Tobacco Industry...

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  • yellowpurple
    • Oct 2008
    • 23

    Tobacco Industry...

    ...not sure if this is the appropriate forum to discuss this, but I was wondering if anyone else thinks there are tobacco industry agents posing as users on SNUSON in order to advertise/sell ideas etc. Just a thought I had to throw out there...
  • TBD
    • Jul 2008
    • 817

    What I have observed here on snuson is that most of the snus industry people are up front that they are here and who they work for. V2, The Northerner, Buysnus, even Getsnus all have reps who are active, or at least pay attention here. I appreciate that.

    I doubt there are any PM or RJR people who notice or care that we are here.


    • jamesstew
      • May 2008
      • 1440

      Maybe Xobeloot is secretly a V2 propaganda agent.


        • Sep 2008
        • 98

        We are here :lol: But I just would like to tell that we comment only on things we think will add value to the forum in general, or to compensate any individual who for some reason lost their order - for example one person that got their post stolen at the door. If someone is negative about their experience of we will never comment, just read and learn in order to improve our service.

        I can tell you that people from the tobacco industry follow the discussions on snuson closely. I have personally met people from Swedish Match, BAT, Imperial Tobacco (Skruf), Taboka and some others. All confirm that they frequently read threads on snuson in order to learn and better understand the global snus market. You are part of transforming their and our way of thinking and behaive. It's the way it should be, you tell and everyone is paying attention.

        If people prefer us not to take part in this forum, we will, of course listen.

        Have a good day!




        • sagedil
          • Nov 2007
          • 7077

          No, no NO Frank, we want you, we really do.

          It has pleased me so much to see how you guys respond, and it pleases me even more to know that folks in the industry are at least reading here.

          I am very active in a motorcycle forum, THE forum for several manufacturers, and I wished that one of them would actually read our site. I am going on 3 months waiting for a part and this company is losing business every day because of how they have treated me. And yet, I think they don't even want to know.

          But Frank, you have never been anything but totally upfront and have played a valuable role here. Thank you!!!

          And yellowpurple, many of us have been here a long, long time. Trust me, it is very obvious if someone is posting with not good intentions. It shows.


          • RobsanX
            • Aug 2008
            • 2030

            Hi Frank,

            I think that your amount of participation in this forum is perfect. Please don't change!


            • Raddleman

              Originally posted by sagedil
              No, no NO Frank, we want you, we really do.
              Originally posted by RobsanX
              I think that your amount of participation in this forum is perfect. Please don't change!
              I agree, it's perfectly healthy for the people who sell the stuff that we yarn on about to be involved in our discussion. Keep it up Frank I say.


              • TBD
                • Jul 2008
                • 817

                Frank, please do not desert us. I think yellowpurple was referring to people who hide their involvement in the industry to try to influence us the customer. You, V2/Patrick and the other OPEN industry people are welcome here and anyone who tries to chase you off will have a LOT of unhappy snussers after them.


                • slartie
                  • Feb 2009
                  • 94

                  I think it's great to have tobacco people around. It's nice to see some of them post here, but it's equally interesting to know that others in the business simply pay attention to this site.

                  As I see it, people in the business should voice themselves as much as possible, so the rest of us know a little about the goings on. Things like: what they're working on currently, how they see the current market, the immediate future, whatever comes to mind (new products we can all test *hint* *hint*).

                  Since I haven't scoured the net a lot for snus community sites, I have no idea how snuson compares to "the others", but if all the people Frank mentions, checks this site out from time to time, snuson must bear a little weight.

                  To the snus execs: If you have any representatives visiting this site, de-lurk and tell us a little bit about yourselves. It's always interesting to know more about the people in the business of our favorite tobacco products.


                  • lxskllr
                    • Sep 2007
                    • 13435

                    I like having the makers, and merchants here also. It's nice to know that your comments and complaints are getting heard by the people who should hear them :^)


                    • yellowpurple
                      • Oct 2008
                      • 23

                      Originally posted by TBD
                      Frank, please do not desert us. I think yellowpurple was referring to people who hide their involvement in the industry to try to influence us the customer. You, V2/Patrick and the other OPEN industry people are welcome here and anyone who tries to chase you off will have a LOT of unhappy snussers after them.
                      ...that is exactly what I was referring to. I have no problem with tobacco industry people who are upfront. I'm not even exactly sure how "hidden agents" would go about influencing people, but I'm sure it has been done, and I just wanted to get others opinion. Thanks for being up front Frank, and others like him.


                      • lxskllr
                        • Sep 2007
                        • 13435

                        A shill on a snus forum wouldn't even really bother me. The worst that'll happen is I waste a few dollars on some crappy snus. As long as we don't get heavily infiltrated by questionable dealers, it's all good. Questionable dealers would be routed in short order :^)


                        • sagedil
                          • Nov 2007
                          • 7077

                          Reality here. People develop reputations over time. If myself, or lxskllr, or Xobeloot, and everyone else with 600+ posts recommend something, folks are gonna be at least likely to take up and notice. Folks have listened to us before and been pleased.

                          Some fool with only a few posts starts pushing a particular snus, who is gonna listen, especially if that recommendation goes against the collected wisdom of posters here.

                          It is the collaborative nature of the venture here that protects us from ever having to worry about something like that. Someone comes on and starts raving about Level, thirty of us will follow on and tell that person he is out of his cotton pickin mind. Not like they can magically get the rest of us to ignore something like that.

                          So really not something that I ever worry about.


                          • Maximus
                            • Jan 2009
                            • 222

                            As someone new to snusing, I have to say I think its absolutely fabulous that we have had the kind of market representation by the manufacturers. I really feel like I am part of a community that cares and listens and make good recommendations.

                            I smoked for 23 years and don't think I ever met or personally heard from a cigarette rep. I'm sure there were forums in recent years but never felt the need to even look. I value what I learn here at SnusOn and definitely value the advice and knowledge of the members who have been snussing longer.

                            I would say to Patrick and Frank and all the others please stay and remain engaged like you have been. I think we all appreciate feeling listened to and appreciated as customers and fellow snusers.


                            • NonEntity
                              • Jan 2009
                              • 138

                              I agree with Sage. I have participated in many other forums and never saw the level of involvement from the industry involved. I think this is a good thing and hope you and the others all stay.


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