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  • fakieollie
    • Apr 2008
    • 32


    go to Scroll down a bit and 4ml icetools are being sold. They are listed as being $4.32. Obviously a mistake but I ran a payment through on one and the total came to 13 dollars and some change. I'll let you know if the thing actually shows up.
  • fugitiveinkblot
    • Feb 2009
    • 93

    Hey, this is northerner! it'll show up fo' sho'.


    • ddandb
      • Mar 2009
      • 570

      The 3 ml are cheaper. Only $4.22.

      Even if I select one at the regular price it still shows up in my cart at a little over $4.00.

      Let's see now, if I buy 200 of them at $4.22 and sell them on Ebay for $25. I'll make...........


      • Xobeloot
        • Jan 2008
        • 2542

        It's people taking advantage of mix-ups like this that ruined another online shop's trust in people on this forum.

        Lets not do this to this website too :evil:


        • superdevil
          • Jul 2008
          • 158

          Originally posted by Xobeloot
          It's people taking advantage of mix-ups like this that ruined another online shop's trust in people on this forum.

          Lets not do this to this website too :evil:

          You know I'm not a Northerner fan, but let's not exploit a system error.

          Let's stay honest here.


          • Maximus
            • Jan 2009
            • 222

            Originally posted by superdevil
            Originally posted by Xobeloot
            It's people taking advantage of mix-ups like this that ruined another online shop's trust in people on this forum.

            Lets not do this to this website too :evil:

            You know I'm not a Northerner fan, but let's not exploit a system error.

            Let's stay honest here.
            I have to agree with both these sentiments. Frank from Northerner has always been gracious enough to come on the site here and try to fix problems for us when any of us has had issues. It would be a shame to take advantage of them when this is obviously a mistake. I understand wanting a deal but this is not fair when they traditionally have always been very fair in their pricing.


            • SSgtTrav
              • Feb 2009
              • 136

              I agree with Xobe completely and i sent them an e-mail to let them know of the mistake. Sorry if you ordered already but it's morally wrong to take advantage of this and my e-mail might get your order canceled. To tell you the truth if it does get canceled then I really don't feel bad for you.


              • MrAbstracto
                • Dec 2008
                • 389

                Originally posted by SSgtTrav
                I agree with Xobe completely and i sent them an e-mail to let them know of the mistake. Sorry if you ordered already but it's morally wrong to take advantage of this and my e-mail might get your order canceled. To tell you the truth if it does get canceled then I really don't feel bad for you.
                I dont know what the law is in Sweden, but here in the US, a company cant cancel an order due to a mistake like this. It is their responsibility to insure that they are selling things at the correct price.


                • ladysnus
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 601

                  i agree everyone here should stay honest. After all, we expect honesty from them.
                  It should go both ways.
                  I wouldn't take advantage of them, even if they never fix my points problem.
                  I do know that I'm an honest person, even if they don't


                  • ladysnus
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 601

                    If this is Northener, why are their prices so high on this website???


                    • Sal1000us
                      • Jan 2009
                      • 384

                      Their web software is real buggy. The shipping was only $6.50 for 100 Icetools??


                      • fakieollie
                        • Apr 2008
                        • 32

                        I honestly went to the site and honestly that was the listed price. What a bastard I am.


                        • fakieollie
                          • Apr 2008
                          • 32

                          Originally posted by SSgtTrav
                          I agree with Xobe completely and i sent them an e-mail to let them know of the mistake. Sorry if you ordered already but it's morally wrong to take advantage of this and my e-mail might get your order canceled. To tell you the truth if it does get canceled then I really don't feel bad for you.
                          Good job captain crusader. Snusser of the year. I really don't feel bad for you either.


                          • bakerbarber
                            • Jun 2008
                            • 1947

                            Originally posted by ladysnus
                            If this is Northener, why are their prices so high on this website???
                            I think because this site ships from a different country using Northeners inventory.

                            I think they're a little steathier shipping in the EU.

                            I also think they don't care about the embargo for some snus to the US.


                            • Sal1000us
                              • Jan 2009
                              • 384

                              Originally posted by MrAbstracto
                              I dont know what the law is in Sweden, but here in the US, a company cant cancel an order due to a mistake like this. It is their responsibility to insure that they are selling things at the correct price.
                              Thanks MrAbstracto, I don't feel as bad now. I will send one or two your way when I get my 100. What is your favorite color?


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