You don't understand.
A good poop isn't planned. It just happens.
There are those times where it just seems to all come together.
You sit down and realize this is going to take awhile. You reach around on the back of the toilet for something to occupy your mind and there it should be, a Snus catalog.
I didn't get anything cool like that with my order.
Just came today in an order with a half-roll of General Original Portion, a can of General Onyx, and a can of General Extra Sterk (and a half-roll of Skruf Stark Portion, and a free can which turned out to be Ettan White Portion, though those probably don't count for the purposes of promotional giveaways).
Past 2 orders from Getsnus, I got a General pen, and in terms of product, they only had a can or 2 of General items that I paid for, so I wonder if this is some deal they've worked out with Swedish Match, and they dole the swag out based on how much you order.
While I am not going to admit to poo'ing and reading magazines at the same time (that is such a 'manly' thing, in my opinion). I will chime in and say that I agree a catalog would be wonderful! I would much rather lay in bed reading a 'Northerner' or 'Buysnus,' etc. catalog than uncomfortably waiting for pages to load on my laptop. If Northerner came out with a catalog, it would HAVE to include info on other favorite addiction, snuff! It would do wonders for their business as I am sure I would order more with a constant temptation just sitting around out in the open.
While I am not going to admit to poo'ing and reading magazines at the same time (that is such a 'manly' thing, in my opinion). I will chime in and say that I agree a catalog would be wonderful! I would much rather lay in bed reading a 'Northerner' or 'Buysnus,' etc. catalog than uncomfortably waiting for pages to load on my laptop. If Northerner came out with a catalog, it would HAVE to include info on other favorite addiction, snuff! It would do wonders for their business as I am sure I would order more with a constant temptation just sitting around out in the open.
LMAO, "out in the open" is code for "next to the shitter".....oh and for the record, my wife has never and WILL never take a shit. Her body magically absorbs EVERYTHING. that's her story and she's stickin to it!
While I am not going to admit to poo'ing and reading magazines at the same time (that is such a 'manly' thing, in my opinion). I will chime in and say that I agree a catalog would be wonderful! I would much rather lay in bed reading a 'Northerner' or 'Buysnus,' etc. catalog than uncomfortably waiting for pages to load on my laptop. If Northerner came out with a catalog, it would HAVE to include info on other favorite addiction, snuff! It would do wonders for their business as I am sure I would order more with a constant temptation just sitting around out in the open.
LMAO, "out in the open" is code for "next to the shitter".....oh and for the record, my wife has never and WILL never take a shit. Her body magically absorbs EVERYTHING. that's her story and she's stickin to it!
Haha! Speaking of that, I honestly thought it was weird the first time my girlfriend just took a shit while I was shaving in the bathroom. Strange indeed. Ooh, need a picture link.
While I am not going to admit to poo'ing and reading magazines at the same time (that is such a 'manly' thing, in my opinion). I will chime in and say that I agree a catalog would be wonderful! I would much rather lay in bed reading a 'Northerner' or 'Buysnus,' etc. catalog than uncomfortably waiting for pages to load on my laptop. If Northerner came out with a catalog, it would HAVE to include info on other favorite addiction, snuff! It would do wonders for their business as I am sure I would order more with a constant temptation just sitting around out in the open.
LMAO, "out in the open" is code for "next to the shitter".....oh and for the record, my wife has never and WILL never take a shit. Her body magically absorbs EVERYTHING. that's her story and she's stickin to it!
Truth is, that Amy and I have been together for almost 15 years now, and I have only accidentally farted in her presence once, I was moving the fridge, and it was heavy. Glad it wasn't a shart! She has never consciously farted in front of me either, now asleep is another thing!!! She will run me out of the