, and sleep with, 1,2,3, or more women at the same time... good for him.

                        How many of us have dated multiple women at the same time? How is this any different, besides the fact that he has convinced these women that it is ok? That to me is a bigger accomplishment, which should be celebrated!


                        • luckysealy
                          • Dec 2008
                          • 281

                          Originally posted by Hoovie
                          It should be noted that polygamy is illegal by federal law

                          thus it is not legal in Utah or anywhere else in the US for that matter

                          and if a man wants to live with, and sleep with, 1,2,3, or more women at the same time... good for him.

                          How many of us have dated multiple women at the same time? How is this any different, besides the fact that he has convinced these women that it is ok? That to me is a bigger accomplishment, which should be celebrated!
                          it gets different when we start relying on government money to support our lifestyle. not all but quiet a few polygamists rely on foodstamps and wellfare to pay for their lifestyles. i could care less with how many women a guy is screwing more power to him, but when i as a taxpayer have to support that i get a little pissy. i believe in states rights as well but they have to be within the guidelines of our constitution. i haven't seen the language of this bill, i am assuming they are just trying to make sure theu get all the tax money from the tobacco sold. nothing more than greed. i'm surprised they aren't trying to impose the same penalties on everything that is sold online. i guess starting with sinful vices is just easier to get people on board with.


                          • Hoovie
                            • Nov 2008
                            • 109

                            You bring up two seperate issues...

                            First, as far as food stamps and federal welfare, I agree. I would say polygamists are far less an issue than say... poor urbanized women having more and more children to continue to recieve benefits. The continual cycle of poverty in this case had led to a whole class of people sucking the federal nipple dry.

                            As far as sin taxes... I agree and disagree. We elect our officials. We have NO ONE to blame but ourselves for any laws they may pass. If they are a group of corrupt jackasses then blame me, you and your neighbor.

                            That said, smoking (and tobacco as a whole) is the new prohibition. It's the sexy thing that is killing off our nation and destroying our youth. The anti-tobacco movement, led by junk science, has created a huge group of people who seem intent on telling others what they should do.

                            Of course the same could be said for global warming, or the war on drugs, etc et al.


                            • RobsanX
                              • Aug 2008
                              • 2030

                              Originally posted by Hoovie
                              I know this is going to be an incredibly unpopular sentiment but...

                              I actually support this. Wait...

                              I don't support this specifically, I support states rights. If the people of the state in majority believe in this issue enough to pass a state law, I support it.

                              Much like I support medical marijuana in Cali.

                              I believe the states should have more power to do as the people in them please. Perhaps this will make voting that much more important, instead of a uninteresting affiar that 70% of the population just doesn't do.

                              Weaken the federal government and power to the states to specialize and differentiate as they please.

                              It's not that hard to move out of Utah.
                              Putting it to a referendum is one thing, but it's usually one or two legislators that come up with these things... If it passes, it's almost impossible to get it overturned.

                              I read that some state legislator has proposed putting GPS transponders in everyone's car and taxing them for every mile driven. How well do you think that would go over in a popular vote?

                              It may be a state's right to be wrong, but that doesn't turn a wrong into a right...


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