Wonderful Northerner.com

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  • sagedil
    • Nov 2007
    • 7077

    Welcome to Snuson Gink.

    And I can assure you, no one is posting to drive traffic here, we have been around for a very, VERY long time and don't need to shill for participants.

    You have to ignore a bit of the noise when it comes to which provider of snus is best. Many people have their favorites, and can be a tad aggressive in posting about it. But other than one or two unique examples, NO snus provider has failed to live up to anyone's expectations. There are always a few problems but both Buysnus and Northerner are aggressive at fixing them when they happen.

    I have been using for over 2 years, and 95% of my packages get to me within a week.

    Northerer participates here, Buysnus reads here.


    • chainsnuser
      Senior Member
      • Jan 2007
      • 1388

      Welcome to the forum, Gink!

      Is that your blog http://cowboygink.blogspot.com/ ?

      Don't be worried by the bad experiences that some users had with single snus-vendors. If everybody of us would post every successful order that came within a week, you would have difficulties to find the single "bad-experience" posts in an ocean of "yet another succesful order"-topics.

      At the moment there is not a single "shady" snus-vendor. They are all even quite old-fashioned (the customer is king, so to speak). That said, everybody makes mistakes and so do the snusshops sometimes.

      You should always keep enough snus to not run out, even if a single order goes wrong, which happens sooner or later to everyone of us. All the long-time snusers that I know (here and on other forums) had at least one order that took far too long. That also happened once to me.



      • sagedil
        • Nov 2007
        • 7077

        LOL, when Buysuns switched to Swiss post, I had an order cxaught up in that mess and it took close to three weeks. My ONLY order ever to go that bad. But oh did it impact me, ran out of snus, was traumatized, vowed standing on my pile of newly arrived snus that would NEVER happen to me again.

        Why I end up with 90 in my freezer occasionally now. :wink:


        • Gink
          New Member
          • Apr 2009
          • 5

          Yep, chainsnuser, that's me.

          Glad to hear that bad experiences are uncommon. I'm not planning on letting my supply get very low, just in case. I haven't quite determined how much I'll be using on average. But I got 10 cans in last Thursday, and ordered another 12 yesterday. Mostly still just trying all the different ones out, though I ordered another can of Roda Lacket in my second order, but am still concerned about running out of it as it seems to have become my favorite. Looking forward to trying the Claq Qui.

          Once I figure out what I like the most I plan to start buying rolls and stocking the freezer. I'm happy to be pretty much done smoking, but enjoy still getting the nicotine, and would dread running out of snus and either having nic fits or having to turn to some other form to feed my addiction.


          • sagedil
            • Nov 2007
            • 7077

            According to Buysnus, the average use in Sweden is 3.5 cans a week. that about matches up with my experience. but some weeks more, just depends

            I am a huge fan of hoarding. Generally keep between 50 - 90 in my freezer. The lowest I ever let it get before reordering was about 20, and then had several different shipments come in that built me back up. I just feel so secure and giddy opening the freezer and finding so much snus. And almost none of it rolls, I have at least about 20 I want to keep on hand, so usually order no more than about 4 each, with a few exceptions.

            But keeping myself stocked up that way just eliminates any stress from waiting. But I still wait by the window for the postman every day. :wink:


            • rickcharles606
              • Mar 2009
              • 2307

              Welcome Gink, good to see you over here. Good forum, great people. I've only placed a few orders with Northerner, first two..7 days on the money. The last one, took 8 days and I panicked a bit..lol, then my snus showed up and I was happy.

              On a side note about Northerner....my last order's shipping was bumped to First Priority Mail - International, I assume due to the size. How long does that usually take? I wonder if it's the same 7-10 or sooner?


              • Daidone
                • Aug 2008
                • 17

                I ordered 4 cans of lös, 3 portions, and a can of Wilson's snuff from northerner late last Saturday night and came home to find it sitting on the table today. 5 1/2 days from Sweden to MN ain't too shabby. I think first class international is the default shipping option(only other one I saw was ups for 3 times the price).


                • rickcharles606
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 2307

                  normally when I order from Northerner it gives two options, Swedish Post, and UPS. This time it gave First priority international, and UPS.


                  • Gink
                    New Member
                    • Apr 2009
                    • 5

                    Well, second order from Northerner came in 8 days, one day more than the first, but not enough to make me start worrying. Probably had to do with ordering at a different time of day than the first.

                    Got another great variety of new snus to try out. I didn't look closely at all the cans and cracked the Odens Kanel open first thing just to find it was Los instead of the portions I ordered. Should have read the can first, but emailed northerner about it and they are sending out the portions can I ordered. Quick response to my email and no hassle on replacing it. So far so good.


                    • rickcharles606
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 2307

                      Got my last order from Northerner in 7 days. I'm sensing a trend. Thanks Northerner for being predictable, it helps me when planning an order, to prevent any outages.


                      • Boomzilla
                        New Member
                        • Apr 2009
                        • 8

                        I've only ever ordered from Northerner. The prices are good, the bonus point system is awesome, the selection is great, and it's never taken more than 8 days to get my shipment. Northerner all the way.


                        • Messiah
                          • Feb 2009
                          • 87

                          Originally posted by superdevil
                          Actually, going back through the the threads I see a lot of complaints about lack of communication, slow shipping, customs usurpation and misplaced orders. But, in most cases it seems the order was replaced. Had that happened to me, I'd be joining in on the love fest going on here, but it didn't and I'm not.
                          I have not joined in on the lovefest, but after contacting customer service, and having them tell me its customs, and giving up. (that order still never came) I received a PM on this forum from Northerner about my order. It came quite quickly as well. They actually reshipped it. That was pretty damn nice of them. I think I will try again, but I am a little weary because my first one never came. Be it there fault or the postal service's.


                          • justintempler
                            • Nov 2008
                            • 3090

                            Latest order
                            placed April 14,
                            shipped April 16,
                            received April 21
                            7 days total Sweden -> Florida 8)

                            to try:
                            L.D. Black, Odens ES Kanel, Gustavus, Grovsnus Black,
                            1847, Pall Mall, N&J (x2), Skruf Stark (x2)


                            • ctimb2002
                              • Apr 2009
                              • 483

                              Sweden to Orlando, Fl. Lets see how long this takes...

                              2009-04-24 08:37:04

                              # General EXTRA Sterk, Portion - 1 pcs.
                              # Thunder Frosted Extra Stark, Portion - 1 pcs.
                              # General Wintergreen, Portion - 5 pcs.

                              God I can't wait to get my hands on that thunder frosted...my mouth is watering thinking bout it...oh well if my trend is close to what everyone else is saying ill get it sometime between Wednesday and Saturday...although the wintergreen is supposed to come from the U.S. factory so I wonder if I'm going to get that first...hmmm I will keep you posted.


                              • ctimb2002
                                • Apr 2009
                                • 483

                                YAY!!! Just got my order from the U.S. factory. 5 cans of wintergreen are in my fridge chilling right now!!!! Hope to get the stuff from Sweden later this week.


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