Who will arrive first?

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  • ddandb
    • Mar 2009
    • 570

    Who will arrive first?

    I wanted to do a comparison of delivery times for some different online Snus.

    I placed a small order with Northener and Buysnus over the weekend. (I never ordered from them before)
    And my regular order with Getsnus.

    Let the race begin.
  • Grim
    • Jun 2008
    • 850

    Definately Getsnus.

    Then from what ive been reading lately buysnus will be second.


    • ponysoprano
      • Jul 2008
      • 562

      Originally posted by Grim
      Definately Getsnus.

      Then from what ive been reading lately buysnus will be second.
      Agreed, you're closer to getsnus than I am, and I get my stuff in 3 or 4 days. When I started ordering from buysnus, early/mid summer '08, it took 4-7 days, but since October, everything from buysnus seems to have taken at least 9 days, to get here near Seattle. I was reluctant to order from getsnus, but so far they have been 100% reliable, and their customer service is great too. I'm going to start ordering from Mr. UNZ @ snuscentral's store. He's put in a ton of hard work and research to do the site and the store.


      • mercvrivs
        • Sep 2008
        • 484

        Getsnus and Buysnus have always been fastest for me. Northerner seems to take longer. I think each company is great, just a matter of what you're looking for in a given order.


        • ddandb
          • Mar 2009
          • 570

          Actually this is more of a test between Buysnus and Northener.

          I know Getsnus is fast for me. When they send by UPS it arrives in one day. There are some advantages to only being one state away from them.


          • justintempler
            • Nov 2008
            • 3090

            Northener 21 cans shipping to Central Florida
            ordered Wednesday 03/18/2009
            shipped Thursday 03/19/2009
            received Tuesday 03/24/2009


            • Hoovie
              • Nov 2008
              • 109

              Northerner beats Buysnus to me, but not by much...

              avg. for Northerner is 8 days, avg. for buysnus is 10 days


              • ddandb
                • Mar 2009
                • 570

                Getsuns was just delivered.
                Ordered Sunday, shipped, Monday, delivered Tuesday.

                Damn, what's wrong with the other two?
                It's like Sweden is some whole nother country.


                • oouder
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 34

                  I just had a northerner order I placed the same day as a getsnus order show up first :lol:


                  • bakerbarber
                    • Jun 2008
                    • 1947

                    Originally posted by ddandb
                    Getsuns was just delivered.
                    Ordered Sunday, shipped, Monday, delivered Tuesday.

                    Damn, what's wrong with the other two?
                    It's like Sweden is some whole nother country.



                    • Ken
                      New Member
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 4

                      I placed Northerner and GetSnus orders on the same day, and Northerner got to me in California two days earlier.


                      • oouder
                        • Mar 2009
                        • 34

                        I just had an order from Northerner that I placed a day after my getsnus order show up the same day (today) as the getsnus order. Going forward if I want quick service (USPS) from getsnus I will be sure to call in the order and request it. Customer Service said that it would not be a problem.


                        • Grim
                          • Jun 2008
                          • 850

                          I Live in Georgia

                          Getsnus - 3 days

                          Buysnus - 5-6 days

                          Northerner - 7 days or Longer ( Atleast the past 3 times. )


                          • ddandb
                            • Mar 2009
                            • 570

                            I was a tie for Northerner and Buysnus.
                            Ordered on a Saturday, received the following Saturday.

                            Not bad.


                            • clitten
                              • Jan 2009
                              • 33

                              I too am wondering which one will get here first. I placed an order at northerner last Friday, they didn't have general portions, so It shipped Monday Swedish Post. I placed an order through getsnus and it was shipped this friday UPS.


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