Welcome to Snuson Gink.
And I can assure you, no one is posting to drive traffic here, we have been around for a very, VERY long time and don't need to shill for participants.
You have to ignore a bit of the noise when it comes to which provider of snus is best. Many people have their favorites, and can be a tad aggressive in posting about it. But other than one or two unique examples, NO snus provider has failed to live up to anyone's expectations. There are always a few problems but both Buysnus and Northerner are aggressive at fixing them when they happen.
I have been using for over 2 years, and 95% of my packages get to me within a week.
Northerer participates here, Buysnus reads here.
And I can assure you, no one is posting to drive traffic here, we have been around for a very, VERY long time and don't need to shill for participants.
You have to ignore a bit of the noise when it comes to which provider of snus is best. Many people have their favorites, and can be a tad aggressive in posting about it. But other than one or two unique examples, NO snus provider has failed to live up to anyone's expectations. There are always a few problems but both Buysnus and Northerner are aggressive at fixing them when they happen.
I have been using for over 2 years, and 95% of my packages get to me within a week.
Northerer participates here, Buysnus reads here.