I doubt there are any PM or RJR people who notice or care that we are here.
They don't even bother checking their own forums, let alone other people's. I don't know if I'd want them here anyway.
I greatly appreciate the involvement from the various reps we have now, though. It's always nice to know someone who can make a difference is in communication with the masses.
Personnally, I like how are the reps from the various companies here only observe in general, and comment only on new product launches and handling medium to severe customer service issues.
Have a lot of respect for how all the reps maintain their prescence on this site.
AND, kudos to Icetool for allowing this site to be here and the freedom they have allowed the forum to exist and evolve.
Maybe it is just the language barrier (ie Frank probably being from Sweden). I obviously didn't accuse anyone of being an hidden agent. I just posed the question.
Sagedil, agreed, you've been on the forum along time and posted many times. But I wouldn't put it past the tobacco industry to pay people to use various marketing techniques, especially on largely English speaking websites/forums (ie. a new market to expand into). Afterall, what would a business be if it didn't want to expand into new markets and increase revenue/profits.
Reality here. People develop reputations over time. If myself, or lxskllr, or Xobeloot, and everyone else with 600+ posts recommend something, folks are gonna be at least likely to take up and notice. Folks have listened to us before and been pleased.
Some fool with only a few posts starts pushing a particular snus, who is gonna listen, especially if that recommendation goes against the collected wisdom of posters here.
It is the collaborative nature of the venture here that protects us from ever having to worry about something like that. Someone comes on and starts raving about Level, thirty of us will follow on and tell that person he is out of his cotton pickin mind. Not like they can magically get the rest of us to ignore something like that.
So really not something that I ever worry about.
Sage, I have read many of your' s and other's post on this forum and have formulated orders based on your experience with snus. I am very thankful that you and the other long time snusers post frequently about your experiences. I've had many questions answered before I ever asked them, just by reading the forum. I still find my self scouring the forum when I have a question and invariably I will always find the answer.
Now I feel that having the store owners and other purveyors of tobacco products participate in this forum is helpful to new users as well as the tobacco companies themselves.
Sage, I have read many of your' s and other's post on this forum and have formulated orders based on your experience with snus. I am very thankful that you and the other long time snusers post frequently about your experiences. I've had many questions answered before I ever asked them, just by reading the forum. I still find my self scouring the forum when I have a question and invariably I will always find the answer.
Now I feel that having the store owners and other purveyors of tobacco products participate in this forum is helpful to new users as well as the tobacco companies themselves.
you hit it right on the head. The wealth of knowledge here and the mature participants make this a virtual heaven for snus information. I do think that the help goes both ways. Tobacco companies have been really subdued but still helpful and the posters provide some great feedback to the tobacco companies.
I really wish RJR frequented this forum and used some of the feedback when they were formulating their Camel snus. I am sure any of the experienced folks would be honored to provide some feedback to any snus manufacturer.
We (V2 Tobacco) have to learn what the snus people around the world whats...
So i think this is a great possibility.
We see on the post an get some new ideas.
If you prefer us not to take part in this forum, i will accept it.
But I think it has brought some more "life" into the forum... user, internetshops and produceres
We desperately want you here. And you have always been upfront about WHO you are.
I think that was the point of the original post, were their people *pretending* to be regular users who had their own agenda. And as I said earlier, I simply think that isn't really possible as it would show. Especially to those of us who have been participating in online communities for 10+ years.
But Patrick, you long ago proved your worth here. And we are far richer for your participation
I'm sorry to hear about the laws they're trying to pass in Finland regarding snus. I wish we could all sign petitions to lobby for our rights, but I don't know if it would have much effect.
"The Food and Drug Administration announced this morning tough new regulations on the entire U.S. tobacco industry, including the segment that makes...
WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. -- During board meetings, Reynolds American Inc. Chief Executive Susan Ivey likes to suck on dissolvable smokeless-tobacco strips...
WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. -- During board meetings, Reynolds American Inc. Chief Executive Susan Ivey likes to suck on dissolvable smokeless-tobacco strips to get her nicotine fix.
She's hoping to tempt millions of smokers to follow her lead.
Confronted with the inexorable decline of cigarette sales, Reynolds is transforming