I was on the British American Tobacco website and found it interesting that BAT took on ownership of Fielder & Lundgren last year.
Taken from BAT website: "Our business grows
Our business has been strengthened by the July 2008 acquisition of Danish-based Skandinavisk Tobakskompagni and through it ownership of snus maker Fiedler & Lundgren which gives us in-house manufacturing for the first time. Brands include Granit, Mocca and Metropol.
In total, our companies sold more than 20 million cans of snus in 2008."
You would never know it by looking at the F&L website, and online retailers show that F&L brands are manufactured by F&L, not BAT, so I am assuming that it is still an independently run company, even though it is owned by BAT. I just thought it was interesting.
Taken from BAT website: "Our business grows
Our business has been strengthened by the July 2008 acquisition of Danish-based Skandinavisk Tobakskompagni and through it ownership of snus maker Fiedler & Lundgren which gives us in-house manufacturing for the first time. Brands include Granit, Mocca and Metropol.
In total, our companies sold more than 20 million cans of snus in 2008."
You would never know it by looking at the F&L website, and online retailers show that F&L brands are manufactured by F&L, not BAT, so I am assuming that it is still an independently run company, even though it is owned by BAT. I just thought it was interesting.